New England Swimming Annual Meeting
Saturday, May 14, 2005


The Nominating Committee will present the following Slate of Officers at the Annual Meeting on May 14, 2005.

Treasurer: Carol Healey
Technical Planning Chairman: Dan Warner
Age Group Chairman: Laura Matuszak
Nominating Committee: Mariella Allard, Everett Crosscup, Jeff Johnson, Bruce Mohl, Pam Warner
Board of Review: Priscilla Davis, Ray J. Grant, Bruce Mohl, Kathy Oates Dacey (alternate)

Nominating Committee:
Ev Crosscup , Chair
Scott Doty
Paul Mangili
Bruce Mohl
Mike Parratto

Nominations from the floor will be accepted. The coaches will elect their representative at the Coaches Meeting following the Annual Meeting. Athlete Rep, Ray Grant, is accepting applications from athletes who are interested in becoming the new Junior Athlete Representative.