New England Swimming

Annual Meeting

Wellesley Community Center

Wellesley, Massachusetts

May 14, 2005


[These minutes were approved at the May 6, 2006 New England Swimming Annual Meeting.]


Chairman Ray Grant (SSA):  began the meeting at 9:32 a.m. by welcoming the members of New England Swimming to the 2005 Annual Meeting.


Chairman Grant (SSA) began by thanking the New England Swimming Community for giving him the opportunity to serve as Chairman.  This was his first year at Chairman, and it was an eye opening experience.  Chairman Grant (SSA) feels very confident that the Board of New England Swimming acts in the best interests of all of New England Swimming, and thanked the members of the Board for their tireless work on behalf of New England Swimming. 


Chairman Grant (SSA) has formed Age Group and Senior Committees to provide the latest research and personal experiences to enhance our programs.


Chairman Grant (SSA) announced that at the Zone meeting last week it was announced that the Bay and Ocean State Squids (BOSS) would be hosting the March, 2006 Super Sectional meet at Harvard University.


Chairman Grant (SSA) felt that the NE Senior meet which was held at Bowdoin College in Maine was an excellent meet.


Chairman Grant (SSA) reports that the finances of NES are in excellent shape, and this should provide opportunities to strengthen our LSC.  Vice Chairman Bob Gauvin (SCA) will be attending the “Build a Pool Seminar” put on by United States Swimming, and Laura Matuszak (GMA) will be hosting an Age Group Clinic.


Chairman Grant (SSA) brought up several issues from the National Convention:  should 1st time attendees have no vote, reduction in the size of committees, and the looming need for CORI checks in Massachusetts and how to satisfy the Commonwealth’s requirements along with the potentially proposed national program.


Discussion ensued about the issue of invitational meets and issuing sanctions and the effect on NES.  Many LSC’s throughout the country enforce a policy of not listing invitational meets on the calendar and not issuing a sanction for such meets.  Nationally this is a hot topic.


Secretary Kathy Dacey (BGSC):  Minutes were presented from the 5/1/2004 Annual Meeting with no changes.  Motion to accept minutes made by Rose Treitel (Nashua Y), 2nd by Carol Healey (SAC); motion passes.

Reports of Officers


Senior Chairman Mike Parratto (SSA):  not present.


Age Group Vice Chairman Laura Matuszak (GMA):  Laura Matuszak (GMA) feels that there were excellent meets offered throughout the season.  Laura Matuszak mentioned that USA Swimming is encouraging new and fun ideas to energize the 12 & Under age groups – they are seeking to energize the base. 


Coach’s Representative Chuck Batchelor (CUDA):  Chuck Batchelor (CUDA) thanked the Board for the experience of being the representative for the past two years.  He feels that he has learned a lot, and is confident that the incoming Coach’s Representative Michelle Bernal (BGSC) will do an excellent job. 


Junior Coach’s Representative Michelle Bernal (BGSC):  wants to make sure coach’s items are brought to the Board and encourages coaches to attend the meetings as it is important for the coaches to see the Board in action.  Michelle Bernal (BGSC) feels that it is important to have meetings at the Championship meets, as there are many coaches present and people have had the entire season to formulate opinions.


Age Group coach of the year will be announced at the Age Group Championships.  Michelle Bernal (BGSC) wants everyone to know that this is a highly coveted and very prestigious award at the ASCA Convention. 


Athlete’s Representatives Ray Grant, Jr. (SSA) & Thomas Bailey (BOSS):  Thomas Bailey was not present.  Ray Grant, Jr., (SSA) encourages athletes to get their ideas and concerns to him so that he can bring them to the Board in a timely manner.  Applications for the new Junior Athlete’s Representative are available.


Reports of Committees and Coordinators:


Safety and Adapted Swimming Chairman Priscilla Davis (UN-NE):  Video and cell phones in locker rooms are a hot topic nationally; NE should be seeking to ban these items in locker rooms.  Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) reminds everyone that Safety Marshals must be members of USA Swimming and are required to wear their badges.  Enforcement of this should be an additional topic for the Board to discuss at a future meeting.  Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) has information on the Para-Olympics.


Technical Committee, Dan Warner (NSSC):  No report.


Registration, Mary Riddell (NE):  There are currently approximately 6,200 athletes registered in our association, which is the largest number ever.  Mary Riddell (NE) estimates that there may be an increase of an additional 200 to 300 athletes over the summer.  There are currently 85 registered teams, when in the past there had been up to 100, but there are several new teams going through the extensive process to become sanctioned, which we should all find very exciting.  Mary Riddell (NE) reminds everyone that fees are increasing $1 each year for the next 10 years, and that the Outreach Fee is available if a swimmer is eligible for a free school lunch.  Registration for that athlete is then $5.00 annually.  Coaches are also reminded that email registration will be available in Fall, 2005, and transfer forms must continue to be mailed in or the athlete will be considered unattached.  Beginning in the Fall, 2005, only TEAM CHECKS will be accepted for registration, individual checks will be accepted only for non-athletes and those swimmers who are unattached.  Beginning on September 1, 2005 registrations are accepted for 2006.  Non athlete forms are sent to the team of record, they are no longer individually sent out.  A new rule is that the meet host is to write checks to NES for the Travel Committee fee.


Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) thanked Mary Riddell (NE) for her unbelievable dedication, constant enthusiasm and her vast ocean of knowledge which keeps our Association running so smoothly.


Officials, Dave LeBlanc (YNS) and Scott Doty (PSC):  The Officials Committee consists of Bill Geary (MAG), Jonathan Meltz (MAG), Mary Ann Lusgraff (NH), Bob Menck UN-NE and Paul Maker MAG.  There are currently 330+ registered officials who are all volunteers, currently “willing to work for food”.  There are 45 Referees of which 20 are Facilitators, 55 Starters and 180 Stroke & Turn Officials.  There are currently 100 apprentices.  There are 20 teams with no officials, and the Committee must work to improve this number.  The Committee is trying to establish championship meet officials requirements, to keep the level at what national meets have.  The Committee wants to work on a recruiting initiative.


Annual Budget, Carol Healey (SAC):


Assets: Checking Account:           $113,201.21 as of 5/14/05

Money Market Account:  $111,007.73 as of 5/15/05


An audit is required at this time; Carol Healey (SAC) feels that the $2,000 allowance for this may be low. 

Motion made to accept the budget as proposed made by Michele Bernal (BGSC), second by Laura Matuszak (GMA), motion passes.


Elections, Ev Crosscup (BAT):  The following slate of officers is presented for consideration by the NE Swimming Community:


Treasurer:                                 Carol Healey (SAC)

Technical Planning Chairman:    Dan Warner (NSSC)

Age Group Chairman:               Laura Matuszak (GMA)

Nominating Committee:             Mariella Allard (UN-NE)

                                                Everett Crosscup (BAT)

                                                Jeff Johnson (PSC)

                                                Bruce Mohl (SSA)

                                                Pam Warner (BOSS)

Board of Review:                      Priscilla Davis (UN-NE)

                                                Ray J. Grant (SSA)

                                                Bruce Mohl (SSA)


            Alternate:                      Kathy Oates Dacey (BGSC)


Presented by the Nominating Committee:          Ev Crosscup (BAT), Chairman

                                                                        Scott Doty (PSC)

                                                                        Paul Mangili (MAG)

                                                                        Bruce Mohl (SSA)

                                                                        Mike Parratto (SSA)


Motion made to accept this slate of officers by Laura Matuszak (GMA), 2nd by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), with no nominations from the floor, one vote is cast by Kathy Dacey, Secretary, motion passes.  Congratulations to all.


New Business:  The new Privacy Policy by United States Swimming is offered for review.  They are looking not to connect any name to USA Swimming ID numbers.  It is strongly recommended that clubs do this, even if the results are password protected.  HyTech has the option of removing the ID# prior to posting entries and results. 


Videoing:  It should be listed on the meet information that there are to be no cell phones or video machines in locker rooms.


The Addison Otters, which is a NE team located on the VT/NY border has requested to be part of the Adirondack Association.  They swim the overwhelming majority of their meets in that Association, and would like their swimmers to be able to participate in Adirondack events.  Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) will call the Adirondack Chairman (their Annual Meeting is today also).  Motion made to allow the Addison Otters to become part of the Adirondack Association made by Kathy Dacey, 2nd by Priscilla Davis, motion passes.


CORI Checks:  This was a major issue at the past Convention, and due to the current requirements by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, should be a prime consideration for this Association.  CORI Checks are criminal and sexual misconduct back ground checks for adults working with minor (athletes) within the Commonwealth.  Major questions surrounding the implementation of a background check polity include who will maintain these files, and what are the disqualifying offenses.  There is concern that domestic issues, brought in the midst of a custody hearing, would show as a disqualifying offense, when in reality it is not.  A Task Force is being put together to research this issue and present a policy and procedure for the Board to consider by mid-year.  Motion made to create a Task Force by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), 2nd by Walt Meissner (MAG), motion passes.


Additional issues for this Task Force to consider include:  Can a CORI check from another source be transferred to NES?  What are the different state requirements?  What is the cost factor?  Who stores, sees, and releases this information? 


Open Water Coordinator Carlton Cronin (TNT):  There will be clinics in September, October and November of this year, with a 2 hour session on Friday and double sessions on the Saturday.  Additional information will be posted on the NES Website.


Five At-large members will be appointed to the Board in June.  Please let Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) know if you are interested.  The Senior and Age Group Committees will be re-appointed in June, let Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) know if you are interested.


Motion made to adjourn made by Ev Crosscup (BAT), 2nd by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), motion passed.


Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathy Dacey, Secretary