Licensed to New England LSC - Results ONLY                Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
                        GMAVermontInvite2004 - 2/8/2004                        
                    Thank you for attending the GMA Vermont                    
                              Invitational Meet!                               
Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle
          30.00  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Jenna Griffith       8 Vast-NE                15.92      15.64 REG      7  
  2 Brianna Robare       8 Dynamo-NE              16.66      17.13 REG      5  
  3 Emily Tarr           8 Dynamo-NE              16.89      17.19 REG      4  
  4 Lisa Wood            8 GMA-NE                 17.47      17.22 REG      3  
  5 Tasija Karosas       8 STS-NE                 16.37      18.59 REG      2  
  6 Bianca Melloni       7 Dynamo-NE              20.27      19.35 REG      1  
  7 Rachel Ebersole      8 Cvwm-NE                19.15      19.88 REG    
  8 Katiya Boudette      8 GMA-NE                 18.88      20.09 REG    
  9 Madeline Limanek     6 GMA-NE                 20.00      20.60 REG    
 10 Rebecca Janney       8 Dynamo-NE                 NT      22.19 REG    
 11 Sarah Couture        8 Dynamo-NE              24.48      23.04 REG    
 12 Madison Baldwin      8 Dynamo-NE              29.45      23.34 REG    
 13 Miriam Stats         8 Vast-NE                22.17      23.60 REG    
 14 Sarah Winget         7 GMA-NE                 22.00      23.62 REG    
 15 Rosa Canales         5 Dynamo-NE              23.53      24.93 REG    
 16 Courtney Wright      7 Vast-NE                   NT      25.22 REG    
 17 Maya Karosas         6 STS-NE                 27.81      29.34 REG    
 18 Kaitlyn Lussier      5 Cvwm-NE                43.38      37.60        
 -- Phoebe Quayle        8 GMA-NE                    NT         NS        
 -- Jennifer Hao         8 GMA-NE                 16.68         NS        
 -- Casey Jones          8 Marlins-NE             23.15         NS        
 -- Faithy Rider         8 GMA-NE                    NT         NS        
Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke
          35.00  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Jenna Griffith       8 Vast-NE                19.33      19.63 REG      7  
  2 Emily Tarr           8 Dynamo-NE              19.67      20.97 REG      5  
  3 Rebecca Janney       8 Dynamo-NE                 NT      21.38 REG      4  
  4 Tasija Karosas       8 STS-NE                 20.17      21.75 REG      3  
  5 Brianna Robare       8 Dynamo-NE              22.76      22.25 REG      2  
  6 Lisa Wood            8 GMA-NE                 21.48      22.38 REG      1  
  7 Charlotte Stuart     7 Vast-NE                21.79      22.51 REG    
  8 Rachel Ebersole      8 Cvwm-NE                22.62      23.26 REG    
  9 Bianca Melloni       7 Dynamo-NE              25.69      23.92 REG    
 10 Madison Baldwin      8 Dynamo-NE              23.12      23.95 REG    
 11 Madeline Limanek     6 GMA-NE                 23.44      24.28 REG    
 12 Faithy Rider         8 GMA-NE                    NT      26.33 REG    
 13 Maya Karosas         6 STS-NE                 24.65      26.65 REG    
 14 Sarah Winget         7 GMA-NE                 26.07      27.59 REG    
 15 Courtney Wright      7 Vast-NE                   NT      27.80 REG    
 16 Sarah Couture        8 Dynamo-NE              28.47      28.61 REG    
 17 Rosa Canales         5 Dynamo-NE              29.26      30.41 REG    
 18 Casey Jones          8 Marlins-NE             28.19      32.32 REG    
 19 Miriam Stats         8 Vast-NE                29.13      32.34 REG    
 20 Kaitlyn Lussier      5 Cvwm-NE                36.63      38.80        
 -- Phoebe Quayle        8 GMA-NE                    NT         NS        
 -- Jennifer Hao         8 GMA-NE                 20.35         NS        
Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke
          40.00  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Jenna Griffith       8 Vast-NE                22.38      22.97 REG      7  
  2 Lisa Wood            8 GMA-NE                 23.59      24.28 REG      5  
  3 Emily Tarr           8 Dynamo-NE              25.05      24.81 REG      4  
  4 Katiya Boudette      8 GMA-NE                 23.78      25.15 REG      3  
  5 Madeline Limanek     6 GMA-NE                 25.95      25.47 REG      2  
  6 Rebecca Janney       8 Dynamo-NE                 NT      27.65 REG      1  
  7 Bianca Melloni       7 Dynamo-NE              30.55      29.69 REG    
  8 Rachel Ebersole      8 Cvwm-NE                30.15      30.06 REG    
  9 Casey Jones          8 Marlins-NE             34.60      31.25 REG    
 10 Sarah Couture        8 Dynamo-NE              32.16      34.00 REG    
 11 Madison Baldwin      8 Dynamo-NE                 NT      34.47 REG    
 12 Miriam Stats         8 Vast-NE                39.50      41.59        
 -- Rosa Canales         5 Dynamo-NE                 NT         DQ        
 -- Faithy Rider         8 GMA-NE                    NT         DQ        
 -- Sarah Winget         7 GMA-NE                 29.03         DQ        
 -- Jennifer Hao         8 GMA-NE                 22.13         NS        
 -- Charlotte Stuart     7 Vast-NE                27.29         NS        
 -- Phoebe Quayle        8 GMA-NE                    NT         NS        
Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly
          35.00  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Jenna Griffith       8 Vast-NE                18.59      19.27 REG      7  
  2 Brianna Robare       8 Dynamo-NE              19.78      20.25 REG      5  
  3 Emily Tarr           8 Dynamo-NE              19.84      20.59 REG      4  
  4 Tasija Karosas       8 STS-NE                 21.49      20.93 REG      3  
  5 Lisa Wood            8 GMA-NE                 20.79      21.07 REG      2  
  6 Bianca Melloni       7 Dynamo-NE              27.61      23.64 REG      1  
  7 Katiya Boudette      8 GMA-NE                 24.01      24.06 REG    
  8 Charlotte Stuart     7 Vast-NE                25.95      26.25 REG    
  9 Rachel Ebersole      8 Cvwm-NE                27.21      26.59 REG    
 10 Madeline Limanek     6 GMA-NE                 26.33      26.75 REG    
 11 Rosa Canales         5 Dynamo-NE                 NT      33.22 REG    
 12 Sarah Winget         7 GMA-NE                 29.50      35.52        
 13 Miriam Stats         8 Vast-NE                   NT      38.28        
 -- Madison Baldwin      8 Dynamo-NE                 NT         DQ        
 -- Sarah Couture        8 Dynamo-NE                 NT         DQ        
 -- Faithy Rider         8 GMA-NE                    NT         DQ        
 -- Jennifer Hao         8 GMA-NE                 18.77         NS        
 -- Phoebe Quayle        8 GMA-NE                    NT         NS        
Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
          32.19  NEAG
          49.49  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Carly Taylor        10 GMA-NE                 33.78      34.04 REG      7  
  2 Molly Russell       10 GMA-NE                 35.54      34.27 REG      5  
  3 Elena Melloni        9 Dynamo-NE              35.81      34.35 REG      4  
  4 Shannon Murtha      10 Vast-NE                36.40      35.58 REG      3  
  5 Natalie Freiheit    10 Dynamo-NE              38.16      35.71 REG      2  
  6 Caroline Limanek    10 GMA-NE                 36.80      35.75 REG      1  
  7 Jessie Sweeney      10 GMA-NE                 36.11      36.18 REG    
  8 Claire Trotter       9 Vast-NE                36.96      36.46 REG    
  9 Olivia Steimke      10 GMA-NE                 39.74      36.84 REG    
 10 Shelbe Van Winkle    9 Vast-NE                36.64      37.60 REG    
 11 Lindsay McNall       9 GMA-NE                 39.36      38.31 REG    
 12 Kate Rundle         10 Vast-NE                39.82      39.67 REG    
 13 Laura Toolin        10 Vast-NE                41.85      40.90 REG    
 14 Lucie Alden          9 Vast-NE                40.12      41.15 REG    
 15 Katy Ranaldo         9 Dynamo-NE              39.97      41.24 REG    
 16 Alexandra Murphy    10 Vast-NE                41.48      41.68 REG    
 17 MaryAnn Kelly        9 Sta Sharks-NE          42.91      42.00 REG    
 18 Caroline Kessler     9 Cvwm-NE                41.04      43.17 REG    
 19 Evie Mitchell        9 Vast-NE                40.77      43.63 REG    
 20 Emma Hartswick       9 Vast-NE                44.74      45.26 REG    
 21 Aviva Loeb           9 Dynamo-NE              45.10      45.38 REG    
 22 Rachel Ebersole      8 Cvwm-NE                   NT      47.34 REG    
 23 Casey Jones          8 Marlins-NE                NT      50.10        
 24 Sloane Ross          9 STS-NE                    NT      50.38        
 25 Erika Evarts         9 Marlins-NE             47.44      51.32        
 26 Rucha Tandel         9 Dynamo-NE              50.23      52.35        
Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke
          38.39  NEAG
          55.99  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Carly Taylor        10 GMA-NE                 38.63      38.64 REG      7  
  2 Ellie Laukaitis      9 Vast-NE                   NT      40.67 REG      5  
  3 Christa Weaver       9 GMA-NE                 40.12      40.71 REG      4  
  4 Jessie Sweeney      10 GMA-NE                 42.41      41.79 REG      3  
  5 Shannon Murtha      10 Vast-NE                41.23      42.09 REG      2  
  6 Lindsay McNall       9 GMA-NE                 45.98      43.57 REG      1  
  7 Caroline Limanek    10 GMA-NE                 43.15      43.60 REG    
  8 Natalie Freiheit    10 Dynamo-NE              43.92      43.62 REG    
  9 Olivia Steimke      10 GMA-NE                 43.82      44.13 REG    
 10 Elena Melloni        9 Dynamo-NE              45.51      45.15 REG    
 11 Claire Trotter       9 Vast-NE                44.87      45.24 REG    
 12 Tasija Karosas       8 STS-NE                    NT      47.32 REG    
 13 MaryAnn Kelly        9 Sta Sharks-NE          47.98      47.70 REG    
 14 Lucie Alden          9 Vast-NE                47.98      48.63 REG    
 15 Alexandra Murphy    10 Vast-NE                47.34      49.50 REG    
 16 Charlotte Stuart     7 Vast-NE                   NT      50.66 REG    
 17 Kate Rundle         10 Vast-NE                47.52      50.68 REG    
 18 Laura Toolin        10 Vast-NE                47.93      51.31 REG    
 19 Katy Ranaldo         9 Dynamo-NE              43.82      51.71 REG    
 20 Caroline Kessler     9 Cvwm-NE                50.21      51.87 REG    
 21 Emma Hartswick       9 Vast-NE                52.61      52.88 REG    
 22 Evie Mitchell        9 Vast-NE                49.72      54.37 REG    
 23 Sloane Ross          9 STS-NE                    NT      57.90        
 24 Erika Evarts         9 Marlins-NE             50.97      57.91        
 25 Rucha Tandel         9 Dynamo-NE              48.27      58.59        
 -- Shelbe Van Winkle    9 Vast-NE                46.83         DQ        
 -- Aviva Loeb           9 Dynamo-NE              59.44         DQ        
Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke
          43.79  NEAG
        1:00.69  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Christa Weaver       9 GMA-NE                 39.31      39.79 NEAG     7  
  2 Clare Miller        10 GMA-NE                 40.67      40.06 NEAG     5  
  3 Claire Trotter       9 Vast-NE                45.32      44.90 REG      4  
  4 Carly Taylor        10 GMA-NE                 45.61      45.76 REG      3  
  5 Brianna Robare       8 Dynamo-NE              46.23      47.37 REG      2  
  6 Olivia Steimke      10 GMA-NE                 46.80      47.46 REG      1  
  7 Jessie Sweeney      10 GMA-NE                 47.45      48.10 REG    
  8 Elena Melloni        9 Dynamo-NE              51.40      50.24 REG    
  9 Shannon Murtha      10 Vast-NE                49.83      50.26 REG    
 10 Lindsay McNall       9 GMA-NE                 49.89      50.28 REG    
 11 Evie Mitchell        9 Vast-NE                48.14      50.38 REG    
 12 Katy Ranaldo         9 Dynamo-NE              51.25      51.00 REG    
 13 Lucie Alden          9 Vast-NE                52.00      51.24 REG    
 14 Caroline Limanek    10 GMA-NE                 51.14      52.19 REG    
 15 Erika Evarts         9 Marlins-NE             54.94      54.77 REG    
 16 Laura Toolin        10 Vast-NE              1:00.02      54.82 REG    
 17 Shelbe Van Winkle    9 Vast-NE                55.35      55.43 REG    
 18 Emma Hartswick       9 Vast-NE                53.43      55.59 REG    
 19 Alexandra Murphy    10 Vast-NE                   NT      58.44 REG    
 20 Aviva Loeb           9 Dynamo-NE            1:00.31      58.91 REG    
 21 Caroline Kessler     9 Cvwm-NE                59.64      59.72 REG    
 22 Natalie Freiheit    10 Dynamo-NE                 NT    1:03.47        
 23 Kate Rundle         10 Vast-NE              1:06.02    1:09.25        
 24 Rucha Tandel         9 Dynamo-NE            1:17.29    1:12.47        
Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly
          37.19  NEAG
          55.59  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Elena Melloni        9 Dynamo-NE              44.78      41.10 REG      7  
  2 Caroline Limanek    10 GMA-NE                 40.87      42.25 REG      5  
  3 Natalie Freiheit    10 Dynamo-NE              43.83      42.85 REG      4  
  4 Christa Weaver       9 GMA-NE                 40.41      43.13 REG      3  
  5 Claire Trotter       9 Vast-NE                45.62      43.20 REG      2  
  6 Lindsay McNall       9 GMA-NE                 45.78      46.78 REG      1  
  7 Shelbe Van Winkle    9 Vast-NE                48.25      48.10 REG    
  8 Katy Ranaldo         9 Dynamo-NE              52.12      50.01 REG    
  9 Shannon Murtha      10 Vast-NE                46.22      50.18 REG    
 10 Lucie Alden          9 Vast-NE                48.00      51.40 REG    
 11 Kate Rundle         10 Vast-NE                50.87      53.99 REG    
 12 Evie Mitchell        9 Vast-NE                51.36      55.24 REG    
 13 Emma Hartswick       9 Vast-NE                49.80      55.98        
 14 Laura Toolin        10 Vast-NE              1:01.26      58.85        
 15 Alexandra Murphy    10 Vast-NE                51.47    1:03.22        
 16 Erika Evarts         9 Marlins-NE           1:01.90    1:12.21        
 17 Rucha Tandel         9 Dynamo-NE                 NT    1:16.12        
 -- Rachel Crews        10 GMA-NE                 37.01         NS        
Girls 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle
          28.29  NEAG
          37.29  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Alex Suppan         12 Dynamo-NE              26.80      27.46 NEAG     7  
  2 Emily Bestenbostel  12 Vast-NE                28.18      28.48 REG      5  
  3 Casey Sherwin       12 STS-NE                 28.54      28.91 REG      4  
  4 Rachel Spencer      12 Vast-NE                30.30      30.40 REG      3  
  5 Ashley Kennison     11 Unattached             29.60      30.63 REG      2  
  6 Julie Mullowney     11 GMA-NE                 30.26      31.11 REG      1  
  7 Rebecca Anderson    12 Vast-NE                32.21      31.87 REG    
  8 Marcella Melloni    12 Dynamo-NE              32.81      32.30 REG    
  9 Courtney Callahan   12 Dynamo-NE              32.40      32.34 REG    
 10 Emma Dwyer          12 Vast-NE                32.41      32.63 REG    
 10 Brittany Nevins     12 Marlins-NE             31.65      32.63 REG    
 12 Lindsay Lalonde     12 Marlins-NE             32.65      33.04 REG    
 13 Rebekah Nadeau      11 Vast-NE                32.79      33.10 REG    
 14 Sarah Bissonette    12 Marlins-NE             31.80      33.52 REG    
 15 Callagy Ross        11 STS-NE                 35.30      34.17 REG    
 16 Meg Lynch           11 Cvwm-NE                34.87      34.39 REG    
 17 Carole Frey         12 Cvwm-NE                33.34      34.89 REG    
 18 Devon Bouffard      12 Vast-NE                35.76      35.92 REG    
 19 Kate Berry          12 Cvwm-NE                33.83      36.26 REG    
 20 Hillary Murtagh     12 Sta Sharks-NE          34.69      36.52 REG    
 21 Samantha Healey     11 GMA-NE                 37.43      36.95 REG    
 22 Lindsay Ploof       12 Sta Sharks-NE          36.72      37.53        
 23 Rebecca Goldberg    11 GMA-NE                 36.80      38.11        
 24 Madison Yanofsky    11 Dynamo-NE                 NT      39.53        
 25 Eva Williford       12 GMA-NE                 41.24      39.98        
 26 Mikela Boudette     11 GMA-NE                 45.04      46.42        
 -- Tanja Pixley        11 Marlins-NE             35.98         NS        
 -- Sophie DeNofrio     12 Vast-NE                29.24         NS        
Girls 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke
          33.59  NEAG
          44.79  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Casey Sherwin       12 STS-NE                 33.26      33.09 NEAG     7  
  2 Rachel Spencer      12 Vast-NE                34.64      36.14 REG      5  
  3 Emily Bestenbostel  12 Vast-NE                36.12      37.03 REG      4  
  4 Julie Mullowney     11 GMA-NE                 35.78      37.36 REG      3  
  5 Carole Frey         12 Cvwm-NE                38.91      38.20 REG      2  
  6 Maya Lazarovich     11 STS-NE                 38.42      38.29 REG      1  
  7 Rebekah Nadeau      11 Vast-NE                38.25      39.41 REG    
  8 Emma Dwyer          12 Vast-NE                38.82      40.21 REG    
  9 Marcella Melloni    12 Dynamo-NE              39.22      40.40 REG    
 10 Rebecca Anderson    12 Vast-NE                40.04      40.48 REG    
 11 Callagy Ross        11 STS-NE                 43.87      42.05 REG    
 12 Hillary Murtagh     12 Sta Sharks-NE          39.75      42.28 REG    
 13 Lindsay Ploof       12 Sta Sharks-NE          44.55      44.84        
 14 Madison Yanofsky    11 Dynamo-NE                 NT      45.80        
 15 Devon Bouffard      12 Vast-NE                45.06      46.15        
 16 Eva Williford       12 GMA-NE                 47.03      48.00        
 -- Mikela Boudette     11 GMA-NE                 51.93         DQ        
 -- Tanja Pixley        11 Marlins-NE             41.97         NS        
Girls 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke
          37.59  NEAG
          49.39  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Courtney Callahan   12 Dynamo-NE              37.08      38.04 REG      7  
  2 Maya Lazarovich     11 STS-NE                 39.12      38.36 REG      5  
  3 Brittany Nevins     12 Marlins-NE             38.84      38.72 REG      4  
  4 Rachel Spencer      12 Vast-NE                40.53      41.41 REG      3  
  5 Lindsay Lalonde     12 Marlins-NE             41.34      41.55 REG      2  
  6 Sarah Bissonette    12 Marlins-NE             42.19      42.46 REG      1  
  7 Julie Mullowney     11 GMA-NE                 42.03      42.61 REG    
  8 Emma Dwyer          12 Vast-NE                42.15      42.77 REG    
  9 Samantha Healey     11 GMA-NE                 44.53      44.39 REG    
 10 Callagy Ross        11 STS-NE                 45.35      46.01 REG    
 11 Devon Bouffard      12 Vast-NE                44.81      46.17 REG    
 12 Caitlin Powlus      12 GMA-NE                 48.74      46.58 REG    
 13 Marcella Melloni    12 Dynamo-NE              49.58      46.64 REG    
 14 Hillary Murtagh     12 Sta Sharks-NE          46.90      46.83 REG    
 15 Rebekah Nadeau      11 Vast-NE                48.43      46.98 REG    
 16 Lindsay Ploof       12 Sta Sharks-NE          51.97      49.35 REG    
 17 Eva Williford       12 GMA-NE                 50.50      50.07        
 18 Kate Berry          12 Cvwm-NE                46.83      50.89        
 19 Mikela Boudette     11 GMA-NE                 53.39      52.58        
 -- Tanja Pixley        11 Marlins-NE             47.74         NS        
Girls 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly
          31.99  NEAG
          43.79  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Casey Sherwin       12 STS-NE                 31.87      32.51 REG      7  
  2 Ashley Kennison     11 Unattached             32.23      32.64 REG      5  
  3 Hayley Martin       12 GMA-NE                 33.83      34.34 REG      4  
  4 Maya Lazarovich     11 STS-NE                    NT      35.70 REG      3  
  5 Emily Bestenbostel  12 Vast-NE                35.64      36.10 REG      2  
  6 Brittany Nevins     12 Marlins-NE             35.57      36.28 REG      1  
  7 Rebekah Nadeau      11 Vast-NE                38.09      37.33 REG    
  8 Lindsay Lalonde     12 Marlins-NE             36.09      37.48 REG    
  9 Julie Mullowney     11 GMA-NE                 39.15      38.14 REG    
 10 Sarah Bissonette    12 Marlins-NE             36.30      38.21 REG    
 11 Courtney Callahan   12 Dynamo-NE              38.76      38.49 REG    
 12 Rebecca Anderson    12 Vast-NE                39.03      39.31 REG    
 13 Carole Frey         12 Cvwm-NE                37.00      39.92 REG    
 14 Emma Dwyer          12 Vast-NE                39.88      41.51 REG    
 15 Meg Lynch           11 Cvwm-NE                40.24      43.45 REG    
 16 Devon Bouffard      12 Vast-NE                48.43      47.84        
 17 Kate Berry          12 Cvwm-NE                49.20      48.29        
 18 Mikela Boudette     11 GMA-NE                 50.27      51.37        
 -- Madison Yanofsky    11 Dynamo-NE                 NT         DQ        
 -- Marcella Melloni    12 Dynamo-NE              41.02         DQ        
 -- Sophie DeNofrio     12 Vast-NE                32.90         NS        
Girls 12 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle
        1:02.09  NEAG
        1:22.29  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Maya Lazarovich     11 STS-NE               1:08.52    1:06.72 REG      7  
       32.41  1:06.72                                                      
  2 Ashley Kennison     11 Unattached           1:06.00    1:06.88 REG      5  
       31.66  1:06.88                                                      
  3 Christa Weaver       9 GMA-NE               1:13.47    1:10.96 REG      4  
       34.23  1:10.96                                                      
  4 Ellie Laukaitis      9 Vast-NE              1:12.00    1:12.15 REG      3  
       34.26  1:12.15                                                      
  5 Rachel Crews        10 GMA-NE               1:12.40    1:12.69 REG      2  
       35.16  1:12.69                                                      
  6 Courtney Callahan   12 Dynamo-NE            1:11.08    1:13.10 REG      1  
       34.57  1:13.10                                                      
  7 Caitlin Powlus      12 GMA-NE               1:14.47    1:13.15 REG    
       35.09  1:13.15                                                      
  8 Rebekah Nadeau      11 Vast-NE              1:13.29    1:13.39 REG    
       34.49  1:13.39                                                      
  9 Sarah Bissonette    12 Marlins-NE           1:12.80    1:15.19 REG    
       35.89  1:15.19                                                      
 10 Carole Frey         12 Cvwm-NE              1:13.35    1:17.48 REG    
       37.70  1:17.48                                                      
 11 Marcella Melloni    12 Dynamo-NE            1:22.47    1:18.09 REG    
       35.34  1:18.09                                                      
 12 Lindsay Lalonde     12 Marlins-NE                NT    1:18.25 REG    
 13 Elena Melloni        9 Dynamo-NE                 NT    1:20.79 REG    
       37.08  1:20.79                                                      
 14 Molly Russell       10 GMA-NE               1:20.63    1:21.14 REG    
       37.87  1:21.14                                                      
 15 Meg Lynch           11 Cvwm-NE              1:21.42    1:21.65 REG    
       39.04  1:21.65                                                      
 16 Hillary Murtagh     12 Sta Sharks-NE        1:27.87    1:21.73 REG    
       37.33  1:21.73                                                      
 17 Kate Berry          12 Cvwm-NE              1:16.93    1:22.43        
       39.02  1:22.43                                                      
 18 Lindsay Ploof       12 Sta Sharks-NE        1:25.67    1:23.68        
       40.06  1:23.68                                                      
 19 Rebecca Goldberg    11 GMA-NE               1:25.29    1:25.71        
       40.35  1:25.71                                                      
 20 Samantha Healey     11 GMA-NE               1:26.42    1:28.66        
       40.97  1:28.66                                                      
 21 Emily Tarr           8 Dynamo-NE            1:28.59    1:33.58        
       42.54  1:33.58                                                      
 22 Olivia Steimke      10 GMA-NE               1:39.00    1:34.04        
       43.37  1:34.04                                                      
 23 Alexandra Murphy    10 Vast-NE              1:33.00    1:36.59        
       44.30  1:36.59                                                      
 24 MaryAnn Kelly        9 Sta Sharks-NE        1:30.95    1:37.21        
       45.12  1:37.21                                                      
 25 Aviva Loeb           9 Dynamo-NE                 NT    1:48.89        
       52.44  1:48.89                                                      
 26 Miriam Stats         8 Vast-NE                   NT    1:55.35        
       55.66  1:55.35                                                      
 27 Katiya Boudette      8 GMA-NE               1:43.32    1:58.70        
       53.14  1:58.70                                                      
 -- Madison Yanofsky    11 Dynamo-NE                 NT         DQ        
 -- Sophie DeNofrio     12 Vast-NE              1:08.57         NS        
Girls 12 & Under 100 Yard IM
        1:11.59  NEAG
        1:32.19  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Casey Sherwin       12 STS-NE               1:15.45    1:15.96 REG      7  
       34.07  1:15.96                                                      
  2 Maya Lazarovich     11 STS-NE               1:21.20    1:17.64 REG      5  
       37.02  1:17.64                                                      
  3 Rachel Spencer      12 Vast-NE              1:16.41    1:18.92 REG      4  
       37.28  1:18.92                                                      
  4 Emily Bestenbostel  12 Vast-NE              1:18.73    1:19.00 REG      3  
       37.50  1:19.00                                                      
  5 Courtney Callahan   12 Dynamo-NE            1:19.55    1:22.15 REG      2  
       39.44  1:22.15                                                      
  6 Brittany Nevins     12 Marlins-NE           1:19.03    1:22.37 REG      1  
       38.53  1:22.37                                                      
  7 Sarah Bissonette    12 Marlins-NE           1:21.30    1:24.78 REG    
       41.54  1:24.78                                                      
  8 Carole Frey         12 Cvwm-NE              1:23.85    1:25.27 REG    
       15.82  1:25.27                                                      
  9 Emma Dwyer          12 Vast-NE              1:23.37    1:27.86 REG    
       41.81  1:27.86                                                      
 10 Hillary Murtagh     12 Sta Sharks-NE        1:26.65    1:28.17 REG    
       40.63  1:28.17                                                      
 11 Jenna Griffith       8 Vast-NE              1:27.16    1:28.56 REG    
       40.30  1:28.56                                                      
 12 Carly Taylor        10 GMA-NE               1:26.54    1:29.45 REG    
       42.14  1:29.45                                                      
 13 Callagy Ross        11 STS-NE               1:28.82    1:30.16 REG    
       45.10  1:30.16                                                      
 14 Devon Bouffard      12 Vast-NE              1:29.85    1:31.77 REG    
       45.47  1:31.77                                                      
 15 Lindsay Ploof       12 Sta Sharks-NE        1:32.56    1:32.92        
       44.55  1:32.92                                                      
 16 Claire Trotter       9 Vast-NE              1:33.85    1:33.41        
       46.52  1:33.41                                                      
 17 Caroline Limanek    10 GMA-NE               1:36.53    1:33.44        
       44.22  1:33.44                                                      
 18 Jessie Sweeney      10 GMA-NE               1:31.95    1:34.50        
       43.88  1:34.50                                                      
 19 Brianna Robare       8 Dynamo-NE            1:36.09    1:37.15        
       47.82  1:37.15                                                      
 20 Molly Russell       10 GMA-NE               1:33.75    1:37.69        
       47.96  1:37.69                                                      
 21 Shannon Murtha      10 Vast-NE              1:35.74    1:39.17        
       46.79  1:39.17                                                      
 22 Eva Williford       12 GMA-NE               1:36.44    1:39.61        
       48.12  1:39.61                                                      
 23 Lindsay McNall       9 GMA-NE               1:35.28    1:40.24        
       46.09  1:40.24                                                      
 24 Meg Lynch           11 Cvwm-NE              1:31.61    1:41.23        
       49.46  1:41.23                                                      
 25 Lucie Alden          9 Vast-NE              1:40.54    1:42.09        
       46.92  1:42.09                                                      
 26 Mikela Boudette     11 GMA-NE               1:43.93    1:44.50        
       50.98  1:44.50                                                      
 27 Lisa Wood            8 GMA-NE               1:38.24    1:44.75        
       49.21  1:44.75                                                      
 28 Tasija Karosas       8 STS-NE                    NT    1:47.02        
       46.88  1:47.02                                                      
 29 Katy Ranaldo         9 Dynamo-NE            1:44.15    1:47.92        
       51.75  1:47.92                                                      
 30 Laura Toolin        10 Vast-NE              1:46.08    1:48.46        
       52.81  1:48.46                                                      
 31 Evie Mitchell        9 Vast-NE              1:42.99    1:49.08        
       54.84  1:49.08                                                      
 32 Caroline Kessler     9 Cvwm-NE              1:51.91    1:53.80        
       53.40  1:53.80                                                      
 33 Madeline Limanek     6 GMA-NE               1:53.80    1:54.33        
       53.79  1:54.33                                                      
 34 Katiya Boudette      8 GMA-NE               1:45.84    1:58.80        
       57.77  1:58.80                                                      
 35 Bianca Melloni       7 Dynamo-NE                 NT    2:01.14        
       53.00  2:01.14                                                      
 -- Kate Rundle         10 Vast-NE              1:54.77         DQ        
       49.53       DQ                                                      
 -- Sarah Winget         7 GMA-NE               2:29.42         DQ        
     1:10.61       DQ                                                      
 -- Faithy Rider         8 GMA-NE                    NT         DQ        
     1:15.64       DQ                                                      
 -- Jennifer Hao         8 GMA-NE               1:35.33         NS        
 -- Ellie Laukaitis      9 Vast-NE              1:21.10         NS        
 -- Sophie DeNofrio     12 Vast-NE              1:17.76         NS        
 -- Tanja Pixley        11 Marlins-NE           1:34.54         NS        
Girls Open 50 Yard Freestyle
          25.39  SECT
          26.49  OPEN
          30.39  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Julia Anstadt       16 Dynamo-NE              26.64      26.56 REG      7  
  2 Ariel Jarvis        13 Dynamo-NE              26.23      26.70 REG      5  
  3 Kate Hillyard       15 Dynamo-NE              25.99      26.81 REG      4  
  4 Lauren Anderson     16 Vast-NE                26.51      26.97 REG      3  
  5 Emma Harvey         14 Dynamo-NE              27.63      27.82 REG      2  
  6 Michelle Patrick    14 GMA-NE                 27.47      27.87 REG      1  
  7 Eileen Mullowney    13 GMA-NE                 27.17      28.04 REG    
  8 Marissa Toselli     13 GMA-NE                 28.67      28.28 REG    
  9 Amrey Ferrario      16 STS-NE                 27.00      28.35 REG    
 10 Madison Heimert     14 Dynamo-NE              27.81      28.45 REG    
 11 Lauren Brady        13 Marlins-NE             27.85      28.48 REG    
 12 Kathleen Murphy     14 Vast-NE                28.62      28.72 REG    
 13 Kaitlyn Evarts      13 Marlins-NE             27.81      28.73 REG    
 14 Dana Cooper         14 Vast-NE                27.89      29.02 REG    
 15 Chelsey Kennison    14 Sta Sharks-NE          29.12      29.98 REG    
 16 Kelsey Boudette     14 GMA-NE                 29.32      30.11 REG    
 17 Marissa Dean        15 Sta Sharks-NE          28.04      30.59        
 18 Ana Von Turkovich   14 Dynamo-NE              29.66      30.61        
 19 Catherine Romagnol  13 Vast-NE                29.69      30.73        
 20 Meggie Taylor       13 GMA-NE                 30.54      31.13        
 21 Micaela Bouffard    15 Vast-NE                30.90      31.50        
 21 Jennifer Kernoff    15 Dynamo-NE              34.35      31.50        
 23 Katherine Clark     13 STS-NE                 33.91      31.85        
 24 Brittany Hall-Potv  15 Dynamo-NE              32.30      32.22        
 25 Danielle Steimke    13 GMA-NE                 32.67      32.40        
 26 Kristen Bissonette  15 Marlins-NE             31.18      32.57        
 27 Megan Urie          14 Dynamo-NE              32.24      32.62        
 28 Abby Van Der Noort  14 STS-NE                 31.49      32.67        
 29 Alex Gadway         13 Dynamo-NE              31.84      32.72        
 30 Rachel Crews        10 GMA-NE                 32.25      33.14        
 31 Holly Beck          13 Marlins-NE             33.37      33.72        
 32 Jessie Ebersole     13 Cvwm-NE                33.61      35.19        
Girls Open 100 Yard Freestyle
          54.39  SECT
          57.49  OPEN
        1:06.69  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Catherine Suppan    16 Dynamo-NE              54.82      57.15 OPEN     7  
       27.70    57.15                                                      
  2 Ariel Jarvis        13 Dynamo-NE              56.17      57.34 OPEN     5  
       27.84    57.34                                                      
  3 Kate Hillyard       15 Dynamo-NE              57.55      58.09 REG      4  
       28.20    58.09                                                      
  4 Lauren Anderson     16 Vast-NE                57.60      58.15 REG      3  
       27.72    58.15                                                      
  5 Julia Anstadt       16 Dynamo-NE              59.23      59.42 REG      2  
       27.93    59.42                                                      
  6 Alex Suppan         12 Dynamo-NE              57.64      59.64 REG      1  
       29.29    59.64                                                      
  7 Eliza Callwood      16 GMA-NE               1:00.69      59.77 REG    
       29.00    59.77                                                      
  8 Anna Gallagher      15 GMA-NE                 59.73    1:00.07 REG    
       28.90  1:00.07                                                      
  9 Amrey Ferrario      16 STS-NE                 59.04    1:00.50 REG    
       28.93  1:00.50                                                      
 10 Michelle Patrick    14 GMA-NE                 59.78    1:00.75 REG    
       29.15  1:00.75                                                      
 11 Emma Harvey         14 Dynamo-NE            1:00.18    1:00.83 REG    
       29.44  1:00.83                                                      
 12 Eileen Mullowney    13 GMA-NE               1:00.28    1:00.95 REG    
       29.18  1:00.95                                                      
 13 Marissa Toselli     13 GMA-NE               1:02.82    1:01.87 REG    
       30.32  1:01.87                                                      
 14 Lauren Brady        13 Marlins-NE           1:02.01    1:01.92 REG    
       30.13  1:01.92                                                      
 15 Lisa Limanek        14 GMA-NE               1:02.64    1:02.08 REG    
       29.46  1:02.08                                                      
 16 Madison Heimert     14 Dynamo-NE            1:00.12    1:02.24 REG    
       29.99  1:02.24                                                      
 17 Kathleen Murphy     14 Vast-NE              1:03.60    1:02.41 REG    
       30.39  1:02.41                                                      
 18 Dana Cooper         14 Vast-NE              1:01.63    1:04.95 REG    
       30.75  1:04.95                                                      
 19 Chelsey Kennison    14 Sta Sharks-NE        1:05.19    1:05.45 REG    
       31.16  1:05.45                                                      
 20 Alyssa Crews        13 GMA-NE               1:05.97    1:05.88 REG    
       31.40  1:05.88                                                      
 21 Jennifer Goldberg   14 GMA-NE               1:07.69    1:06.46 REG    
       31.00  1:06.46                                                      
 22 Marissa Dean        15 Sta Sharks-NE        1:05.75    1:07.34        
       31.75  1:07.34                                                      
 23 Ana Von Turkovich   14 Dynamo-NE            1:05.55    1:07.66        
       32.11  1:07.66                                                      
 24 Julia Frenette      13 GMA-NE               1:07.01    1:08.02        
       32.71  1:08.02                                                      
 25 Abby Van Der Noort  14 STS-NE               1:09.59    1:08.91        
       33.50  1:08.91                                                      
 26 Kristen Bissonette  15 Marlins-NE           1:07.77    1:09.06        
       33.05  1:09.06                                                      
 27 Meggie Taylor       13 GMA-NE               1:09.93    1:09.24        
       33.29  1:09.24                                                      
 28 Danielle Steimke    13 GMA-NE               1:13.18    1:09.45        
       33.68  1:09.45                                                      
 29 Brittany Hall-Potv  15 Dynamo-NE            1:09.78    1:10.13        
       33.54  1:10.13                                                      
 30 Catherine Romagnol  13 Vast-NE              1:11.37    1:10.44        
       33.03  1:10.44                                                      
 31 Jennifer Kernoff    15 Dynamo-NE            1:13.69    1:10.76        
       33.27  1:10.76                                                      
 32 Katherine Clark     13 STS-NE               1:12.35    1:11.18        
       34.40  1:11.18                                                      
 33 Micaela Bouffard    15 Vast-NE              1:10.76    1:11.28        
       33.35  1:11.28                                                      
 34 Alex Gadway         13 Dynamo-NE            1:12.48    1:11.40        
       35.24  1:11.40                                                      
 35 Megan Urie          14 Dynamo-NE            1:14.23    1:15.60        
       36.46  1:15.60                                                      
 36 Holly Beck          13 Marlins-NE           1:16.17    1:15.61        
       36.80  1:15.61                                                      
 37 Jessie Ebersole     13 Cvwm-NE              1:16.43    1:21.77        
       38.26  1:21.77                                                      
 -- Mariel Cykon        15 Cvwm-NE              1:07.35         NS        
 -- Kate Weaver         14 GMA-NE                 54.05         NS        
Girls Open 200 Yard Freestyle
        1:57.19  SECT
        2:06.19  OPEN
        2:23.69  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Kate Hillyard       15 Dynamo-NE            2:05.01    2:07.38 REG      7  
       29.35  1:00.96  1:34.57  2:07.38                                    
  2 Lauren Anderson     16 Vast-NE              2:07.53    2:07.69 REG      5  
       29.75  1:02.48  1:35.83  2:07.69                                    
  3 Anna Gallagher      15 GMA-NE               2:10.23    2:10.16 REG      4  
       29.92  1:03.19  1:36.82  2:10.16                                    
  4 Eileen Mullowney    13 GMA-NE               2:11.83    2:13.11 REG      3  
       30.41  1:04.79  1:39.02  2:13.11                                    
  5 Emma Harvey         14 Dynamo-NE            2:15.52    2:13.49 REG      2  
       30.16  1:03.96  1:39.32  2:13.49                                    
  6 Lisa Limanek        14 GMA-NE               2:17.26    2:14.38 REG      1  
       31.28  1:05.73  1:40.92  2:14.38                                    
  7 Marissa Toselli     13 GMA-NE               2:14.94    2:14.81 REG    
       32.80  1:07.13  1:42.19  2:14.81                                    
  8 Julia Anstadt       16 Dynamo-NE            2:11.12    2:17.70 REG    
       30.31  1:04.97  1:41.20  2:17.70                                    
  9 Madison Heimert     14 Dynamo-NE            2:13.55    2:19.06 REG    
       31.69  1:06.62  1:43.25  2:19.06                                    
 10 Kathleen Murphy     14 Vast-NE              2:21.04    2:19.29 REG    
       32.00  1:07.13  1:43.28  2:19.29                                    
 11 Chelsey Kennison    14 Sta Sharks-NE        2:21.12    2:21.07 REG    
       30.96  1:07.10  1:44.82  2:21.07                                    
 12 Ana Von Turkovich   14 Dynamo-NE                 NT    2:25.80        
       33.44  1:10.12  1:48.69  2:25.80                                    
 13 Julia Frenette      13 GMA-NE               2:29.24    2:26.32        
       33.48  1:11.13  1:49.92  2:26.32                                    
 14 Marissa Dean        15 Sta Sharks-NE        2:23.32    2:33.90        
       33.82  1:12.37  1:52.96  2:33.90                                    
 15 Meggie Taylor       13 GMA-NE               2:32.88    2:36.11        
       35.35  1:15.53  1:57.64  2:36.11                                    
 16 Rebecca Anderson    12 Vast-NE              2:38.15    2:39.18        
       35.23  1:16.01  1:59.61  2:39.18                                    
 17 Ellie Laukaitis      9 Vast-NE                   NT    2:40.63        
 18 Danielle Steimke    13 GMA-NE               2:42.08    2:47.77        
       37.80  1:21.72  2:06.92  2:47.77                                    
 19 Holly Beck          13 Marlins-NE           2:50.54    2:49.43        
       39.23  1:24.27  2:49.43                                             
 20 Heather White       15 Cvwm-NE              2:51.98    2:50.59        
       39.06  1:22.09  2:07.67  2:50.59                                    
 21 Molly Russell       10 GMA-NE               2:49.17    2:54.15        
       38.74  1:23.96  2:10.09  2:54.15                                    
 22 Eva Williford       12 GMA-NE               3:09.47    3:11.29        
       43.44  1:31.05  3:11.29                                             
 -- Dana Cooper         14 Vast-NE              2:19.14         NS        
 -- Elizabeth Frenette  17 GMA-NE               2:11.41         NS        
Girls Open 100 Yard Backstroke
        1:00.59  SECT
        1:05.49  OPEN
        1:17.89  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Caroline Weaver     12 GMA-NE               1:00.85    1:00.06 SECT     7  
       29.62  1:00.06                                                      
  2 Catherine Suppan    16 Dynamo-NE            1:00.51    1:04.09 OPEN     5  
       31.06  1:04.09                                                      
  3 Alex Suppan         12 Dynamo-NE            1:02.45    1:06.28 REG      4  
       32.41  1:06.28                                                      
  4 Michelle Patrick    14 GMA-NE               1:05.12    1:06.42 REG      3  
       32.52  1:06.42                                                      
  5 Elizabeth Frenette  17 GMA-NE               1:08.99    1:08.12 REG      2  
       33.63  1:08.12                                                      
  6 Kelsey Murtha       14 Vast-NE              1:10.05    1:10.67 REG      1  
       34.93  1:10.67                                                      
  7 Kate Hillyard       15 Dynamo-NE            1:08.97    1:11.29 REG    
       34.91  1:11.29                                                      
  8 Amrey Ferrario      16 STS-NE               1:10.14    1:12.80 REG    
       35.32  1:12.80                                                      
  9 Kathleen Murphy     14 Vast-NE              1:13.18    1:13.07 REG    
       35.04  1:13.07                                                      
 10 Kaitlyn Evarts      13 Marlins-NE           1:13.00    1:13.16 REG    
       35.49  1:13.16                                                      
 11 Madison Heimert     14 Dynamo-NE            1:14.20    1:15.57 REG    
       36.13  1:15.57                                                      
 12 Marissa Dean        15 Sta Sharks-NE        1:15.06    1:15.73 REG    
       35.69  1:15.73                                                      
 13 Alex Gadway         13 Dynamo-NE            1:18.59    1:18.27        
 14 Lauren Brady        13 Marlins-NE           1:13.30    1:21.23        
       39.76  1:21.23                                                      
 15 Rachel Spencer      12 Vast-NE              1:17.70    1:22.76        
       39.96  1:22.76                                                      
 16 Abby Van Der Noort  14 STS-NE               1:19.82    1:23.42        
 17 Carly Taylor        10 GMA-NE               1:24.68    1:24.74        
       41.24  1:24.74                                                      
 18 Brittany Hall-Potv  15 Dynamo-NE            1:28.45    1:24.94        
       41.79  1:24.94                                                      
 19 Heather White       15 Cvwm-NE              1:26.07    1:25.12        
       42.04  1:25.12                                                      
 20 Clare Miller        10 GMA-NE               1:25.31    1:28.17        
       42.72  1:28.17                                                      
 21 Megan Urie          14 Dynamo-NE            1:28.52    1:33.85        
       45.21  1:33.85                                                      
 22 Caitlin Powlus      12 GMA-NE                    NT    1:34.07        
       46.02  1:34.07                                                      
 23 Jessie Ebersole     13 Cvwm-NE              1:28.69    1:34.28        
 24 Rebecca Goldberg    11 GMA-NE               1:34.20    1:36.75        
 25 Jennifer Kernoff    15 Dynamo-NE            1:38.37    1:39.19        
       44.97  1:39.19                                                      
 -- Danielle Steimke    13 GMA-NE               1:27.61         DQ        
       42.98       DQ                                                      
 -- Mariel Cykon        15 Cvwm-NE              1:13.71         NS        
 -- Kristen Bissonette  15 Marlins-NE           1:20.77         NS        
Girls Open 200 Yard Backstroke
        2:09.99  SECT
        2:23.99  OPEN
        2:38.99  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Caroline Weaver     12 GMA-NE               2:09.58    2:09.50 SECT     7  
       31.01  1:04.26  1:37.43  2:09.50                                    
  2 Elizabeth Frenette  17 GMA-NE               2:32.58    2:24.22 REG      5  
       33.48  1:09.53  1:47.04  2:24.22                                    
  3 Marissa Dean        15 Sta Sharks-NE        2:29.97    2:44.77          4  
       37.89  1:18.86  2:02.45  2:44.77                                    
  4 Kelsey Boudette     14 GMA-NE               2:46.02    2:46.23          3  
       39.00  1:21.32  2:04.61  2:46.23                                    
  5 Julia Frenette      13 GMA-NE               2:51.72    2:47.32          2  
       40.33  1:22.41  2:06.35  2:47.32                                    
  6 Jennifer Goldberg   14 GMA-NE               2:58.69    2:55.20          1  
       40.28  1:25.84  2:11.99  2:55.20                                    
 -- Kate Weaver         14 GMA-NE               2:09.65         NS        
Girls Open 100 Yard Breaststroke
        1:08.39  SECT
        1:14.69  OPEN
        1:27.89  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Catherine Suppan    16 Dynamo-NE            1:09.55    1:13.69 OPEN     7  
       34.92  1:13.69                                                      
  2 Julia Anstadt       16 Dynamo-NE            1:11.34    1:15.09 REG      5  
       35.27  1:15.09                                                      
  3 Anna Gallagher      15 GMA-NE               1:16.77    1:16.45 REG      4  
       36.28  1:16.45                                                      
  4 Lisa Limanek        14 GMA-NE               1:18.84    1:17.24 REG      3  
       36.63  1:17.24                                                      
  5 Ariel Jarvis        13 Dynamo-NE            1:15.38    1:17.25 REG      2  
       36.94  1:17.25                                                      
  6 Alex Suppan         12 Dynamo-NE            1:13.28    1:17.72 REG      1  
       37.30  1:17.72                                                      
  7 Sammy Sweeney       13 GMA-NE               1:18.17    1:17.88 REG    
       37.36  1:17.88                                                      
  8 Amrey Ferrario      16 STS-NE               1:17.86    1:17.98 REG    
       36.83  1:17.98                                                      
  9 Alyssa Crews        13 GMA-NE               1:15.69    1:18.62 REG    
       36.73  1:18.62                                                      
 10 Kaitlyn Evarts      13 Marlins-NE           1:21.71    1:21.36 REG    
       40.34  1:21.36                                                      
 11 Hayley Martin       12 GMA-NE               1:20.97    1:22.52 REG    
       38.89  1:22.52                                                      
 12 Elizabeth Frenette  17 GMA-NE               1:23.17    1:22.54 REG    
       40.17  1:22.54                                                      
 13 Kristen Bissonette  15 Marlins-NE           1:24.11    1:23.84 REG    
       40.41  1:23.84                                                      
 14 Meggie Taylor       13 GMA-NE               1:27.08    1:25.45 REG    
       40.54  1:25.45                                                      
 15 Catherine Romagnol  13 Vast-NE              1:26.81    1:25.97 REG    
       39.44  1:25.97                                                      
 16 Lauren Brady        13 Marlins-NE           1:20.75    1:26.69 REG    
       40.81  1:26.69                                                      
 17 Rachel Crews        10 GMA-NE               1:25.43    1:27.92        
       41.58  1:27.92                                                      
 18 Brittany Nevins     12 Marlins-NE           1:24.72    1:27.99        
       41.13  1:27.99                                                      
 19 Clare Miller        10 GMA-NE               1:28.56    1:29.39        
       42.37  1:29.39                                                      
 20 Kelsey Boudette     14 GMA-NE               1:25.44    1:29.45        
       41.98  1:29.45                                                      
 21 Lindsay Lalonde     12 Marlins-NE                NT    1:31.96        
       43.99  1:31.96                                                      
 22 Ana Von Turkovich   14 Dynamo-NE            1:30.82    1:32.07        
       43.36  1:32.07                                                      
 23 Heather White       15 Cvwm-NE              1:34.11    1:35.01        
       45.78  1:35.01                                                      
 24 Danielle Steimke    13 GMA-NE               1:37.76    1:35.22        
       44.44  1:35.22                                                      
 25 Jennifer Kernoff    15 Dynamo-NE            1:37.75    1:35.55        
       43.51  1:35.55                                                      
 26 Holly Beck          13 Marlins-NE           1:39.18    1:39.77        
       46.37  1:39.77                                                      
 27 Jessie Ebersole     13 Cvwm-NE              1:41.28    1:41.14        
       48.72  1:41.14                                                      
 28 Meg Lynch           11 Cvwm-NE              1:46.18    1:42.86        
       47.63  1:42.86                                                      
 29 Megan Urie          14 Dynamo-NE            1:40.64    1:43.69        
       47.59  1:43.69                                                      
 -- Olivia Steimke      10 GMA-NE               1:46.70         NS        
 -- Mariel Cykon        15 Cvwm-NE              1:35.16         NS        
 -- Micaela Bouffard    15 Vast-NE              1:27.89         NS        
 -- Lauren Anderson     16 Vast-NE              1:20.64         NS        
Girls Open 200 Yard Breaststroke
        2:27.29  SECT
        2:43.99  OPEN
        3:02.19  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Sammy Sweeney       13 GMA-NE               2:42.49    2:43.24 OPEN     7  
       38.32  1:20.25  2:01.71  2:43.24                                    
  2 Alyssa Crews        13 GMA-NE               2:44.98    2:45.44 REG      5  
       37.87  1:20.14  2:02.60  2:45.44                                    
  3 Julia Frenette      13 GMA-NE               2:58.50    2:58.53 REG      4  
       40.99  1:27.54  2:14.24  2:58.53                                    
  4 Hayley Martin       12 GMA-NE               2:56.11    3:01.12 REG      3  
       41.24  1:28.39  2:15.62  3:01.12                                    
  5 Meggie Taylor       13 GMA-NE               3:06.11    3:02.62          2  
       41.49  1:29.29  2:17.40  3:02.62                                    
  6 Catherine Romagnol  13 Vast-NE              3:08.49    3:02.70          1  
       40.81  1:28.47  2:16.39  3:02.70                                    
  7 Kristen Bissonette  15 Marlins-NE           3:03.17    3:03.30        
       41.53  1:28.32  2:16.01  3:03.30                                    
  8 Rachel Crews        10 GMA-NE               3:28.36    3:12.31        
       44.09  1:33.32  2:23.66  3:12.31                                    
  9 Julie Mullowney     11 GMA-NE                    NT    3:21.07        
       46.29  1:35.87  2:29.59  3:21.07                                    
 10 Clare Miller        10 GMA-NE               3:38.39    3:21.16        
       45.56  1:36.92  2:29.46  3:21.16                                    
 11 Kate Berry          12 Cvwm-NE                   NT    3:32.26        
       45.25  1:39.57  2:37.04  3:32.26                                    
 12 Samantha Healey     11 GMA-NE                    NT    3:35.44        
       48.53  1:44.18  2:41.27  3:35.44                                    
 -- Heather White       15 Cvwm-NE              3:27.54         NS        
 -- Lauren Anderson     16 Vast-NE              2:52.56         NS        
Girls Open 100 Yard Butterfly
          59.99  SECT
        1:04.59  OPEN
        1:16.59  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Michelle Patrick    14 GMA-NE               1:03.83    1:03.78 OPEN     7  
       30.36  1:03.78                                                      
  2 Eliza Callwood      16 GMA-NE               1:04.15    1:04.13 OPEN     5  
       30.35  1:04.13                                                      
  3 Sammy Sweeney       13 GMA-NE               1:07.46    1:06.15 REG      4  
       31.12  1:06.15                                                      
  4 Kaitlyn Evarts      13 Marlins-NE           1:10.34    1:08.27 REG      3  
       32.63  1:08.27                                                      
  5 Kelsey Murtha       14 Vast-NE              1:09.53    1:09.46 REG      2  
       32.57  1:09.46                                                      
  6 Chelsey Kennison    14 Sta Sharks-NE        1:09.91    1:10.34 REG      1  
       32.95  1:10.34                                                      
  7 Marissa Toselli     13 GMA-NE               1:14.86    1:14.36 REG    
       35.41  1:14.36                                                      
  8 Jennifer Goldberg   14 GMA-NE               1:21.11    1:14.51 REG    
       35.32  1:14.51                                                      
  9 Brittany Hall-Potv  15 Dynamo-NE            1:19.91    1:17.74        
       35.70  1:17.74                                                      
 10 Abby Van Der Noort  14 STS-NE               1:27.97    1:26.49        
       38.14  1:26.49                                                      
 -- Mariel Cykon        15 Cvwm-NE              1:10.98         NS        
 -- Catherine Suppan    16 Dynamo-NE            1:02.95         NS        
 -- Ariel Jarvis        13 Dynamo-NE            1:04.48         NS        
 -- Micaela Bouffard    15 Vast-NE              1:18.23         NS        
 -- Dana Cooper         14 Vast-NE              1:06.94         NS        
 -- Kate Weaver         14 GMA-NE               1:00.94         NS        
Girls Open 200 Yard Butterfly
        2:10.39  SECT
        2:28.99  OPEN
        2:37.79  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Michelle Patrick    14 GMA-NE               2:20.83    2:19.67 OPEN     7  
       31.26  1:05.48  1:42.60  2:19.67                                    
  2 Elizabeth Frenette  17 GMA-NE               2:35.59    2:28.38 OPEN     5  
       33.17  1:10.88  1:49.80  2:28.38                                    
  3 Emma Harvey         14 Dynamo-NE                 NT    2:28.42 OPEN     4  
       32.50  1:10.34  1:49.43  2:28.42                                    
  4 Eliza Callwood      16 GMA-NE               2:26.90    2:31.17 REG      3  
       33.02  1:11.34  1:51.08  2:31.17                                    
  5 Kelsey Murtha       14 Vast-NE              2:40.41    2:31.54 REG      2  
       33.53  1:12.25  1:52.01  2:31.54                                    
  6 Jennifer Goldberg   14 GMA-NE               3:01.25    2:51.81          1  
       37.45  1:21.23  2:08.66  2:51.81                                    
 -- Dana Cooper         14 Vast-NE              2:45.36         NS        
Girls Open 200 Yard IM
        2:12.49  SECT
        2:23.59  OPEN
        2:42.39  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Anna Gallagher      15 GMA-NE               2:21.48    2:23.66 REG      7  
       31.29  1:08.89  1:49.61  2:23.66                                    
  2 Sammy Sweeney       13 GMA-NE               2:26.98    2:27.59 REG      5  
       31.65  1:10.74  1:54.24  2:27.59                                    
  3 Kaitlyn Evarts      13 Marlins-NE           2:30.41    2:31.90 REG      4  
       32.33  1:12.22  1:57.82  2:31.90                                    
  4 Lisa Limanek        14 GMA-NE               2:34.13    2:33.53 REG      3  
       33.95  1:14.18  1:58.18  2:33.53                                    
  5 Lauren Brady        13 Marlins-NE           2:38.67    2:40.17 REG      2  
       36.31  1:17.60  2:05.11  2:40.17                                    
  6 Kelsey Murtha       14 Vast-NE              2:30.75    2:40.61 REG      1  
       33.44  1:13.71  2:04.56  2:40.61                                    
  7 Marissa Toselli     13 GMA-NE               2:41.43    2:41.30 REG    
       36.56  1:18.29  2:07.75  2:41.30                                    
  8 Kelsey Boudette     14 GMA-NE               2:46.53    2:41.96 REG    
       35.54  1:17.73  2:05.64  2:41.96                                    
  9 Chelsey Kennison    14 Sta Sharks-NE             NT    2:43.00        
       32.11  1:15.61  2:05.66  2:43.00                                    
 10 Alyssa Crews        13 GMA-NE               2:39.76    2:43.82        
       37.52  1:20.18  2:05.13  2:43.82                                    
 11 Hayley Martin       12 GMA-NE               2:50.66    2:53.41        
       37.31  1:23.71  2:11.86  2:53.41                                    
 12 Christa Weaver       9 GMA-NE               3:00.92    2:56.69        
       44.12  1:31.38  2:18.76  2:56.69                                    
 13 Ellie Laukaitis      9 Vast-NE              3:00.00    3:01.93        
       38.71  1:26.61  2:22.94  3:01.93                                    
 14 Heather White       15 Cvwm-NE              3:00.02    3:03.32        
       40.72  1:27.79  2:21.39  3:03.32                                    
 15 Caitlin Powlus      12 GMA-NE                    NT    3:03.84        
       39.53  1:27.58  2:23.14  3:03.84                                    
 16 Holly Beck          13 Marlins-NE           3:03.84    3:09.86        
       44.27  1:33.13  2:29.93  3:09.86                                    
 17 Clare Miller        10 GMA-NE               3:01.64    3:12.04        
       45.69  1:36.99  2:28.58  3:12.04                                    
 18 Rebecca Goldberg    11 GMA-NE               3:14.90    3:13.26        
       46.31  1:38.11  2:28.61  3:13.26                                    
 19 Jessie Ebersole     13 Cvwm-NE              3:22.08    3:15.50        
       45.85  1:34.39  2:31.11  3:15.50                                    
 20 Jessie Sweeney      10 GMA-NE               3:16.48    3:19.93        
       46.54  1:37.13  2:33.72  3:19.93                                    
 21 Shelbe Van Winkle    9 Vast-NE                   NT    3:28.29        
       48.71  1:40.35  2:41.72  3:28.29                                    
 22 Emma Hartswick       9 Vast-NE                   NT    3:35.74        
       52.21  1:46.14  2:47.60  3:35.74                                    
 -- Eliza Callwood      16 GMA-NE               2:24.92         DQ        
       30.91  1:11.72  1:54.41       DQ                                    
 -- Mariel Cykon        15 Cvwm-NE              2:39.48         NS        
 -- Alex Gadway         13 Dynamo-NE            2:59.14         NS        
 -- Kathleen Murphy     14 Vast-NE              2:42.90         NS        
Girls Open 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Burlington YMCA Dynamo-NE  'A'              1:44.50    1:44.35         14  
     1) Kate Hillyard 15                2) Catherine Suppan 16            
     3) Julia Anstadt 16                4) Ariel Jarvis 13                
       26.33    52.76  1:18.12  1:44.35                                    
  2 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'A'             1:44.25    1:47.81         10  
     1) Michelle Patrick 14             2) Eileen Mullowney 13            
     3) Eliza Callwood 16               4) Caroline Weaver 12             
       28.08    55.27  1:22.27  1:47.81                                    
  3 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'B'             1:50.73    1:52.97          8  
     1) Anna Gallagher 15               2) Marissa Toselli 13             
     3) Lisa Limanek 14                 4) Sammy Sweeney 13               
       27.86    55.85  1:23.82  1:52.97                                    
  4 Stowe Swimmers-NE  'A'                           NT    2:01.79          6  
     1) Casey Sherwin 12                2) Katherine Clark 13             
     3) Abby Van Der Noort 14           4) Amrey Ferrario 16              
       29.43  1:01.85  1:33.47  2:01.79                                    
  5 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'C'             1:56.00    2:03.66          4  
     1) Kelsey Boudette 14              2) Jennifer Goldberg 14           
     3) Julia Frenette 13               4) Alyssa Crews 13                
       30.55  1:01.89  1:32.85  2:03.66                                    
  6 Middlebury Area Swimming Assoc-NE  'A'      1:58.49    2:07.13          2  
     1) Kaitlyn Evarts 13               2) Lauren Brady 13                
     3) Kristen Bissonette 15           4) Brittany Nevins 12             
       29.54  1:01.92  1:35.05  2:07.13                                    
  7 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'D'             2:01.04    2:12.47        
     1) Meggie Taylor 13                2) Hayley Martin 12               
     3) Christa Weaver 9                4) Julie Mullowney 11             
       32.63  1:04.93  1:39.89  2:12.47                                    
  8 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'E'             2:06.87    2:18.80        
     1) Danielle Steimke 13             2) Carly Taylor 10                
     3) Clare Miller 10                 4) Caitlin Powlus 12              
       37.75  1:10.69  1:45.27  2:18.80                                    
  9 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'G'             2:19.83    2:34.34        
     1) Jessie Sweeney 10               2) Samantha Healey 11             
     3) Caroline Limanek 10             4) Lindsay McNall 9               
       39.38  1:16.72  1:54.18  2:34.34                                    
 10 Burlington YMCA Dynamo-NE  'B'              1:52.05    2:37.61        
     1) Emma Harvey 14                  2) Madison Heimert 14             
     3) Jennifer Kernoff 15             4) Ana Von Turkovich 14           
       28.34    57.10  1:10.35  2:37.61                                    
 11 Middlebury Area Swimming Assoc-NE  'B'      2:13.42    2:37.70        
     1) Holly Beck 13                   2) Lindsay Lalonde 12             
     3) Casey Jones 8                   4) Sarah Bissonette 12            
       34.57  1:09.24  2:10.09  2:37.70                                    
 12 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'F'             2:12.92    2:44.48        
     1) Mikela Boudette 11              2) Molly Russell 10               
     3) Eva Williford 12                4) Rebecca Goldberg 11            
       50.71  1:25.10  2:05.79  2:44.48                                    
Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle
          30.00  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Sean Callahan        8 Dynamo-NE              16.86      16.53 REG      7  
  2 Ethan Spencer        8 Vast-NE                18.99      18.82 REG      5  
  3 Cullen Hathaway      7 Marlins-NE             18.85      19.09 REG      4  
  4 Jack Dwyer           7 GMA-NE                 19.56      19.15 REG      3  
  5 Colin Nealon         8 Cvwm-NE                19.96      21.01 REG      2  
  6 Cullen Rose          8 Cvwm-NE                18.79      22.03 REG      1  
  7 Brandon Salimi       7 GMA-NE                 24.11      22.44 REG    
  8 Aidan Hartswick      6 Vast-NE                23.86      24.47 REG    
  9 Nathan Steimke       7 GMA-NE                 28.63      27.15 REG    
 10 Ian Griffith         6 Vast-NE                28.98      27.91 REG    
 11 Innes Miller         7 GMA-NE                 24.09      28.75 REG    
 12 Sean Healey          8 GMA-NE                 30.52      28.97 REG    
 13 Soeren Brynn         5 STS-NE                 53.53    1:13.94        
 -- Geoffrey Hesslink    8 GMA-NE                 17.79         NS        
 -- Jonas Hastings       8 Marlins-NE             22.20         NS        
Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke
          35.00  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Cullen Rose          8 Cvwm-NE                20.72      20.23 REG      7  
  2 Pierce Farrington    8 GMA-NE                 20.62      20.37 REG      5  
  3 Sean Callahan        8 Dynamo-NE              19.85      21.23 REG      4  
  4 Geoffrey Hesslink    8 GMA-NE                 22.41      22.60 REG      3  
  5 Ethan Spencer        8 Vast-NE                22.15      23.25 REG      2  
  6 Cullen Hathaway      7 Marlins-NE             22.60      23.30 REG      1  
  7 Colin Nealon         8 Cvwm-NE                23.53      24.08 REG    
  8 Brandon Salimi       7 GMA-NE                 26.36      25.10 REG    
  9 Innes Miller         7 GMA-NE                 27.88      29.00 REG    
 10 Sean Healey          8 GMA-NE                 27.75      30.54 REG    
 11 Nathan Steimke       7 GMA-NE                 27.20      31.75 REG    
 12 Ian Griffith         6 Vast-NE                36.47      33.37 REG    
 13 Aidan Hartswick      6 Vast-NE                30.85      33.80 REG    
 14 Soeren Brynn         5 STS-NE                 53.63    1:16.56        
 -- Jack Dwyer           7 GMA-NE                 23.70         NS        
Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke
          40.00  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Sean Callahan        8 Dynamo-NE              25.43      24.94 REG      7  
  2 Pierce Farrington    8 GMA-NE                 27.10      25.74 REG      5  
  3 Ethan Spencer        8 Vast-NE                27.46      27.09 REG      4  
  4 Innes Miller         7 GMA-NE                 30.28      29.19 REG      3  
  5 Brandon Salimi       7 GMA-NE                 30.70      29.40 REG      2  
  6 Jack Dwyer           7 GMA-NE                 31.31      29.90 REG      1  
  7 Colin Nealon         8 Cvwm-NE                36.64      33.43 REG    
  8 Sean Healey          8 GMA-NE                 40.54      37.44 REG    
  9 Nathan Steimke       7 GMA-NE                    NT      37.51 REG    
 -- Cullen Rose          8 Cvwm-NE                33.93         DQ        
 -- Aidan Hartswick      6 Vast-NE                34.27         DQ        
 -- Ian Griffith         6 Vast-NE                36.63         DQ        
 -- Geoffrey Hesslink    8 GMA-NE                 26.92         NS        
 -- Jonas Hastings       8 Marlins-NE                NT         NS        
Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly
          35.00  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Jack Dwyer           7 GMA-NE                 23.60      21.00 REG      7  
  2 Sean Callahan        8 Dynamo-NE              20.55      21.37 REG      5  
  3 Geoffrey Hesslink    8 GMA-NE                 24.42      22.31 REG      4  
  4 Pierce Farrington    8 GMA-NE                 21.32      22.59 REG      3  
  5 Ethan Spencer        8 Vast-NE                27.23      27.42 REG      2  
  6 Cullen Rose          8 Cvwm-NE                28.53      28.18 REG      1  
  7 Innes Miller         7 GMA-NE                 26.67      29.15 REG    
  8 Brandon Salimi       7 GMA-NE                 33.14      34.22 REG    
  9 Aidan Hartswick      6 Vast-NE                   NT      36.90        
 -- Sean Healey          8 GMA-NE                    NT         DQ        
 -- Ian Griffith         6 Vast-NE                   NT         DQ        
Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
          33.09  NEAG
          49.59  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Evan Grey            9 GMA-NE                 32.62      31.83 NEAG     7  
  2 Derek Hathaway       9 Marlins-NE             32.02      33.07 NEAG     5  
  3 Casey Stevens       10 GMA-NE                 32.88      33.23 REG      4  
  4 Michael Winget       9 GMA-NE                 34.83      34.33 REG      3  
  5 Johannes Suppan      9 Dynamo-NE              35.56      34.62 REG      2  
  6 David Lazarovich     9 STS-NE                 39.01      37.17 REG      1  
  7 Nick Toselli        10 GMA-NE                 36.01      37.69 REG    
  8 Andrew Saba         10 Dynamo-NE              36.76      38.17 REG    
  9 Jake Maynard         9 GMA-NE                 37.42      38.49 REG    
 10 Keenan Weischedel    9 Vast-NE                38.15      39.15 REG    
 11 Ryan Powlus         10 GMA-NE                 40.86      39.50 REG    
 12 Noah Limanek        10 GMA-NE                 41.52      39.55 REG    
 13 Sean Salimi         10 GMA-NE                 45.85      43.60 REG    
 14 Cullen Hathaway      7 Marlins-NE             44.40      45.51 REG    
 15 James Healey         9 GMA-NE                    NT      45.54 REG    
Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke
          39.69  NEAG
          55.89  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Derek Hathaway       9 Marlins-NE             37.06      37.37 NEAG     7  
  2 Alden Stuart        10 Vast-NE                38.15      37.87 NEAG     5  
  3 Michael Winget       9 GMA-NE                 39.92      38.52 NEAG     4  
  4 Casey Stevens       10 GMA-NE                    NT      42.33 REG      3  
  5 Noah Limanek        10 GMA-NE                 43.94      43.60 REG      2  
  6 Johannes Suppan      9 Dynamo-NE              42.79      43.72 REG      1  
  7 Nick Toselli        10 GMA-NE                 43.60      43.73 REG    
  8 Ryan Powlus         10 GMA-NE                    NT      45.67 REG    
  9 David Lazarovich     9 STS-NE                 48.62      45.94 REG    
 10 Pierce Farrington    8 GMA-NE                    NT      46.14 REG    
 11 Andrew Saba         10 Dynamo-NE              44.87      46.31 REG    
 12 Jake Maynard         9 GMA-NE                 47.14      48.14 REG    
 13 Keenan Weischedel    9 Vast-NE                48.35      51.74 REG    
 14 James Healey         9 GMA-NE                    NT      55.80 REG    
 -- Sean Salimi         10 GMA-NE                 48.20         DQ        
Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke
          46.59  NEAG
        1:00.09  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Alden Stuart        10 Vast-NE                42.32      42.18 NEAG     7  
  2 Evan Grey            9 GMA-NE                 43.84      42.41 NEAG     5  
  3 David Lazarovich     9 STS-NE                 48.79      44.80 NEAG     4  
  4 Derek Hathaway       9 Marlins-NE             45.64      45.24 NEAG     3  
  5 Noah Limanek        10 GMA-NE                 50.27      48.69 REG      2  
  6 Nick Toselli        10 GMA-NE                 51.99      50.48 REG      1  
  7 Ryan Powlus         10 GMA-NE                 52.15      51.52 REG    
  8 Michael Winget       9 GMA-NE                 50.53      51.54 REG    
  9 Keenan Weischedel    9 Vast-NE                50.15      53.17 REG    
 10 Jake Maynard         9 GMA-NE                 51.84      54.33 REG    
 -- Andrew Saba         10 Dynamo-NE            1:01.12         DQ        
 -- Johannes Suppan      9 Dynamo-NE              46.18         DQ        
 -- Sean Salimi         10 GMA-NE               1:08.75         DQ        
 -- James Healey         9 GMA-NE                    NT         DQ        
 -- Geoffrey Hesslink    8 GMA-NE                    NT         NS        
Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly
          40.39  NEAG
          55.29  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Casey Stevens       10 GMA-NE                 40.63      40.85 REG      7  
  2 Derek Hathaway       9 Marlins-NE             40.18      41.38 REG      5  
  3 Nick Toselli        10 GMA-NE                 45.44      46.28 REG      4  
  4 Noah Limanek        10 GMA-NE                 47.78      46.89 REG      3  
  5 Jake Maynard         9 GMA-NE                 51.16      52.83 REG      2  
  6 Keenan Weischedel    9 Vast-NE                46.97      53.89 REG      1  
 -- James Healey         9 GMA-NE                    NT         DQ        
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle
          29.09  NEAG
          36.79  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Alex Brigham        12 Sta Sharks-NE          26.49      27.08 NEAG     7  
  2 Merritt Boardman    12 GMA-NE                 29.81      29.75 REG      5  
  3 Nick Spaniel        11 Dynamo-NE              29.56      29.83 REG      4  
  4 Garret White        12 Cvwm-NE                31.20      30.65 REG      3  
  5 Gray Sicalowski     11 Vast-NE                30.87      30.67 REG      2  
  6 David Wood          11 GMA-NE                 31.01      30.88 REG      1  
  7 Justin Bouffard     12 Vast-NE                30.76      30.89 REG    
  8 Christopher Berger  11 Vast-NE                30.86      31.21 REG    
  9 Tyler Porter        12 GMA-NE                 30.97      32.05 REG    
 10 Ryan Landvater      12 GMA-NE                 31.54      32.19 REG    
 11 Phillip Williams    12 Cvwm-NE                34.95      32.67 REG    
 12 Justin Lalumiere    12 Marlins-NE             33.25      34.39 REG    
 13 Jacob Ebersole      11 Cvwm-NE                33.68      36.31 REG    
 14 Ethan White         11 Cvwm-NE                36.84      36.47 REG    
 15 Ivan Delean         12 GMA-NE                 37.01      39.58        
 -- Grayson Crounse     11 Sta Sharks-NE          51.01         DQ        
 -- Taylor Grey         12 GMA-NE                 27.16         DQ        
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke
          34.79  NEAG
          44.59  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Gray Sicalowski     11 Vast-NE                35.40      35.06 REG      7  
  2 David Wood          11 GMA-NE                 37.14      36.50 REG      5  
  3 Nick Spaniel        11 Dynamo-NE              38.33      36.51 REG      4  
  4 Christopher Berger  11 Vast-NE                38.53      38.89 REG      3  
  5 Ryan Landvater      12 GMA-NE                 39.54      40.53 REG      2  
  6 Sean Nealon         11 Cvwm-NE                40.94      42.96 REG      1  
  7 Ethan White         11 Cvwm-NE                43.50      43.28 REG    
  8 Sam Kessler         12 Cvwm-NE                47.54      43.90 REG    
  9 Jacob Ebersole      11 Cvwm-NE                45.21      45.90        
 -- Grayson Crounse     11 Sta Sharks-NE        1:05.10         DQ        
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke
          38.29  NEAG
          49.09  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Taylor Grey         12 GMA-NE                 34.39      34.83 NEAG     7  
  2 Finlay Miller       12 GMA-NE                 35.55      35.37 NEAG     5  
  3 Alex Brigham        12 Sta Sharks-NE          35.60      35.90 NEAG     4  
  4 Justin Bouffard     12 Vast-NE                42.33      40.46 REG      3  
  5 David Wood          11 GMA-NE                 41.10      41.30 REG      2  
  6 Christopher Berger  11 Vast-NE                43.31      43.79 REG      1  
  7 Michael Goldberg    12 GMA-NE                 43.67      44.13 REG    
  8 Phillip Williams    12 Cvwm-NE                49.21      46.49 REG    
  9 Sam Kessler         12 Cvwm-NE                51.71      48.46 REG    
 10 Sean Nealon         11 Cvwm-NE                55.63      54.19        
 11 Jacob Ebersole      11 Cvwm-NE                54.73      54.35        
 -- Garret White        12 Cvwm-NE                42.55         DQ        
 -- Grayson Crounse     11 Sta Sharks-NE             NT         DQ        
 -- Ryan Landvater      12 GMA-NE                 45.38         DQ        
 -- Dylan Peterson      12 Marlins-NE                NT         NS        
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly
          33.39  NEAG
          43.79  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Alex Brigham        12 Sta Sharks-NE          30.43      30.42 NEAG     7  
  2 Finlay Miller       12 GMA-NE                 32.67      32.17 NEAG     5  
  3 Gray Sicalowski     11 Vast-NE                34.34      34.71 REG      4  
  4 David Wood          11 GMA-NE                 35.47      35.48 REG      3  
  5 Nick Spaniel        11 Dynamo-NE              34.48      35.61 REG      2  
  6 Tyler Porter        12 GMA-NE                 35.11      35.69 REG      1  
  7 Justin Bouffard     12 Vast-NE                37.32      36.86 REG    
  8 Garret White        12 Cvwm-NE                37.29      37.24 REG    
  9 Ryan Landvater      12 GMA-NE                 38.42      39.82 REG    
 10 Christopher Berger  11 Vast-NE                38.00      41.81 REG    
 11 Sam Kessler         12 Cvwm-NE                45.44      42.92 REG    
 12 Jacob Ebersole      11 Cvwm-NE                45.63      45.84        
 13 Sean Nealon         11 Cvwm-NE                44.39      48.83        
 14 Justin Lalumiere    12 Marlins-NE             45.93      50.39        
 15 Ethan White         11 Cvwm-NE                55.21      56.05        
Boys 12 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle
        1:03.99  NEAG
        1:21.79  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Alex Brigham        12 Sta Sharks-NE        1:05.50    1:01.20 NEAG     7  
       29.50  1:01.20                                                      
  2 Taylor Grey         12 GMA-NE               1:01.20    1:01.76 NEAG     5  
       30.00  1:01.76                                                      
  3 Merritt Boardman    12 GMA-NE               1:02.57    1:04.20 REG      4  
       31.25  1:04.20                                                      
  4 Nick Spaniel        11 Dynamo-NE            1:05.76    1:05.85 REG      3  
       31.53  1:05.85                                                      
  5 Justin Bouffard     12 Vast-NE              1:10.84    1:08.32 REG      2  
       32.57  1:08.32                                                      
  6 Evan Grey            9 GMA-NE               1:13.73    1:11.67 REG      1  
       34.21  1:11.67                                                      
  7 Johannes Suppan      9 Dynamo-NE            1:17.29    1:16.48 REG    
       35.77  1:16.48                                                      
  8 Sam Kessler         12 Cvwm-NE              1:28.92    1:19.68 REG    
       39.08  1:19.68                                                      
  9 Michael Goldberg    12 GMA-NE               1:25.52    1:25.83        
       41.09  1:25.83                                                      
 10 Ryan Powlus         10 GMA-NE                    NT    1:27.70        
       42.05  1:27.70                                                      
 11 Andrew Saba         10 Dynamo-NE            1:24.05    1:27.86        
       41.48  1:27.86                                                      
 12 Sean Callahan        8 Dynamo-NE            1:25.36    1:27.96        
       41.94  1:27.96                                                      
 13 Ivan Delean         12 GMA-NE               1:25.83    1:36.05        
       42.15  1:36.05                                                      
 14 Sean Salimi         10 GMA-NE               1:44.36    1:39.51        
       46.26  1:39.51                                                      
 -- Casey Stevens       10 GMA-NE               1:14.74         NS        
Boys 12 & Under 100 Yard IM
        1:13.99  NEAG
        1:31.29  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Alex Brigham        12 Sta Sharks-NE        1:08.50    1:11.27 NEAG     7  
       32.70  1:11.27                                                      
  2 Gray Sicalowski     11 Vast-NE              1:18.10    1:18.03 REG      5  
       36.96  1:18.03                                                      
  3 Justin Bouffard     12 Vast-NE              1:18.58    1:18.13 REG      4  
       37.31  1:18.13                                                      
  4 Merritt Boardman    12 GMA-NE               1:14.89    1:18.81 REG      3  
       36.56  1:18.81                                                      
  5 Nick Spaniel        11 Dynamo-NE            1:18.68    1:18.92 REG      2  
       38.06  1:18.92                                                      
  6 David Wood          11 GMA-NE               1:18.51    1:19.07 REG      1  
       37.76  1:19.07                                                      
  7 Evan Grey            9 GMA-NE               1:24.03    1:20.47 REG    
       37.67  1:20.47                                                      
  8 Alden Stuart        10 Vast-NE              1:23.98    1:23.43 REG    
       41.51  1:23.43                                                      
  9 Christopher Berger  11 Vast-NE              1:23.85    1:24.69 REG    
       41.25  1:24.69                                                      
 10 Casey Stevens       10 GMA-NE               1:26.30    1:27.40 REG    
       40.02  1:27.40                                                      
 11 Johannes Suppan      9 Dynamo-NE            1:29.26    1:28.83 REG    
       43.99  1:28.83                                                      
 12 Ryan Landvater      12 GMA-NE               1:25.38    1:30.39 REG    
       41.73  1:30.39                                                      
 13 Sam Kessler         12 Cvwm-NE              1:38.55    1:33.00        
       42.52  1:33.00                                                      
 14 Michael Winget       9 GMA-NE               1:28.86    1:34.54        
       42.58  1:34.54                                                      
 15 Ivan Delean         12 GMA-NE               1:33.54    1:35.22        
       42.62  1:35.22                                                      
 16 David Lazarovich     9 STS-NE               1:39.19    1:35.65        
       47.13  1:35.65                                                      
 17 Noah Limanek        10 GMA-NE               1:39.62    1:35.84        
       47.49  1:35.84                                                      
 18 Nick Toselli        10 GMA-NE               1:35.33    1:36.98        
       44.00  1:36.98                                                      
 19 Ryan Powlus         10 GMA-NE                    NT    1:37.83        
       44.32  1:37.83                                                      
 20 Jacob Ebersole      11 Cvwm-NE              1:39.02    1:41.56        
       45.12  1:41.56                                                      
 21 Andrew Saba         10 Dynamo-NE            1:46.68    1:47.91        
       16.47  1:47.91                                                      
 22 Jake Maynard         9 GMA-NE               1:39.92    1:48.96        
       50.68  1:48.96                                                      
 23 Ethan Spencer        8 Vast-NE              1:55.42    1:50.68        
       53.05  1:50.68                                                      
 24 Ethan White         11 Cvwm-NE              1:45.95    1:51.49        
       16.19  1:51.49                                                      
 25 Sean Nealon         11 Cvwm-NE              1:44.28    1:54.30        
     1:41.01  1:54.30                                                      
 26 Sean Salimi         10 GMA-NE               2:06.11    2:01.17        
       54.82  2:01.17                                                      
 27 Brandon Salimi       7 GMA-NE                    NT    2:18.50        
     1:05.60  2:18.50                                                      
 -- Cullen Rose          8 Cvwm-NE              2:17.34         DQ        
       54.95       DQ                                                      
 -- Jack Dwyer           7 GMA-NE               1:55.81         DQ        
       51.79       DQ                                                      
 -- Innes Miller         7 GMA-NE               2:14.90         DQ        
     1:02.14       DQ                                                      
 -- James Healey         9 GMA-NE                    NT         DQ        
       57.42       DQ                                                      
 -- Pierce Farrington    8 GMA-NE               1:52.94         DQ        
       50.76       DQ                                                      
 -- Sean Healey          8 GMA-NE                    NT         DQ        
 -- Keenan Weischedel    9 Vast-NE              1:35.98         NS        
Boys Open 50 Yard Freestyle
          22.49  SECT
          25.39  OPEN
          28.89  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nate Richard        16 Marlins-NE             23.42      23.76 OPEN     7  
  2 Collin Delphia      16 Marlins-NE             23.46      23.84 OPEN     5  
  3 Mike Avery          15 Marlins-NE             24.88      25.80 REG      4  
  4 Tom Sorrell         14 Dynamo-NE              25.98      26.30 REG      3  
  5 Alexander Holden    13 STS-NE                 25.93      26.74 REG      2  
  6 Tim Lynch           13 Cvwm-NE                27.32      27.70 REG      1  
  7 Colin Montgomery    14 GMA-NE                 26.97      27.84 REG    
  8 Scott Posner        14 GMA-NE                 30.77      29.82        
  9 Alex Post           14 STS-NE                 34.00      31.68        
 10 Ken Smolinski       13 GMA-NE                 31.37      32.19        
 -- Dylan Peterson      12 Marlins-NE             39.39         NS        
Boys Open 100 Yard Freestyle
          48.79  SECT
          55.79  OPEN
        1:02.69  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Collin Delphia      16 Marlins-NE             50.94      52.23 OPEN     7  
       25.59    52.23                                                      
  2 Ben Courtney        17 GMA-NE                 52.11      53.30 OPEN     5  
       26.08    53.30                                                      
  3 Rob Delean          15 GMA-NE                 55.18      55.77 OPEN     4  
       27.07    55.77                                                      
  4 Mike Avery          15 Marlins-NE             54.72      55.94 REG      3  
       26.95    55.94                                                      
  5 Kevin Canada        15 Vast-NE                55.38      56.42 REG      2  
       27.17    56.42                                                      
  6 Alex Macdonald      14 GMA-NE                 56.48      56.52 REG      1  
       27.29    56.52                                                      
  7 Tom Sorrell         14 Dynamo-NE              57.31      57.40 REG    
       27.39    57.40                                                      
  8 Alexander Holden    13 STS-NE                 55.34      58.44 REG    
       28.50    58.44                                                      
  9 Colin Montgomery    14 GMA-NE                 59.22    1:00.38 REG    
       28.50  1:00.38                                                      
 10 Dan Healy           13 GMA-NE               1:03.26    1:04.72        
       29.86  1:04.72                                                      
 11 Jesse Lalumiere     14 Marlins-NE           1:02.74    1:05.58        
       30.64  1:05.58                                                      
 12 Scott Posner        14 GMA-NE               1:07.90    1:08.60        
       32.12  1:08.60                                                      
 13 Ken Smolinski       13 GMA-NE               1:08.88    1:10.31        
       33.15  1:10.31                                                      
 14 Tyler Porter        12 GMA-NE               1:08.67    1:10.79        
       33.98  1:10.79                                                      
 15 Alex Post           14 STS-NE               1:17.70    1:12.45        
       34.14  1:12.45                                                      
Boys Open 200 Yard Freestyle
        1:46.49  SECT
        2:02.99  OPEN
        2:19.39  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Collin Delphia      16 Marlins-NE           1:55.14    2:02.31 OPEN     7  
       27.53    59.88  1:31.80  2:02.31                                    
  2 Mike Avery          15 Marlins-NE           2:05.69    2:09.08 REG      5  
       28.42  1:01.38  1:35.78  2:09.08                                    
  3 Alexander Holden    13 STS-NE                    NT    2:14.82 REG      4  
       30.88  1:05.10  1:40.88  2:14.82                                    
  4 Kevin Canada        15 Vast-NE              2:04.81    2:15.43 REG      3  
       30.76  1:05.86  1:41.24  2:15.43                                    
  5 Jesse Lalumiere     14 Marlins-NE           2:19.30    2:26.19          2  
       32.97  1:10.77  1:48.94  2:26.19                                    
  6 Ken Smolinski       13 GMA-NE               2:28.89    2:30.21          1  
       33.98  1:13.18  1:52.75  2:30.21                                    
  7 Tyler Porter        12 GMA-NE               2:30.53    2:37.08        
       35.73  1:16.91  1:57.55  2:37.08                                    
  8 Alden Stuart        10 Vast-NE              2:41.29    2:37.72        
       37.21  1:18.12  2:00.33  2:37.72                                    
  9 Justin Lalumiere    12 Marlins-NE           2:48.91    2:54.97        
       37.71  1:23.45  2:10.28  2:54.97                                    
 10 Michael Winget       9 GMA-NE               2:58.42    3:00.53        
       39.95  1:27.83  2:18.69  3:00.53                                    
 -- Scott Posner        14 GMA-NE               2:35.81         NS        
Boys Open 100 Yard Backstroke
          54.59  SECT
        1:04.09  OPEN
        1:15.49  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Ben Courtney        17 GMA-NE                 55.89      57.10 OPEN     7  
       27.89    57.10                                                      
  2 Kevin Canada        15 Vast-NE              1:04.32    1:03.82 OPEN     5  
       31.29  1:03.82                                                      
  3 Alex Macdonald      14 GMA-NE               1:06.26    1:07.23 REG      4  
       32.63  1:07.23                                                      
  4 Dan Healy           13 GMA-NE               1:11.73    1:12.37 REG      3  
       34.19  1:12.37                                                      
  5 Colin Montgomery    14 GMA-NE               1:06.69    1:14.86 REG      2  
       35.54  1:14.86                                                      
  6 Garret White        12 Cvwm-NE              1:20.72    1:15.54          1  
       36.37  1:15.54                                                      
  7 Jesse Lalumiere     14 Marlins-NE           1:14.17    1:15.67        
  8 Gray Sicalowski     11 Vast-NE              1:17.44    1:16.22        
       37.60  1:16.22                                                      
  9 Derek Hathaway       9 Marlins-NE           1:21.10    1:22.89        
       40.72  1:22.89                                                      
 10 Justin Lalumiere    12 Marlins-NE           1:33.36    1:32.61        
 11 Sean Nealon         11 Cvwm-NE              1:32.88    1:32.91        
Boys Open 200 Yard Backstroke
        1:57.79  SECT
        2:22.59  OPEN
        2:33.94  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Ben Courtney        17 GMA-NE               2:04.42    2:07.52 OPEN     7  
       29.30  1:01.70  1:34.67  2:07.52                                    
  2 Kevin Canada        15 Vast-NE              2:24.72    2:22.58 OPEN     5  
       32.66  1:08.61  1:45.94  2:22.58                                    
  3 Alex Macdonald      14 GMA-NE               2:25.47    2:27.40 REG      4  
       34.07  1:11.58  1:50.04  2:27.40                                    
  4 Dan Healy           13 GMA-NE               2:36.65    2:39.10          3  
       37.15  1:18.08  1:59.11  2:39.10                                    
  5 Merritt Boardman    12 GMA-NE                    NT    2:41.67          2  
       37.73  1:19.18  2:00.94  2:41.67                                    
 -- Jesse Lalumiere     14 Marlins-NE           2:39.54         DQ        
     2:09.13       DQ                                                      
Boys Open 100 Yard Breaststroke
        1:00.99  SECT
        1:13.39  OPEN
        1:24.49  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nate Richard        16 Marlins-NE           1:05.20    1:04.83 OPEN     7  
  2 Rob Delean          15 GMA-NE               1:10.43    1:12.31 OPEN     5  
  3 Tom Sorrell         14 Dynamo-NE            1:14.95    1:15.95 REG      4  
  4 Tim Lynch           13 Cvwm-NE              1:19.85    1:18.98 REG      3  
  5 Evan Grey            9 GMA-NE               1:31.68    1:30.84          2  
  6 Alex Post           14 STS-NE               1:33.98    1:35.16          1  
  7 Justin Lalumiere    12 Marlins-NE           1:48.46    1:47.61        
 -- Scott Posner        14 GMA-NE               1:28.24         NS        
Boys Open 200 Yard Breaststroke
        2:13.99  SECT
        2:42.59  OPEN
        2:55.59  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nate Richard        16 Marlins-NE           2:24.68    2:27.13 OPEN     7  
       32.19  1:09.43  1:48.32  2:27.13                                    
  2 Rob Delean          15 GMA-NE               2:38.16    2:40.30 OPEN     5  
       35.11  1:17.27  1:58.10  2:40.30                                    
  3 Tom Sorrell         14 Dynamo-NE            2:42.83    2:48.53 REG      4  
       37.25  1:20.39  2:04.68  2:48.53                                    
  4 Tim Lynch           13 Cvwm-NE              3:09.25    2:50.10 REG      3  
       38.38  1:22.78  2:08.02  2:50.10                                    
  5 Taylor Grey         12 GMA-NE               2:45.94    2:52.53 REG      2  
       39.85  1:26.19  2:10.78  2:52.53                                    
  6 Colin Montgomery    14 GMA-NE               2:47.57    2:53.45 REG      1  
       39.76  1:23.64  2:08.02  2:53.45                                    
  7 Finlay Miller       12 GMA-NE               2:45.07    3:00.83        
       40.92  1:28.98  2:15.85  3:00.83                                    
  8 Ken Smolinski       13 GMA-NE               3:06.75    3:03.47        
       43.20  1:30.16  2:17.82  3:03.47                                    
  9 Michael Goldberg    12 GMA-NE               4:07.53    3:25.86        
       47.73  1:40.03  2:34.04  3:25.86                                    
 -- Scott Posner        14 GMA-NE               3:27.63         NS        
Boys Open 100 Yard Butterfly
          53.39  SECT
        1:03.99  OPEN
        1:14.29  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nate Richard        16 Marlins-NE             58.30      58.58 OPEN     7  
       27.63    58.58                                                      
  2 Collin Delphia      16 Marlins-NE           1:00.25    1:01.70 OPEN     5  
       28.54  1:01.70                                                      
  3 Kevin Canada        15 Vast-NE              1:04.87    1:05.92 REG      4  
       30.88  1:05.92                                                      
  4 Mike Avery          15 Marlins-NE                NT    1:08.20 REG      3  
       30.48  1:08.20                                                      
  5 Alexander Holden    13 STS-NE               1:07.72    1:09.57 REG      2  
       32.93  1:09.57                                                      
  6 Alex Post           14 STS-NE               1:24.87    1:23.67          1  
       37.30  1:23.67                                                      
  7 Ivan Delean         12 GMA-NE                    NT    1:50.77        
       48.25  1:50.77                                                      
 -- Tim Lynch           13 Cvwm-NE              1:21.56         NS        
Boys Open 200 Yard Butterfly
        1:57.89  SECT
        2:31.99  OPEN
        2:37.79  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Rob Delean          15 GMA-NE               2:18.96    2:24.05 OPEN     7  
       31.59  1:08.20  1:46.42  2:24.05                                    
  2 Alex Macdonald      14 GMA-NE               2:32.11    2:34.08 REG      5  
       33.58  1:13.80  1:53.94  2:34.08                                    
  3 Finlay Miller       12 GMA-NE               2:45.07    2:46.54          4  
       35.53  1:16.95  2:01.83  2:46.54                                    
  4 Jesse Lalumiere     14 Marlins-NE           2:52.98    3:00.10          3  
       36.48  1:23.47  2:12.61  3:00.10                                    
  5 Tyler Porter        12 GMA-NE               3:14.01    3:13.72          2  
       41.36  1:30.06  2:22.18  3:13.72                                    
Boys Open 200 Yard IM
        1:59.29  SECT
        2:20.99  OPEN
        2:37.39  REG
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nate Richard        16 Marlins-NE           2:10.77    2:13.07 OPEN     7  
       28.77  1:03.80  1:41.95  2:13.07                                    
  2 Collin Delphia      16 Marlins-NE           2:16.02    2:18.26 OPEN     5  
       28.83  1:03.69  1:48.08  2:18.26                                    
  3 Mike Avery          15 Marlins-NE           2:23.37    2:29.27 REG      4  
       30.58  1:10.63  1:55.39  2:29.27                                    
  4 Finlay Miller       12 GMA-NE               2:42.90    2:38.48          3  
       34.93  1:16.37  2:03.20  2:38.48                                    
  5 Dan Healy           13 GMA-NE               2:41.28    2:41.42          2  
       35.11  1:15.39  2:06.17  2:41.42                                    
  6 Michael Goldberg    12 GMA-NE               3:19.35    3:21.12          1  
       47.59  1:39.87  2:33.66  3:21.12                                    
 -- Alexander Holden    13 STS-NE               2:31.29         NS        
Boys Open 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Middlebury Area Swimming Assoc-NE  'A'      1:39.71    1:40.42         14  
     1) Nate Richard 16                 2) Collin Delphia 16              
     3) Mike Avery 15                   4) Jesse Lalumiere 14             
       23.94    49.06  1:16.76  1:40.42                                    
  2 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'A'             1:40.63    1:40.61         10  
     1) Colin Montgomery 14             2) Alex Macdonald 14              
     3) Rob Delean 15                   4) Ben Courtney 17                
       27.69    52.73  1:17.74  1:40.61                                    
  3 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'B'             1:50.93    2:04.03          8  
     1) Dan Healy 13                    2) Finlay Miller 12               
     3) Merritt Boardman 12             4) Taylor Grey 12                 
       34.95  1:01.88  1:34.70  2:04.03                                    
  4 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'C'             2:00.24    2:13.13          6  
     1) Tyler Porter 12                 2) David Wood 11                  
     3) Ken Smolinski 13                4) Evan Grey 9                    
       32.40  1:07.60  1:21.05  2:13.13                                    
  5 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'E'             2:19.90    2:17.83          4  
     1) Michael Goldberg 12             2) Ivan Delean 12                 
     3) Jake Maynard 9                  4) Ryan Powlus 10                 
       39.71  1:21.34  2:02.12  2:17.83                                    
  6 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'D'             2:06.54    2:30.52          2  
     1) Nick Toselli 10                 2) Ryan Landvater 12              
     3) Michael Winget 9                4) Casey Stevens 10               
       39.64  1:12.60  1:52.55  2:30.52                                    
  7 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'F'             2:33.89    3:04.84        
     1) James Healey 9                  2) Jack Dwyer 7                   
     3) Noah Limanek 10                 4) Pierce Farrington 8            
       50.26  1:38.65  2:24.38  3:04.84                                    
  8 Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'G'             2:46.11    3:06.18        
     1) Innes Miller 7                  2) Brandon Salimi 7               
     3) Sean Salimi 10                  4) Sean Healey 8                  
     1:06.86  1:21.02  2:11.23  3:06.18                                    
 -- Middlebury Area Swimming Assoc-NE  'B'      2:15.65         NS        
     1) Philip Nevins 14                2) Derek Hathaway 9               
     3) Justin Lalumiere 12             4) Dylan Peterson 12              
 -- Green Mountain Aquatics-NE  'H'             2:59.36         NS        
Mixed Open 1000 Yard Freestyle
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Alex Macdonald      14 GMA-NE              12:35.85   11:59.87          7  
       31.80  1:07.84  1:44.74  2:21.13  2:58.35  3:35.12  4:12.30  4:49.19
     5:26.19  6:02.68  6:39.44  7:15.58  7:52.57  8:29.70  9:06.04  9:42.68
    10:18.45 10:54.26 11:29.43 11:59.87                                    
  2 Eileen Mullowney    13 GMA-NE                    NT   12:30.98          5  
       33.13  1:10.41  1:47.45  2:24.24  3:01.27  3:39.10  4:17.20  4:54.99
     5:33.86  6:12.59  6:50.71  7:28.68  8:06.61  8:44.08  9:22.53 10:00.95
    10:38.22 11:15.68 11:54.29 12:30.98                                    
  3 Lisa Limanek        14 GMA-NE              13:39.59   12:53.03          4  
       34.55  1:12.47  1:51.27  2:30.11  3:09.94  3:48.97  4:27.98  5:07.32
     5:46.39  6:26.01  7:04.49  7:43.25  8:22.06  9:01.15  9:40.04 10:18.68
    10:57.83 11:36.33 12:15.02 12:53.03                                    
  4 Sammy Sweeney       13 GMA-NE              12:00.91   13:01.23          3  
       30.98  1:05.23  1:40.40  2:15.73  2:50.86  3:25.60  4:00.94  4:36.04
     5:10.64  5:44.54  6:31.15  7:14.96  7:59.71  8:45.96  9:31.91 10:17.24
    10:59.69 11:41.11 12:21.60 13:01.23                                    
  5 Marissa Toselli     13 GMA-NE                    NT   13:09.45          2  
       35.31  1:16.14  1:56.65  2:37.27  3:18.54  3:57.93  4:38.25  5:19.08
     6:00.95  6:42.04  7:21.25  8:01.00  8:41.13  9:20.35          10:39.58
    11:19.17 11:56.63 12:33.92 13:09.45                                    
  6 Caitlin Powlus      12 GMA-NE                    NT   15:08.49          1  
       38.43  1:22.80  2:08.01  2:54.41  3:40.91  4:27.60  5:14.24  6:00.46
     6:47.76  7:34.80  8:22.13  9:09.04  9:54.65 10:40.90 11:26.37 12:13.47
    12:58.63 13:43.29 14:27.86 15:08.49                                    
  7 Molly Russell       10 GMA-NE                    NT   16:22.48        
       44.22  1:32.61  2:21.98  3:12.23  4:02.07  4:52.76  5:42.57  6:33.71
     7:23.04  8:13.78  9:04.32  9:54.06 10:44.81 11:35.06 12:24.55 13:14.00
    14:02.14 14:50.12 15:37.15 16:22.48                                    
  8 Eva Williford       12 GMA-NE              18:38.91   17:04.16        
     1:35.60  2:26.05           3:17.76  4:09.96  5:01.41  5:53.83  6:47.31
     7:38.94  8:33.61  9:27.25 10:19.84 11:12.31 12:05.10 12:55.54 13:47.42
    14:39.16 15:30.71 16:19.87 17:04.16