New England Swimming

Annual Meeting

Wellesley Community Center

Wellesley, Massachusetts

May 1, 2004


[These minutes were approved at the May 14, 2005 New England Swimming Annual Meeting.]


Chairman Bruce Mohl (SSA):  began the meeting at 9:34 a.m. by welcoming the members of New England Swimming to the 2004 Annual Meeting.


Chairman Mohl began by thanking the New England Swimming Community for giving him the opportunity to serve as Chairman.  Chairman Mohl feels that he has learned much during his time on the Board, and he particularly thanks the Board of New England Swimming for their support.  Chairman Mohl feels that New England presents a unique opportunity to its members to participate in top quality events and programs, and he is proud of this organization.  He is particularly proud of the diversity of the Board; teams of all sizes and from the four corners of our association’s borders are active in our association, and there is not one dominant group or team.  He feels strongly that team affiliation has no presence in the Board’s work; all members of the Board have worked hard to provide a quality experience for every swimmer in New England. 


Chairman Mohl also thanked New England Swimming Secretary Mary Riddell for her hard work and outstanding skills, calling her an “extraordinary asset” to New England.  He thanked her for the stability she has brought to the organization during his tenure. 


Secretary Kathy Dacey (BGSC):  Minutes were presented from the 5/2/03 Annual Meeting with no changes.  Motion to accept minutes made by Bob Gauvin, 2nd by Dave LeBlanc; motion passes. 


Treasurer Fred Catalano (BGSC) and Carol Healey (SAC):  Outgoing Treasurer Fred Catalano thanked New England Swimming for the benefits, wonderful experiences and memories that swimming has given his children.  Fred Catalano welcomed Carol Healey as the new Treasurer.  The budget was discussed, line items were reviewed.  Motion made to accept the budget as proposed by Laura Matuzack, 2nd by Ray Grant; motion passes. 


Calendar Committee Chairwoman Pam Warner (BOSS):  Pam Warner reports that most information regarding the calendar is available on the website, and notes that everyone should see the two new LC meets which are just posted (June 11-13 at UCONN, hosted by ANA, and the Open Water event on August 13). 


Pam Warner reminds everyone that the SC bids are due June 1st.  End of Season meets should be bid on with just a bid sheet – the information sheet is not necessary.  Pam Warner reminds everyone to remember to include any unusual circumstances which may affect the meet, and request that bids be submitted on time. 


Pam Warner thanked the members of her committee for their time and dedication to providing New England Swimming with a strong calendar which provides lots of opportunity for our swimmers.


Age Group Chairman Ray Grant (SSA):  Ray Grant feels that the age group meets were well attended and the time standards were appropriate.  The new Regional meet for the end of the season were well liked; there were some issues, which is typical for new meet formats, but they are working to improve the meets for next season.


New England will not be attending the short course Zone meet this coming year, instead New England will go to the long course meet as a team travel meet.  Ray Grant is now a member of the United States Swimming Task Force, which will review Zone formats.  The Zone meeting is next week in Portland, Maine (May, 2004). One of the topics up for discussion is to eliminate the 15 and Over age group for the short course meet and expand the number of swimmers allowed to attend in the other age groups from 2 to 3 for each LSC.  Long Course would maintain the 15 & Over age group.


Age Group Chairman Mike Spring (MAG):  No report.


Coaches Representatives Laura Matuzack (GMA) and Chuck Batchelor (CUDA):  Chuck Batchelor is now the Senior Representative and he thanked Laura Matuzack for all of her hard work and dedication to New England Swimming. 


Upcoming issues for coaches:  discussion regarding fining coaches for non-attendance at the Annual Meeting; they would like there to be some motivation for all of the coaches to get together.  Additional discussion about this year’s Open Meet, which provided excellent competition and a lot of team spirit and participation, but had some additional issues.  Statistically, there were a very large number of personal bests swum at this meet. 


There was also some discussion about the fact that statistically New England is one of the largest LSC’s in the country, yet comparatively, we have a low number of Olympic Trial qualifiers.  They believe that this stems from the fact that there is no major swimming college in New England, which takes all of the college age New England swimmers out of New England’s statistics. 


The coaches feel strongly that the best meets (championship meets) should be held in the best pools available in New England and that this should be a priority for our committee.  The coaches have also discussed the lottery system, and while the system has its drawbacks, they have found it hard to find a better way.  The coaches also felt that the Regional meets were a successful format.  Two meets were excellent, two had some issues, but all are aware that the system needs tweaking, and are confident that that will be done. 


Repeated discussions about the question of re-instating an 8 & Under championships have been held, and the coaches have agreed to downplay 8 & Unders, and that there will be NO championships.  Chuck Batchelor supports this plan.

The coaches are looking for increased financial support for national qualifiers to help raise the level of swimming in New England. 


Chairman Bruce Mohl discussed New England using the best pools for championship meets as being a goal of the committee, however, the newest facilities are charging extremely high rental fees and cost is a determining and frequently prohibitive factor.


Athlete’s Representatives Caitlin Grant (SSA) and Thomas Bailey (BOSS):  (Thomas Bailey is at the SAT test.)  The Athlete’s Reps are anxious to have more athletes comment on the issues, and welcome everyone to add to the discussion.  Special Olympics, a priority project for the athletes will be held June 18-20, with the swimming on Saturday and Sunday, June 19 & 20, 2004.  All are encouraged to attend this wonderful event. 


Athletes are reminded that applications for the Junior Athlete Representative are due June 1st, that the applicant must be a Junior this September, and be available to attend monthly meetings in Wellesley (conveniently located a few minutes off of Route 128/95 in Wellesley) and attend United States Swimming Annual Convention (expenses covered by New England Swimming).  For additional information athletes can go to the New England Swimming website.


Safety Committee Chairman Priscilla Davis (UN-NE):  Priscilla Davis commented that New England is either the safest LSC in the entire country, or we are not reporting all of our accident incidents.  Priscilla Davis asks all meet managers to promptly report accident incidents, as this is how we learn how to prevent additional incidents.  Priscilla Davis also reports that a large number of First Aid Kits at meets are not “up to snuff”, and asks Meet Managers to make this priority item as they prepare for their events.  She has a list of supplies required for each First Aid kit available; kindly take a copy of this list and COMPLY!


Officials Committee, Dave LeBlanc (YNS) for Bill Geary (MAG):  The Committee feels that there are a reasonable number of officials in each category; however, they are anxious to welcome new officials in to the ranks!  New England has the highest number of nationally certified officials for an LSC which does not hold national level competitions.  The Chairman has noted that smaller teams have some trouble staffing officials for their meets; he recommends that the coach be proactive and encourage interested parents to move through the training and work at meets.  Contact any member of the committee if you feel you have an interested parent, and Committee members will be happy to invite this parent to attend training sessions and work at meets. 


New England officials are working hard to comply with the National Official’s guidelines.


Top 16, NTV’s, SWIMS Program Chief Executive Rosemarie Meissner (MAG):  Rosemarie Meissner feels that the SWIMS database is excellent; the system still has a few glitches, but she can get results in quickly.  SWIMS has eliminated Top 16 reporting.  Rosemarie Meissner asks that record-breaking swims get reported to her.  In particular, if a younger swimmer swims in an Open event, and breaks an age-group record, kindly report this to her specifically.  NTV’s are rarely needed now that there is the SWIMS system for verification.  Rosemarie Meissner asks that requests for High School meet observations be made if you think that there is a chance you may have a qualifying swim or a record broken.  In particular, if there is a possibility that there could be a Sectional qualifying time or above, either the coach or the athlete or a parent can request observation. 


Website Chairman Rick Osterberg (UN-NE):  Rick Osterberg stresses, again, the importance of getting the names right in meet entries.  This solves many problems down the road!  Rick Osterberg is looking for comments and ideas about how to improve the website, kindly send them in to the Webmaster.  Rick Osterberg asks that information is sent to him early to be put on the website. 


Registration Chairman Mary Riddell (NE):  The registration numbers are up by about 200 this year.  This can be attributed to the fact that we this is an Olympic year and a “bump” usually accompanies the Olympics. 


Mary Riddell prepared a “Registration Issues” sheet, which accompanies this report.  Changes are made to the following items: (highlighted words are revised words)


1.  All swimmers must be registered PRIOR TO ENTRY in a swim meet.  A tam that enters unregistered swimmers in a swim meet is subject to a fine of $100 per swimmer. 


2.  All swimmers must be entered in swim meets with their correct (legal) names, including middle initial, and their correct ID numbers and are asked to bring their ID card to the meet. 


All other agenda items remain the same.


Mary Riddell reminds all member clubs that this coming fall registration can be done by email.


Mary Riddell discussed the question of seasonal memberships, which are available through United States Swimming.  They are not possible to initiate this year, however it could be put on the agenda for fall, 2004.  All in the LSC must use the same 3 months. 


Technical Committee Chairman Dan Warner (NSSC):  If coaches/swimmers/parents have any thoughts or concerns which the Technical Committee can address, kindly follow through with these comments IN WRITING and forward them on to the Committee Chairman.


Evaluations Committee Chairman Mariella Allard (UN-NE): Mariella Allard commented that there were may evaluations sent in this year, and asks that coaches, athletes and parents sent in evaluations with both good and bad comments.  This is the only way Meet Managers can get feedback to improve their events.


Mariella Allard is working to put a page on the website which answers frequently asked questions by parents. 


Old Business – none.


Elections:  New Committee members in bold print.


Chairman:  Ray Grant (SSA)              One nominee, 1 vote cast by Kathy Dacey, Secretary


Administrative Vice-Chairman:              Bob Gauvin (SCA), by Nominating Committee

                                                            Matt Craven (SAC), nominated from the floor


                                                            Bob Gauvin is the new Administrative Vice-Chairman


Secretary: Kathy Oates-Dacey (BGSC)       

One nominee, 1 vote cast by Kathy Dacey, Secretary


Financial Vice-Chairman: Dave LeBlanc (YNS)

                                                            One nominee, 1 vote cast by Kathy Dacey, Secretary


Senior Chairman:  Mike Parratto (SSA)

                                                            One nominee, 1 vote cast by Kathy Dacey, Secretary


Nominating Committee:                         Scott Doty (PSC)

                                                            Paul Mangili (MAG)

                                                            Mike Parratto (SSA)

                                                            Ev Crosscup (BAT)

                                                            Bruce Mohl (SSA) as immediate past Chairman


                                                            One slate of nominees, 1 vote cast by Kathy Dacey, Secretary


Board of Review:                                  Bill Geary (MAG)

                                                            John Hurst (YNS)

                                                            Ron Zuwallack (CCSC)

                                                            Jeff Johnson (PSC)


                                                            One slate of nominees, 1 vote cast by Kathy Dacey, Secretary


Incoming Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) thanked the Board of New England swimming for its hard work, professional attitude and outstanding level of commitment to swimming in New England.  Chairman Grant particularly thanked Bruce Mohl for his years of unselfish dedication and service to New England Swimming, Administrative Vice-Chairman Pam Warner for her tireless work on behalf of the Calendar Committee and Fred Catalano for his hard work on the financial aspects of running such a large and successful organization.


Proposed By-Law Change:  Safety Committee Chairman Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) presents a proposed By-Law change with respect to Safety Coordinators who are coaches.  That Proposal is hereto made part of these minutes.  Discussion regarding proposed changes, motion to accept changes made by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) and Dan Warner (NSSC); motion passes.


New Business:  None


Motion to adjourn made by Bob Gauvin (SCA), and 2nd by Laura Matuzack (GMA), motion passed.


Meeting adjourned at 11:22 a.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Dacey, Secretary