Licensed to New England LSC - Results ONLY                Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
             New England Open Championship - 7/31/2003 to 8/3/2003             
Event 17  Women 200 LC Meter Butterfly
        2:17.29  NATL
        2:20.29  USOP
        2:27.19  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Rodakowski, Juleen L      20 Squids-NE            2:20.09    2:21.97 SECT   
                1:08.51   2:21.97 (1:13.46)                                        
  2 Gould, Courtney M         21 Magnus-NE            2:23.97    2:24.26 SECT   
                1:07.87   2:24.26 (1:16.39)                                        
  3 Frank, Brittany C         16 SSA-NE               2:25.66    2:25.63 SECT   
                1:08.79   2:25.63 (1:16.84)                                        
  4 McCann, Katie R           19 Magnus-NE            2:23.74    2:26.41 SECT   
                1:07.89   2:26.41 (1:18.52)                                        
  5 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 SSA-NE               2:28.06    2:26.43 SECT   
                1:10.02   2:26.43 (1:16.41)                                        
  6 Greco, Stephanie H        20 Squids-NE            2:30.79    2:26.81 SECT   
                1:10.55   2:26.81 (1:16.26)                                        
  7 Doherty, Caitlin K K      14 Magnus-NE            2:28.12    2:27.06 SECT   
                1:08.59   2:27.06 (1:18.47)                                        
  8 Strickland, Kait Z        16 Barracudas-NE        2:26.80    2:28.21        
                1:10.69   2:28.21 (1:17.52)                                        
  9 Frizelle, Kashmir E E     15 Magnus-NE            2:28.19    2:28.66        
                1:09.76   2:28.66 (1:18.90)                                        
 10 Mirch, Katey              19 Bus-NE               2:29.34    2:30.49        
                1:12.48   2:30.49 (1:18.01)                                        
 11 Rigterink, Kristina M     15 SSA-NE               2:31.31    2:30.75        
                1:12.00   2:30.75 (1:18.75)                                        
 12 Krems, Kate W             17 Barracudas-NE        2:34.73    2:31.16        
                1:10.13   2:31.16 (1:21.03)                                        
 13 Brady, Lauren M           14 NWSC-NE              2:30.73    2:31.22        
                1:10.73   2:31.22 (1:20.49)                                        
 14 Ernst, Kara Q             16 SD-NE                2:43.03    2:31.45        
                1:12.15   2:31.45 (1:19.30)                                        
 15 Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids-NE            2:35.91    2:31.64        
                1:11.88   2:31.64 (1:19.76)                                        
 16 Demty, Samantha E         16 SD-NE                2:34.52    2:31.71        
                1:12.21   2:31.71 (1:19.50)                                        
 17 Grant, Caitlin E          17 SD-NE                2:35.86    2:32.25        
                1:12.80   2:32.25 (1:19.45)                                        
 18 Green, Carol E            16 Magnus-NE            2:44.71    2:33.03        
                1:13.81   2:33.03 (1:19.22)                                        
 19 Cecere, Amanda S          14 Magnus-NE            2:42.02    2:33.38        
                1:13.68   2:33.38 (1:19.70)                                        
 20 Soja, Katie M             14 BGSC-NE              2:30.88    2:33.78        
                1:11.48   2:33.78 (1:22.30)                                        
 21 Doty, Alexandra J         16 PSC-NE               2:31.39    2:34.62        
                1:12.56   2:34.62 (1:22.06)                                        
 22 Dacey, Kendall V          16 BGSC-NE              2:36.40    2:34.91        
                1:12.76   2:34.91 (1:22.15)                                        
 22 Gagnon, Laila C           17 Pvac-NE              2:29.12    2:34.91        
                1:11.59   2:34.91 (1:23.32)                                        
 24 Walterman, Elena V        13 SAC-NE               2:32.65    2:34.94        
                1:14.36   2:34.94 (1:20.58)                                        
 25 Rogers, Martha H          18 Squids-NE            2:43.10    2:35.10        
                1:12.24   2:35.10 (1:22.86)                                        
 26 Kaufmann, Christine R     14 Squids-NE            2:29.67    2:35.12        
                1:12.72   2:35.12 (1:22.40)                                        
 27 Marshall, Katie O         14 Magnus-NE            2:37.08    2:35.31        
                1:12.75   2:35.31 (1:22.56)                                        
 28 Stutius, Erica A          17 Barracudas-NE        2:34.84    2:35.55        
                1:12.52   2:35.55 (1:23.03)                                        
 29 Curley, Katherine M       17 Squids-NE            2:30.43    2:35.67        
                1:10.86   2:35.67 (1:24.81)                                        
 30 Luke, Olivia A            18 SSA-NE               2:45.69    2:35.84        
                1:13.40   2:35.84 (1:22.44)                                        
 31 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus-NE            2:39.16    2:36.07        
                1:13.64   2:36.07 (1:22.43)                                        
 32 Luo, Siliang              12 Rams-NE              2:38.81    2:36.15        
                1:14.07   2:36.15 (1:22.08)                                        
 33 Delaney, Dillon C         17 Ccsc-NE              2:34.15    2:36.81        
                1:14.53   2:36.81 (1:22.28)                                        
 34 Kennedy, Kerri A          17 Magnus-NE            2:38.01    2:37.24        
                1:14.33   2:37.24 (1:22.91)                                        
 35 Gallagher, Anna K         14 GMA-NE               2:34.89    2:37.55        
                1:14.77   2:37.55 (1:22.78)                                        
 36 Clarke, Taylor L          14 BGSC-NE              2:37.30    2:37.83        
                1:13.95   2:37.83 (1:23.88)                                        
 37 Negrotti, Alicia M        15 Barracudas-NE        2:39.25    2:38.32        
                1:14.33   2:38.32 (1:23.99)                                        
 38 Cody, Carolyn R           17 Magnus-NE            2:17.79Y   2:38.34        
                1:14.77   2:38.34 (1:23.57)                                        
 39 Friedlander, Cherisa L    16 Magnus-NE            2:40.44    2:38.96        
                1:14.54   2:38.96 (1:24.42)                                        
 40 McDermott, Jenn K         16 SD-NE                2:44.24    2:39.20        
                1:16.30   2:39.20 (1:22.90)                                        
 41 Dewey, Kelsey P           13 Magnus-NE            2:45.21    2:39.57        
                1:15.28   2:39.57 (1:24.29)                                        
 42 Roberts, Amy S            19 PSC-NE               2:11.98Y   2:39.67        
                1:14.38   2:39.67 (1:25.29)                                        
 43 Porter, Jackie D          16 AAC-NE               2:42.92    2:39.83        
                1:14.61   2:39.83 (1:25.22)                                        
 44 Ruhl, Amie P              15 AAC-NE               2:46.59    2:40.87        
                1:16.02   2:40.87 (1:24.85)                                        
 45 Boyatsis, Alexis K        16 SSA-NE               2:43.63    2:42.10        
                1:15.66   2:42.10 (1:26.44)                                        
 46 Doherty, Andrea M         17 SAC-NE               2:19.40Y   2:42.22        
                1:14.70   2:42.22 (1:27.52)                                        
 47 Olerio, Brittany M        14 Squids-NE            2:45.29    2:42.49        
                1:17.01   2:42.49 (1:25.48)                                        
 48 Maestri, Alicia C         14 BGSC-NE              2:45.22    2:42.66        
                1:16.15   2:42.66 (1:26.51)                                        
 49 Deary, Jessica L          14 Squids-NE            2:46.41    2:42.80        
                1:18.53   2:42.80 (1:24.27)                                        
 50 Kinnett, Kathrine A       13 Magnus-NE            2:24.19Y   2:42.96        
                1:15.43   2:42.96 (1:27.53)                                        
 51 Toczylowski, Natalie A    15 Ccsc-NE              2:36.89    2:43.15        
                1:16.48   2:43.15 (1:26.67)                                        
 52 Connors, Elizabeth M      15 Squids-NE            2:27.64Y   2:43.58        
                1:14.94   2:43.58 (1:28.64)                                        
 53 Finn, Courtney E          16 Squids-NE            2:37.84    2:43.78        
                1:16.35   2:43.78 (1:27.43)                                        
 54 McGowan, Bridget C        17 Magnus-NE            2:40.12    2:44.38        
                1:15.87   2:44.38 (1:28.51)                                        
 55 Yeaman, Lori L            14 SSA-NE               2:47.66    2:44.83        
                1:15.41   2:44.83 (1:29.42)                                        
 56 Bailey, Meaghan E         12 Magnus-NE            2:37.78    2:44.89        
                1:15.23   2:44.89 (1:29.66)                                        
 57 Allen, Jen M              15 NWSC-NE              2:42.76    2:45.35        
                1:16.91   2:45.35 (1:28.44)                                        
 58 Patrick, Michelle L       14 GMA-NE               2:43.15    2:45.59        
                1:17.70   2:45.59 (1:27.89)                                        
 59 Capece, Krista J          16 Magnus-NE            2:44.81    2:45.80        
                1:16.97   2:45.80 (1:28.83)                                        
 60 Connell, Sarah E          16 Cmc-NE               2:41.63    2:46.01        
                1:17.92   2:46.01 (1:28.09)                                        
 61 Yeo, Janice J             18 North Country-NE     2:44.47    2:46.82        
                1:16.93   2:46.82 (1:29.89)                                        
 62 Ginish, Laura E           16 PAC-NE               2:25.28Y   2:46.85        
                1:15.05   2:46.85 (1:31.80)                                        
 63 Ennis, Erin R             17 Barracudas-NE        2:41.70    2:47.31        
                1:19.39   2:47.31 (1:27.92)                                        
 64 Moore-Penaskovic, Caitli  13 SSA-NE               2:24.07Y   2:47.32        
                1:17.90   2:47.32 (1:29.42)                                        
 65 Gram, Hilary F            15 SAC-NE               2:40.99    2:47.52        
                1:17.60   2:47.52 (1:29.92)                                        
 66 Donnelly, Lisa B          14 BGSC-NE              2:47.15    2:47.64        
                1:18.13   2:47.64 (1:29.51)                                        
 67 Quinn, Alex               16 Squids-NE            2:21.40Y   2:48.80        
                1:16.30   2:48.80 (1:32.50)                                        
 68 Montanari, Ellie N        15 wyst-NE              2:44.27    2:49.28        
                1:17.85   2:49.28 (1:31.43)                                        
 69 Rotondo, Alison A         14 Magnus-NE            2:26.28Y   2:49.54        
                1:20.56   2:49.54 (1:28.98)                                        
 70 Hunt, Sarah H             16 SC Aquatics-NE       2:26.12Y   2:49.61        
                1:19.41   2:49.61 (1:30.20)                                        
 71 Healey, Jayne A           14 Squids-NE            2:44.16    2:51.32        
                1:21.08   2:51.32 (1:30.24)                                        
 72 Garrity, Cassy J          16 SSA-NE               2:24.23Y   2:52.34        
                1:19.56   2:52.34 (1:32.78)                                        
 73 Meserve, Devan R          16 SSA-NE               2:45.29    2:53.06        
                1:20.38   2:53.06 (1:32.68)                                        
 74 Dickinson, Margaret A     14 Barracudas-NE        2:26.24Y   2:53.81        
                1:20.17   2:53.81 (1:33.64)                                        
 75 Deveaux, Desirae A        12 Ana-NE               2:46.48    2:55.02        
                1:20.71   2:55.02 (1:34.31)                                        
 76 Lopez, Mary M             13 Ana-NE               2:28.12Y   3:00.32        
                1:23.05   3:00.32 (1:37.27)                                        
 -- Knott, Jennie L           18 AAC-NE               2:33.07         DQ        
 -- Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus-NE            2:34.82         DQ        
 -- Chase, Katelyn B          17 SD-NE                2:40.71         NS        
 -- MACKAY, Madeleine A       17 Magnus-NE            2:47.77         NS        
 -- Ford, Susannah W          15 Squids-NE            2:46.25        SCR        
 -- Haron, Katie E            14 Squids-NE            2:36.21        SCR        
 -- Christakos, Alexa I       14 Barracudas-NE        2:28.41Y       SCR        
 -- Parratto, Melissa J       12 SSA-NE               2:41.24        SCR        
 -- Spinazzola, Chiara F      12 Squids-NE            2:24.90Y       SCR        
 -- Barbary, Jenna L          18 SSA-NE               2:30.37        SCR        
 -- Geary, Jenny A            14 Magnus-NE            2:25.48Y       SCR        
 -- Simmons, Kaia E           11 Squids-NE            2:48.92        SCR        
 -- Farrington, Meggie E      14 SD-NE                2:26.53Y       SCR        
 -- Brodeur, Nicky M          13 North Country-NE     2:46.84        SCR        
 -- Stewart, Breanna R        12 Strypers-NE          2:41.36        SCR        
 -- Radimer, Kelly H          21 GMA-NE               2:41.66        SCR        
 -- Weaver, Kate A            14 GMA-NE               2:49.13        SCR        
 -- Feleen, Emily J           16 North Country-NE     2:42.19        SCR        
 -- Dean, Chelsea K           14 PSC-NE               2:45.19        SCR        
 -- Beisel, Elizabeth L       10 Magnus-NE            2:41.09        SCR        
 -- Santapaul, Jessica E      18 BGSC-NE              2:32.88        SCR        
 -- Kanellas, Sarah Y         13 Magnus-NE            2:45.21        SCR        
 -- Lunde, Ellesse S          12 Strypers-NE          2:26.90Y       SCR        
 -- Dunn, Mariele K           15 Squids-NE            2:19.42Y       SCR        
Event 18  Men 200 LC Meter Butterfly
        2:04.69  NATL
        2:06.99  USOP
        2:13.59  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Nilsson, Eric T           16 Barracudas-NE        2:10.82    2:12.17 SECT   
                1:03.87   2:12.17 (1:08.30)                                        
  2 Riley, Sean N             18 Squids-NE            2:08.60    2:14.03        
                1:02.57   2:14.03 (1:11.46)                                        
  3 Treat, Ethan K            19 Squids-NE            2:10.54    2:14.51        
                1:03.52   2:14.51 (1:10.99)                                        
  4 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac-NE              2:11.28    2:14.68        
                1:02.68   2:14.68 (1:12.00)                                        
  5 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus-NE            2:14.90    2:14.95        
                1:02.72   2:14.95 (1:12.23)                                        
  6 Emmons, Michael           22 Ccsc-NE              1:53.82Y   2:15.18        
                1:03.68   2:15.18 (1:11.50)                                        
  7 Wareck, Tony J            19 Magnus-NE            2:17.89    2:15.91        
                1:05.80   2:15.91 (1:10.11)                                        
  8 Barba, Salvatore G        16 SAC-NE               2:17.20    2:16.12        
                1:04.94   2:16.12 (1:11.18)                                        
  9 Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids-NE            2:15.76    2:16.33        
                1:04.21   2:16.33 (1:12.12)                                        
 10 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC-NE               2:21.09    2:17.36        
                1:05.61   2:17.36 (1:11.75)                                        
 11 Porter, Brian M           19 AAC-NE               2:21.38    2:17.38        
                1:04.78   2:17.38 (1:12.60)                                        
 12 Thomas, Eric M            18 Squids-NE            2:16.68    2:17.45        
                1:04.24   2:17.45 (1:13.21)                                        
 13 Mance, Christopher R      20 Squids-NE            2:18.73    2:19.17        
                1:05.77   2:19.17 (1:13.40)                                        
 14 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids-NE            2:25.26    2:19.65        
                1:05.54   2:19.65 (1:14.11)                                        
 15 Bullitt, Ben H            17 Squids-NE            2:22.03    2:19.74        
                1:07.27   2:19.74 (1:12.47)                                        
 16 Kinnett, Charles P P      18 Magnus-NE            2:22.87    2:19.95        
                1:06.24   2:19.95 (1:13.71)                                        
 17 Cronin, Casey D           20 Magnus-NE            2:17.05    2:21.75        
                1:04.24   2:21.75 (1:17.51)                                        
 18 Wensman, Sam J            13 SSA-NE               2:21.24    2:22.12        
                1:07.49   2:22.12 (1:14.63)                                        
 19 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus-NE            2:18.53    2:22.37        
                1:06.31   2:22.37 (1:16.06)                                        
 20 Gardner, Wesley W         18 AAC-NE               2:29.76    2:23.15        
                1:06.66   2:23.15 (1:16.49)                                        
 21 O'Brien, Matt C           15 North Shore-NE       2:23.37    2:24.21        
                1:06.90   2:24.21 (1:17.31)                                        
 22 Kelleher, Thomas J        16 Squids-NE            2:16.63    2:24.25        
                1:07.04   2:24.25 (1:17.21)                                        
 23 Roan, Alex G              15 Ccsc-NE              2:31.45    2:24.81        
                1:09.21   2:24.81 (1:15.60)                                        
 24 Sementelli, Joseph N      17 SAC-NE               2:25.36    2:25.01        
                1:08.13   2:25.01 (1:16.88)                                        
 25 Bickford, Jesse R         15 SSA-NE               2:34.01    2:25.34        
                1:09.34   2:25.34 (1:16.00)                                        
 26 Su, Allen                 16 Barracudas-NE        2:31.30    2:25.36        
                1:08.62   2:25.36 (1:16.74)                                        
 27 Bhamla, Ayaas A           14 Barracudas-NE        2:28.17    2:25.63        
                1:10.16   2:25.63 (1:15.47)                                        
 28 Maguire, Andrew J         14 Magnus-NE            2:25.98    2:26.45        
                1:09.24   2:26.45 (1:17.21)                                        
 29 Polucha, Stephen M        21 Magnus-NE            2:26.35    2:26.69        
                1:08.12   2:26.69 (1:18.57)                                        
 30 Gollands, Peter G         16 PSC-NE               2:17.40    2:26.76        
                1:07.05   2:26.76 (1:19.71)                                        
 31 Sullivan, Michael T       14 Magnus-NE            2:33.26    2:27.28        
                1:11.43   2:27.28 (1:15.85)                                        
 32 Langelier, Michael C      15 Squids-NE            2:25.75    2:27.44        
                1:08.04   2:27.44 (1:19.40)                                        
 33 Swanson, Corey W          15 Magnus-NE            2:21.23    2:28.00        
                1:08.92   2:28.00 (1:19.08)                                        
 34 Kimball, Don J            17 Squids-NE            2:35.87    2:28.26        
                1:09.62   2:28.26 (1:18.64)                                        
 35 Monovoukas, Michael J     13 BGSC-NE              2:30.54    2:28.34        
                1:11.52   2:28.34 (1:16.82)                                        
 36 Porter, Robbie L          14 AAC-NE               2:29.98    2:28.36        
                1:10.36   2:28.36 (1:18.00)                                        
 37 McKenna, Eric B           15 Barracudas-NE        2:34.46    2:28.46        
                1:09.30   2:28.46 (1:19.16)                                        
 38 Cronin, Nathan C          18 AAC-NE               2:30.94    2:29.12        
                1:09.70   2:29.12 (1:19.42)                                        
 39 Swanson, Chad W           17 Magnus-NE            2:33.54    2:29.50        
                1:08.66   2:29.50 (1:20.84)                                        
 40 Gillie, Eddie A           14 Barracudas-NE        2:33.10    2:29.68        
                1:10.82   2:29.68 (1:18.86)                                        
 41 Tiziani, Lucas O          14 SD-NE                2:31.91    2:29.81        
                1:12.12   2:29.81 (1:17.69)                                        
 42 Sullivan, Ian J           16 AAC-NE               2:35.30    2:30.02        
                1:09.67   2:30.02 (1:20.35)                                        
 43 Yates, Brad I             17 Rams-NE              2:34.28    2:30.75        
                1:09.34   2:30.75 (1:21.41)                                        
 44 Biggs, PJ G               17 BGSC-NE              2:33.63    2:30.94        
                1:11.87   2:30.94 (1:19.07)                                        
 45 Lebart, Louie B           14 WEST-NE              2:39.09    2:31.04        
                1:12.84   2:31.04 (1:18.20)                                        
 46 Bonte, Benjamin J         16 Squids-NE            2:40.43    2:31.79        
                1:10.50   2:31.79 (1:21.29)                                        
 47 Meltz, Jonathan M         16 Magnus-NE            2:47.36    2:33.27        
                1:10.69   2:33.27 (1:22.58)                                        
 48 Chu, Marco S              13 Barracudas-NE        2:32.91    2:33.95        
                1:12.45   2:33.95 (1:21.50)                                        
 49 Brooks, justin M          15 Unattached           2:30.11    2:34.04        
                1:11.57   2:34.04 (1:22.47)                                        
 50 Swanson, Conor W          12 Magnus-NE            2:35.38    2:34.60        
                1:13.72   2:34.60 (1:20.88)                                        
 51 Courville, Jared W        14 SAC-NE               2:21.75Y   2:34.65        
                1:13.43   2:34.65 (1:21.22)                                        
 52 Mackness, Brian C         15 NWSC-NE              2:14.97Y   2:35.46        
                1:12.67   2:35.46 (1:22.79)                                        
 53 Szargowicz, Tim           14 Squids-NE            2:36.26    2:35.68        
                1:14.18   2:35.68 (1:21.50)                                        
 54 Dowd, Robert D            12 BGSC-NE              2:25.97Y   2:38.60        
                1:15.95   2:38.60 (1:22.65)                                        
 55 Skinner, Eric B           15 Rams-NE              2:23.14Y   2:39.45        
                1:17.45   2:39.45 (1:22.00)                                        
 56 Asztalos, Ivor B          16 SAC-NE               2:17.06Y   2:39.59        
                1:13.54   2:39.59 (1:26.05)                                        
 57 Schmidt, Brian            14 Cmc-NE               2:40.63    2:41.61        
                1:17.05   2:41.61 (1:24.56)                                        
 58 Sullivan, Patrick         15 Magnus-NE            2:35.85    2:41.64        
                1:14.01   2:41.64 (1:27.63)                                        
 59 Castaldo, Jonathan J      13 Magnus-NE            2:25.44Y   2:42.80        
                1:17.25   2:42.80 (1:25.55)                                        
 60 Lowen, Greg B             13 BGSC-NE              2:43.63    2:43.40        
                1:15.58   2:43.40 (1:27.82)                                        
 61 Gauvin, Zach Z            17 SC Aquatics-NE       2:22.05Y   2:45.06        
                1:15.73   2:45.06 (1:29.33)                                        
 62 Romanovsky, Boris         15 North Shore-NE       2:25.11Y   2:46.85        
                1:15.81   2:46.85 (1:31.04)                                        
 63 Polucha, Collin G         15 Magnus-NE            2:26.95Y   2:47.12        
                1:13.36   2:47.12 (1:33.76)                                        
 64 Branagan, Richard A       18 Ccsc-NE              2:40.32    2:47.80        
                1:17.23   2:47.80 (1:30.57)                                        
 65 Ernst, Kyle R             13 SD-NE                2:44.65    2:49.32        
                1:22.58   2:49.32 (1:26.74)                                        
 66 Armstrong, David A        16 Otters-NE            2:25.43Y   2:49.36        
                1:15.06   2:49.36 (1:34.30)                                        
 67 Devlin, Kevin B           15 BGSC-NE              2:26.27Y   2:50.00        
                1:18.54   2:50.00 (1:31.46)                                        
 68 Roy, Kenny J              15 SSA-NE               2:24.22Y   2:52.79        
                1:16.29   2:52.79 (1:36.50)                                        
 -- Geary, Sean W             17 Magnus-NE            2:39.51         NS        
 -- Hamilton, Patrick T       15 SAC-NE               2:23.16Y       SCR        
 -- Bohannon, Todd N          20 WEST-NE              2:26.91Y       SCR        
 -- Vozella, AJ J             16 Waves-NE             2:23.17Y       SCR        
 -- Bott, Christopher D       16 SAC-NE               2:23.01        SCR        
 -- Thompson, David           14 SAC-NE               2:25.79Y       SCR        
 -- Rasin, Arkaady            16 Squids-NE            2:23.50        SCR        
 -- Baracewicz, Chris J       18 BGSC-NE              2:29.70        SCR        
 -- Sullivan, Terrance M      15 AAC-NE               2:46.14        SCR        
 -- Sheridan, Kevin C         17 BAT-NE               2:42.73        SCR        
Event 19  Women 100 LC Meter Backstroke
        1:05.59  NATL
        1:06.69  USOP
        1:09.39  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Goldstein, Annie J        18 Squids-NE            1:09.77    1:07.59 SECT   
  2 Gately, Karen E           17 BGSC-NE              1:06.67    1:08.16 SECT   
  3 Bargmann, Sarah H         17 BGSC-NE              1:06.50    1:08.33 SECT   
  4 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 SSA-NE               1:11.51    1:08.74 SECT   
  5 Snyder, Lindsey A         17 SSA-NE               1:08.47    1:08.86 SECT   
  6 Coker, Kate K             17 SSA-NE               1:11.80    1:09.14 SECT   
  7 Kelley, Annie M           17 BGSC-NE              1:10.75    1:09.68        
  8 McCann, Katie R           19 Magnus-NE            1:08.29    1:09.75        
  9 Butts, Eliza L            14 SAC-NE               1:10.89    1:10.12        
 10 Nelson, Meredith K        16 BGSC-NE              1:10.04    1:10.35        
 11 Beisel, Elizabeth L       10 Magnus-NE            1:10.76    1:10.63        
 12 Colson, Stephanie C       18 Barracudas-NE        1:11.99    1:10.65        
 13 Belli, Caroline M         13 North Shore-NE       1:11.99    1:11.25        
 14 Weaver, Kate A            14 GMA-NE               1:10.87    1:11.57        
 15 Moore-Penaskovic, Caitli  13 SSA-NE               1:13.23    1:11.65        
 16 Farrington, Meggie E      14 SD-NE                1:12.83    1:11.70        
 17 Quirk, Molly E            19 Squids-NE            1:11.34    1:11.81        
 18 Wilson, Lauren A          14 BGSC-NE              1:14.75    1:11.82        
 19 Mooney, Jenny L           26 PAC-NE               1:11.47    1:11.93        
 20 Frizelle, Kashmir E E     15 Magnus-NE            1:13.95    1:12.03        
 21 Laffel, Nikki L           17 Barracudas-NE        1:10.44    1:12.24        
 22 Colling, Meaghan E        17 SAC-NE               1:13.25    1:12.29        
 23 Brewer, Caitlin L         14 North Shore-NE       1:12.13    1:12.53        
 24 Doty, Alexandra J         16 PSC-NE               1:08.33    1:12.57        
 25 Chapman, Carmyn A         13 SSA-NE               1:16.69    1:12.78        
 26 Spinazzola, Chiara F      12 Squids-NE            1:12.57    1:12.84        
 27 Dacey, Kendall V          16 BGSC-NE              1:13.60    1:12.86        
 28 Dunn, Mariele K           15 Squids-NE            1:16.07    1:13.26        
 29 Lammers, Cornelieke       15 BGSC-NE              1:13.11    1:13.29        
 29 Roth, Kristyn J           15 BGSC-NE              1:14.83    1:13.29        
 31 Prautzsch, Kristin A      14 Magnus-NE            1:15.58    1:13.33        
 32 Rosenberg, Dana           16 BGSC-NE              1:12.94    1:13.71        
 33 Green, Carol E            16 Magnus-NE            1:13.85    1:13.72        
 34 Colling, Caitlin A        17 SAC-NE               1:12.77    1:13.79        
 35 Walker, Lauren K          14 Magnus-NE            1:15.72    1:13.95        
 36 Curley, Katherine M       17 Squids-NE            1:14.22    1:13.99        
 37 Maloney, Katrina M        16 SSA-NE               1:14.63    1:14.21        
 38 Cecere, Amanda S          14 Magnus-NE            1:17.00    1:14.28        
 39 Downs, Krysta L           15 Vikings-NE           1:12.01    1:14.53        
 40 Bargmann, Leslie D        13 BGSC-NE              1:14.64    1:14.57        
 40 Burke, Kayla D            16 WEST-NE              1:14.57    1:14.57        
 42 Duncan, Micki M           14 Squids-NE            1:16.62    1:14.59        
 43 Toney, Megan E            16 AAC-NE               1:16.29    1:14.61        
 43 Geary, Jenny A            14 Magnus-NE            1:16.42    1:14.61        
 45 Burdett, Kirstin A        14 PAC-NE               1:12.57    1:14.69        
 46 Johnson, Sarah F          14 WEST-NE              1:16.22    1:14.81        
 47 Sweeney, Jessica A        13 SSA-NE               1:15.99    1:14.82        
 47 Hill, Alyssa N            14 AAC-NE               1:15.51    1:14.82        
 49 Chandler, Lucy J          16 Ccsc-NE              1:14.26    1:14.86        
 50 MacDonald, Erica E        16 AAC-NE               1:14.14    1:14.94        
 51 Omstead, Katie E          14 PSC-NE               1:10.26    1:14.97        
 52 Healey, Meghan E          16 Squids-NE            1:15.53    1:15.16        
 53 Leon, Rachael E           15 Squids-NE            1:12.70    1:15.31        
 54 Ramsey, Ellen S           14 Squids-NE            1:17.22    1:15.35        
 55 Toltin, Sarah E           19 BGSC-NE              1:15.11    1:15.38        
 56 Oresman, Kiersten R       14 Unattached           1:15.96    1:15.51        
 57 Helies, Maddie X          12 Squids-NE            1:14.86    1:15.53        
 57 Delaney, Dillon C         17 Ccsc-NE              1:05.04Y   1:15.53        
 59 Lindland, Annie S         12 North Shore-NE       1:14.02    1:15.56        
 60 Flynn, Blair E            16 Rams-NE              1:16.14    1:15.66        
 61 Garrity, Cassy J          16 SSA-NE               1:01.42Y   1:15.72        
 62 Wessel, Alexandra T       13 Ccsc-NE              1:16.69    1:15.77        
 62 McAuliffe, Erin E         14 Magnus-NE            1:15.89    1:15.77        
 64 Falkenberry, Megan J      15 PAC-NE               1:17.64    1:15.79        
 65 Osborn, Anne E            18 Barracudas-NE        1:05.50Y   1:15.82        
 65 Doty, Olivia D            13 PSC-NE               1:12.03    1:15.82        
 67 Hager, Kathryn A          16 North Shore-NE       1:17.17    1:16.06        
 68 Foley, Suzanne E          13 North Shore-NE       1:17.78    1:16.10        
 69 Petzold, Tiffany L        13 Magnus-NE            1:15.39    1:16.20        
 70 Burns, Monika A           17 PSC-NE               1:13.14    1:16.22        
 71 Lalli, Alex R             13 Rams-NE              1:16.40    1:16.31        
 72 Iadarola, Kasondra L      15 Cmc-NE               1:12.83    1:16.36        
 73 Laughren, Neomie M        17 Magnus-NE            1:13.89    1:16.43        
 74 Grenon, Jacqueline A      13 SD-NE                1:17.39    1:16.51        
 75 Brooks, Katie M           14 Squids-NE            1:16.51    1:16.66        
 75 Knott, Jennie L           18 AAC-NE               1:13.56    1:16.66        
 77 Luo, Siliang              12 Rams-NE              1:15.69    1:16.69        
 78 Black, Kathleen M         15 BGSC-NE              1:17.89    1:16.71        
 79 Brodeur, Nicky M          13 North Country-NE     1:16.75    1:16.81        
 80 Feiger, Lola E            18 Barracudas-NE        1:14.85    1:16.89        
 81 Keeman, Nicole M          13 Magnus-NE            1:17.84    1:17.01        
 82 Looney, Jessica M         15 Barracudas-NE        1:16.80    1:17.11        
 83 Chapman, Emily R          17 North Country-NE     1:16.02    1:17.12        
 84 Cronin, Meredith N        15 Hay-NE               1:04.85Y   1:17.35        
 84 Lamoreaux, Kristina J     16 PAC-NE               1:16.94    1:17.35        
 86 Friedlander, Cherisa L    16 Magnus-NE            1:06.36Y   1:17.50        
 87 Connell, Sarah E          16 Cmc-NE               1:14.63    1:17.52        
 88 Patrick, Michelle L       14 GMA-NE               1:16.91    1:17.54        
 89 Ford, Susannah W          15 Squids-NE            1:06.16Y   1:17.55        
 90 Glover, Caitlin M         16 SSA-NE               1:16.78    1:17.97        
 91 Hines, Melissa M          14 North Shore-NE       1:16.77    1:18.11        
 92 Reuter, Angela M          15 SAC-NE               1:16.61    1:18.27        
 93 Forbes, Lauren M          17 PSC-NE               1:13.36    1:18.31        
 94 Stacy, Erin M             17 BAT-NE               1:05.34Y   1:18.38        
 95 Whittaker, Casey R        16 SSA-NE               1:16.75    1:18.42        
 96 Frank, Brittany C         16 SSA-NE               1:16.68    1:18.63        
 97 Feeney, Caitlin E         13 Magnus-NE            1:17.70    1:18.64        
 98 Dickinson, Margaret A     14 Barracudas-NE        1:17.04    1:18.70        
 99 Gagnon, Laila C           17 Pvac-NE              1:17.45    1:18.75        
100 Demty, Samantha E         16 SD-NE                1:06.04Y   1:18.80        
101 Morton, Vanessa L         19 Makos-NE             1:12.58    1:19.12        
102 Cavanaugh, Colleen E      17 NWSC-NE              1:17.58    1:19.35        
103 Warren, Sarah J           18 Sea Devils-NE        1:17.46    1:21.79        
104 Dill, Stephanie           13 Hry Dolphins-NE      1:16.32    1:23.13        
 -- Silva, Jen A              16 SD-NE                1:17.11         DQ        
 -- Kaufmann, Christine R     14 Squids-NE            1:16.38         DQ        
 -- Ernst, Sarah E            14 BGSC-NE              1:16.27         NS        
 -- Dunn, Tressa K            17 Squids-NE            1:12.75         NS        
 -- Brown, Jess               19 Bus-NE               1:10.42         NS        
 -- Grassetti, Melayna        12 Ccsc-NE              1:15.09         NS        
 -- Clark, Jessica L          15 Magnus-NE            1:06.04Y        NS        
 -- Haron, Katie E            14 Squids-NE            1:14.24         NS        
 -- Davies, Abigail S         21 Squids-NE              59.68Y       SCR        
 -- Olerio, Brittany M        14 Squids-NE            1:17.35        SCR        
 -- Piscetta, Dania C         14 Wavemakers-NE        1:16.21        SCR        
 -- Humphries, Eleanor C      20 Squids-NE            1:14.85        SCR        
 -- Brush, Emily B            18 BGSC-NE              1:06.87        SCR        
 -- Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus-NE            1:10.16        SCR        
 -- Fritsch, Katie L          16 BGSC-NE              1:08.82        SCR        
 -- Christakos, Alexa I       14 Barracudas-NE        1:17.64        SCR        
 -- Trutor, Krissy L          14 Cmc-NE               1:16.98        SCR        
 -- Radimer, Kelly H          21 GMA-NE               1:16.19        SCR        
 -- Michaels, Caitlin M       12 North Country-NE     1:16.65        SCR        
 -- Grant, Caitlin E          17 SD-NE                1:10.60        SCR        
 -- Miller, Meg C             17 BGSC-NE              1:14.53        SCR        
 -- Stewart, Breanna R        12 Strypers-NE          1:06.16Y       SCR        
Event 20  Men 100 LC Meter Backstroke
          58.49  NATL
          59.79  USOP
        1:02.89  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Russell, David P          16 Barracudas-NE        1:01.30    1:00.17 SECT   
  2 Moors, Jefferson          21 Bus-NE               1:01.00    1:00.78 SECT   
  3 Barba, Salvatore G        16 SAC-NE               1:00.92    1:02.38 SECT   
  4 Fay, Ben R                17 Magnus-NE            1:02.96    1:03.29        
  5 Rubenstein, Billy J       17 Barracudas-NE        1:05.19    1:03.38        
  6 George, Kemi K            21 Squids-NE            1:01.10    1:03.56        
  7 Eaddy, Jason H            27 Cmsc-NE              1:02.19    1:03.63        
  8 Simpson, Eric M           17 Barracudas-NE        1:01.87    1:03.64        
  9 Fiske, Brian P            17 Squids-NE            1:00.79    1:03.85        
 10 Bailey, James H           17 Squids-NE            1:05.07    1:03.96        
 11 Bullitt, Ben H            17 Squids-NE            1:05.76    1:04.12        
 12 Folan, Bobby S            21 Uac-CT               1:05.43    1:04.18        
 13 Porter, Brian M           19 AAC-NE               1:04.29    1:04.51        
 14 Boudreau, Andrew J        17 SSA-NE               1:06.24    1:04.73        
 15 Condon, Sean C            18 Magnus-NE            1:03.12    1:04.86        
 16 Butler, Max H             15 BGSC-NE              1:06.60    1:05.13        
 16 Anderson, Peter K         18 Magnus-NE            1:08.79    1:05.13        
Swim-Off Required -------------------------------------------------------
 18 Lake, Nick R              17 PAC-NE               1:03.91    1:05.20        
 19 Miller, Stephen D         16 Barracudas-NE        1:06.79    1:05.33        
 20 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac-NE              1:06.14    1:05.44        
 21 Polucha, Stephen M        21 Magnus-NE            1:03.97    1:05.50        
 22 Sullivan, PJ J            17 Magnus-NE            1:05.34    1:05.81        
 23 Sweeney, Andrew J         17 SSA-NE               1:10.93    1:06.05        
 24 Estrada, David M          17 AAC-NE               1:07.43    1:06.57        
 25 Taylor, Sam L             16 Squids-NE            1:05.26    1:06.68        
 26 Swanson, Chad W           17 Magnus-NE            1:05.87    1:06.78        
 27 Gardner, Wesley W         18 AAC-NE               1:09.05    1:07.02        
 28 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus-NE            1:07.68    1:07.25        
 29 Yamada, Kevin A           14 SAC-NE               1:06.91    1:07.29        
 30 Watson, Ryan M            16 PAC-NE               1:08.87    1:07.71        
 31 Burns, Brad P             21 Squids-NE              56.55    1:07.90        
 32 Bhamla, Ayaas A           14 Barracudas-NE        1:09.73    1:08.40        
 33 Sullivan, Michael T       14 Magnus-NE            1:11.50    1:08.81        
 34 Smith, Tim J              15 Magnus-NE            1:08.92    1:08.90        
 35 O'Brien, Matt C           15 North Shore-NE       1:04.78    1:08.91        
 36 Sullivan, Patrick         15 Magnus-NE            1:12.58    1:08.98        
 37 Harhen, Steve E           18 BGSC-NE              1:08.32    1:09.01        
 38 McCarthy, William C       16 SAC-NE               1:10.93    1:09.08        
 39 Thompson, David           14 SAC-NE               1:11.88    1:09.11        
 40 Leary, Justin             15 PAC-NE               1:09.14    1:09.20        
 41 Su, Allen                 16 Barracudas-NE        1:09.54    1:09.34        
 42 Lopresti, Anthony D       14 BGSC-NE              1:11.43    1:09.36        
 43 McKenzie, Brett A         14 Barracudas-NE        1:09.75    1:09.39        
 44 Leclair, Travis D         18 Magnus-NE            1:08.34    1:09.55        
 45 Piquette, Andrew T        16 Magnus-NE            1:07.65    1:09.64        
 46 Mooney, Ross R            18 PAC-NE               1:10.34    1:09.71        
 47 Troy, Patrick D           15 North Country-NE     1:10.10    1:09.78        
 48 Lowen, Greg B             13 BGSC-NE              1:11.59    1:10.10        
 49 Madigan, Clarke D         14 BGSC-NE              1:11.75    1:10.13        
 50 Putzeys, Philippe M       16 Barracudas-NE        1:11.72    1:10.21        
 51 Maguire, Andrew J         14 Magnus-NE            1:15.55    1:10.50        
 52 Ariel, Michael E          17 AAC-NE               1:11.92    1:10.84        
 53 Willbrant, Andrew W       14 R.A.Y.S.-NE          1:12.35    1:10.88        
 54 DeCecca, Tony J           16 BGSC-NE              1:10.88    1:11.12        
 55 Lamore, Mat               13 PAC-NE               1:13.44    1:11.19        
 56 Gollands, Peter G         16 PSC-NE               1:05.92    1:11.20        
 57 Clark, Ryan L             16 Sea Devils-NE          58.25Y   1:11.28        
 58 Sementelli, Joseph N      17 SAC-NE               1:13.44    1:11.30        
 59 Butler, Patrick M         15 PAC-NE               1:14.07    1:11.31        
 60 O'Neill, Patrick J        16 Magnus-NE            1:14.59    1:11.54        
 61 Polucha, Collin G         15 Magnus-NE            1:13.52    1:11.60        
 62 Meltz, Jonathan M         16 Magnus-NE            1:15.87    1:11.70        
 63 Swanson, Conor W          12 Magnus-NE            1:12.80    1:11.76        
 64 Lebart, Louie B           14 WEST-NE              1:16.14    1:11.77        
 65 Biggs, Patrick M          14 BGSC-NE              1:13.16    1:11.80        
 66 Fisher, Colin C           14 PAC-NE               1:10.68    1:11.82        
 67 Buhler, Peter B           13 Squids-NE            1:13.76    1:12.19        
 68 Brooks, justin M          15 Unattached           1:12.89    1:12.29        
 69 Speroni, Samuel J         14 Ccsc-NE              1:13.53    1:12.32        
 70 Haydon, Josh T            15 SSA-NE               1:15.59    1:12.43        
 71 Smith, Jacob T            17 SSA-NE               1:11.53    1:12.50        
 72 WU, James                 16 Pvac-NE              1:13.06    1:12.51        
 73 Rose, Stephen A           14 AMW-NE               1:14.51    1:12.59        
 74 Brady, Phil A             12 NWSC-NE              1:11.99    1:12.67        
 75 Vozella, AJ J             16 Waves-NE             1:17.22    1:13.11        
 76 Koszyk, Kamil             16 Magnus-NE            1:14.12    1:13.28        
 77 Kates, Stephen G          16 Hay-NE               1:14.86    1:13.30        
 78 Smith, Gordon R           17 SSA-NE               1:11.58    1:13.44        
 79 Asztalos, Ivor B          16 SAC-NE               1:15.90    1:13.47        
 80 Butts, Stuart P           13 SAC-NE               1:15.95    1:13.75        
 81 Leggett, Chris D          16 Barracudas-NE        1:14.60    1:13.87        
 82 Elliott, Colin H          15 wyst-NE              1:14.66    1:13.97        
 83 Inglis, Donald M          15 Ccsc-NE              1:17.69    1:14.27        
 84 Courville, Jared W        14 SAC-NE               1:16.61    1:14.54        
 85 Hunter, Sam J             15 PAC-NE               1:15.80    1:14.61        
 86 Kates, Matthew W          18 Magnus-NE            1:14.47    1:14.64        
 87 Yates, Brad I             17 Rams-NE              1:07.74    1:14.65        
 88 Devlin, Kevin B           15 BGSC-NE              1:15.04    1:14.69        
 89 Fei, David                13 NWSC-NE              1:13.38    1:14.77        
 90 Cotugno, Josh R           12 wyst-NE              1:13.10    1:14.85        
 91 Gauvin, Zach Z            17 SC Aquatics-NE       1:03.45Y   1:15.00        
 92 Driver, Eric J            16 BGSC-NE              1:03.81Y   1:15.05        
 93 Hooper, William A         13 Squids-NE            1:17.04    1:15.09        
 94 Branagan, Richard A       18 Ccsc-NE              1:15.49    1:15.12        
 94 Schmidt, Brian            14 Cmc-NE               1:12.55    1:15.12        
 96 Niles, Ashlin R           13 Sea Devils-NE        1:04.46Y   1:15.13        
 97 Bourque, Ethan S          15 PAC-NE               1:16.33    1:15.23        
 98 Romanovsky, Boris         15 North Shore-NE       1:18.00    1:15.30        
 99 Rice, Nick P              16 Strypers-NE          1:16.71    1:15.32        
100 Szargowicz, Tim           14 Squids-NE            1:16.77    1:15.40        
101 Skinner, Eric B           15 Rams-NE              1:16.08    1:15.42        
102 Asztalos, Siggi O         18 SAC-NE               1:15.43    1:15.53        
103 Medaglio, Robert M        15 Ana-NE               1:16.49    1:15.87        
104 Hoey, Keegan A            15 SSA-NE               1:18.56    1:15.96        
104 St Denis, Brian D         17 Cmc-NE               1:10.76    1:15.96        
106 Parker, Sam               13 EST-NE               1:17.38    1:16.04        
107 Cutts, Josh P             14 Strypers-NE          1:16.98    1:16.28        
108 Handren, Ryan J           19 Makos-NE             1:05.38Y   1:16.34        
109 Tiziani, Lucas O          14 SD-NE                1:17.40    1:16.40        
110 Darrah, Christopher R     14 Ccsc-NE              1:17.74    1:16.41        
111 Beagen, Jeffrey M         18 Rams-NE              1:16.27    1:16.49        
112 Spinazzola, Luca M        10 Squids-NE            1:17.31    1:16.55        
113 Silva, Brian A            14 SD-NE                1:18.22    1:16.67        
114 Brooks, Ryan W            13 Unattached           1:17.78    1:17.37        
115 Ernst, Kyle R             13 SD-NE                1:17.79    1:18.93        
116 Schiavoni, Vincent O      13 Magnus-NE            1:17.40    1:19.26        
117 LaCoursiere, Tad D        15 Otters-NE            1:18.01    1:19.50        
118 McGrath, Chris R          16 Strypers-NE          1:02.63Y   1:20.71        
 -- Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids-NE            1:06.39         DQ        
 -- Warner, Christian M       18 Squids-NE            1:03.97         DQ        
 -- Yamada, Randy M           17 SAC-NE               1:13.47         NS        
 -- Bichalo, Victor V         20 Squids-NE              59.09Y        NS        
 -- Sundvick, Albert          17 Rams-NE              1:16.11         NS        
 -- Geary, Sean W             17 Magnus-NE            1:10.52         NS        
 -- Glynn, Tim J              15 BAT-NE               1:04.92Y        NS        
 -- McGorry, Raymond          12 Cmc-NE               1:14.75        SCR        
 -- McNulty, Mike R           16 Strypers-NE          1:16.65        SCR        
 -- Sheridan, Kevin C         17 BAT-NE               1:12.98        SCR        
 -- Brosnan, Aaron            15 PSC-NE               1:07.07        SCR        
 -- Baracewicz, Chris J       18 BGSC-NE              1:16.56        SCR        
 -- Riley, Sean N             18 Squids-NE            1:07.64        SCR        
 -- Treat, Ethan K            19 Squids-NE            1:04.03        SCR        
 -- Thomas, Brian J           21 Uac-CT               1:07.67        SCR        
 -- Bonte, Benjamin J         16 Squids-NE            1:12.13        SCR        
 -- Rasin, Arkaady            16 Squids-NE            1:13.49        SCR        
 -- Kalter, Howie L           15 SSA-NE               1:16.22        SCR        
 -- Bailey, Thomas N          16 Squids-NE            1:11.50        SCR        
 -- Kimball, Don J            17 Squids-NE            1:15.17        SCR        
Event 21  Women 400 LC Meter Freestyle
        4:21.69  NATL
        4:25.59  USOP
        4:38.19  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 McFarlane, Taylor M       16 SSA-NE               4:32.19    4:31.21 SECT   
                1:06.11   2:14.45 (1:08.34)   3:24.07 (1:09.62)   4:31.21 (1:07.14)
  2 Strickland, Kait Z        16 Barracudas-NE        4:35.71    4:33.85 SECT   
                1:06.80   2:16.42 (1:09.62)   3:25.66 (1:09.24)   4:33.85 (1:08.19)
  3 Greco, Stephanie H        20 Squids-NE            4:30.69    4:35.58 SECT   
                1:07.66   2:16.60 (1:08.94)   3:26.75 (1:10.15)   4:35.58 (1:08.83)
  4 Rigterink, Kristina M     15 SSA-NE               4:36.45    4:35.72 SECT   
                1:05.57   2:15.77 (1:10.20)   3:25.47 (1:09.70)   4:35.72 (1:10.25)
  5 Foley, Kathleen E         15 Magnus-NE            4:39.41    4:37.23 SECT   
                1:06.94   2:17.13 (1:10.19)   3:27.20 (1:10.07)   4:37.23 (1:10.03)
  6 Butler, Chase H           17 BGSC-NE              4:48.77    4:37.66 SECT   
                1:04.37   2:14.43 (1:10.06)   3:25.99 (1:11.56)   4:37.66 (1:11.67)
  7 Santapaul, Jessica E      18 BGSC-NE              4:31.83    4:39.15        
                1:07.59   2:19.03 (1:11.44)   3:29.65 (1:10.62)   4:39.15 (1:09.50)
  8 Frizelle, Kashmir E E     15 Magnus-NE            4:36.62    4:39.48        
                1:07.51   2:18.64 (1:11.13)   3:29.81 (1:11.17)   4:39.48 (1:09.67)
  9 Woodward, Lindsay A       17 Squids-NE            4:45.94    4:39.58        
                1:07.75   2:19.24 (1:11.49)   3:30.26 (1:11.02)   4:39.58 (1:09.32)
 10 Kaufmann, Christine R     14 Squids-NE            4:45.48    4:39.87        
                1:07.17   2:18.65 (1:11.48)   3:30.35 (1:11.70)   4:39.87 (1:09.52)
 11 Feleen, Emily J           16 North Country-NE     4:43.91    4:40.37        
                1:08.73   2:19.70 (1:10.97)   3:29.89 (1:10.19)   4:40.37 (1:10.48)
 12 Ganley, Ellis V           13 North Country-NE     4:42.35    4:40.64        
                1:07.00   2:17.87 (1:10.87)   3:29.43 (1:11.56)   4:40.64 (1:11.21)
 13 Delaney, Dillon C         17 Ccsc-NE              4:35.50    4:42.30        
                1:08.10   2:19.45 (1:11.35)   3:31.64 (1:12.19)   4:42.30 (1:10.66)
 14 Ernst, Kara Q             16 SD-NE                4:51.04    4:42.78        
                1:08.21   2:20.84 (1:12.63)   3:32.96 (1:12.12)   4:42.78 (1:09.82)
 15 Dooe, Mary E              16 BGSC-NE              4:51.71    4:42.96        
                1:08.24   2:20.43 (1:12.19)   3:32.15 (1:11.72)   4:42.96 (1:10.81)
 16 Stutius, Erica A          17 Barracudas-NE        4:43.81    4:43.19        
                1:06.06   2:19.21 (1:13.15)   3:32.22 (1:13.01)   4:43.19 (1:10.97)
 17 Hammang, Emily E          15 PAC-NE               4:50.51    4:43.72        
                1:07.43   2:19.16 (1:11.73)   3:32.33 (1:13.17)   4:43.72 (1:11.39)
 18 Coker, Kate K             17 SSA-NE               4:47.54    4:43.73        
                1:08.55   2:20.82 (1:12.27)   3:32.38 (1:11.56)   4:43.73 (1:11.35)
 19 Finn, Courtney E          16 Squids-NE            4:45.72    4:44.00        
                1:08.12   2:20.86 (1:12.74)   3:33.36 (1:12.50)   4:44.00 (1:10.64)
 20 Chapman, Hope B           15 North Country-NE     4:45.01    4:44.92        
                1:06.59   2:17.52 (1:10.93)   3:30.73 (1:13.21)   4:44.92 (1:14.19)
 21 Maloney, Katrina M        16 SSA-NE               4:54.01    4:44.94        
                1:08.62   2:20.60 (1:11.98)   3:34.77 (1:14.17)   4:44.94 (1:10.17)
 22 Grant, Caitlin E          17 SD-NE                4:52.64    4:45.12        
                1:09.27   2:21.99 (1:12.72)   3:34.89 (1:12.90)   4:45.12 (1:10.23)
 23 Krems, Kate W             17 Barracudas-NE        4:58.88    4:45.19        
                1:07.80   2:19.93 (1:12.13)   3:33.11 (1:13.18)   4:45.19 (1:12.08)
 24 Healey, Meghan E          16 Squids-NE            4:55.38    4:45.35        
                1:10.00   2:22.61 (1:12.61)   3:34.70 (1:12.09)   4:45.35 (1:10.65)
 25 Snyder, Lindsey A         17 SSA-NE               4:46.37    4:45.62        
                1:09.36   2:21.16 (1:11.80)   3:33.37 (1:12.21)   4:45.62 (1:12.25)
 26 Weaver, Kate A            14 GMA-NE               4:46.07    4:45.63        
                1:07.99   2:20.95 (1:12.96)   3:34.55 (1:13.60)   4:45.63 (1:11.08)
 27 LeBarge, Nicole E         18 SSA-NE               4:50.12    4:45.77        
                1:06.55   2:18.83 (1:12.28)   3:32.32 (1:13.49)   4:45.77 (1:13.45)
 28 Soja, Katie M             14 BGSC-NE              4:46.84    4:45.79        
                1:08.83   2:21.62 (1:12.79)   3:34.34 (1:12.72)   4:45.79 (1:11.45)
 29 Doherty, Caitlin K K      14 Magnus-NE            4:42.49    4:45.96        
                1:07.23   2:18.69 (1:11.46)   3:32.23 (1:13.54)   4:45.96 (1:13.73)
 30 Colling, Meaghan E        17 SAC-NE               4:48.07    4:46.26        
                1:06.70   2:19.43 (1:12.73)   3:33.40 (1:13.97)   4:46.26 (1:12.86)
 31 Woodward, Nikki R         17 Pvac-NE              4:45.26    4:46.30        
                1:08.82   2:22.55 (1:13.73)   3:35.72 (1:13.17)   4:46.30 (1:10.58)
 32 Porter, Jackie D          16 AAC-NE               4:48.20    4:46.43        
                1:08.33   2:21.75 (1:13.42)   3:34.94 (1:13.19)   4:46.43 (1:11.49)
 33 Beisel, Elizabeth L       10 Magnus-NE            4:42.40    4:46.51        
                1:08.46   2:22.17 (1:13.71)   3:35.71 (1:13.54)   4:46.51 (1:10.80)
 34 Prautzsch, Kristin A      14 Magnus-NE            4:51.76    4:47.06        
                1:08.67   2:21.53 (1:12.86)   3:34.70 (1:13.17)   4:47.06 (1:12.36)
 35 Devlin, Deirdre A         17 BGSC-NE              4:40.26    4:47.22        
                1:07.31   2:20.07 (1:12.76)   3:34.31 (1:14.24)   4:47.22 (1:12.91)
 36 Lammers, Cornelieke       15 BGSC-NE              4:46.58    4:47.47        
                1:08.54   2:21.61 (1:13.07)   3:34.99 (1:13.38)   4:47.47 (1:12.48)
 37 Brady, Lauren M           14 NWSC-NE              4:49.56    4:47.51        
                1:07.42   2:21.06 (1:13.64)   3:35.32 (1:14.26)   4:47.51 (1:12.19)
 38 Mirch, Katey              19 Bus-NE               4:45.57    4:47.83        
                1:10.81   2:24.15 (1:13.34)   3:37.18 (1:13.03)   4:47.83 (1:10.65)
 39 Gray, Erin E              15 Magnus-NE            4:39.91    4:48.18        
                1:09.89   2:22.99 (1:13.10)   3:36.45 (1:13.46)   4:48.18 (1:11.73)
 40 Spinazzola, Chiara F      12 Squids-NE            4:53.08    4:49.65        
                1:08.52   2:21.96 (1:13.44)   3:36.08 (1:14.12)   4:49.65 (1:13.57)
 41 Negrotti, Alicia M        15 Barracudas-NE        4:55.01    4:50.13        
                1:10.15   2:23.94 (1:13.79)   3:38.24 (1:14.30)   4:50.13 (1:11.89)
 42 Nelson, Meredith K        16 BGSC-NE              4:55.33    4:50.28        
                1:09.81   2:24.38 (1:14.57)   3:37.76 (1:13.38)   4:50.28 (1:12.52)
 43 Kennedy, Kerri A          17 Magnus-NE            4:48.06    4:50.43        
                1:09.71   2:22.96 (1:13.25)   3:36.77 (1:13.81)   4:50.43 (1:13.66)
 44 Toczylowski, Natalie A    15 Ccsc-NE              4:47.90    4:50.60        
                1:08.94   2:23.31 (1:14.37)   3:37.88 (1:14.57)   4:50.60 (1:12.72)
 45 Perry, Jessica E          14 Sea Devils-NE        4:51.74    4:50.69        
                1:09.69   2:22.82 (1:13.13)   3:37.36 (1:14.54)   4:50.69 (1:13.33)
 46 Forbes, Lauren M          17 PSC-NE               4:52.77    4:50.71        
                1:08.44   2:22.56 (1:14.12)   3:38.10 (1:15.54)   4:50.71 (1:12.61)
 47 Olerio, Brittany M        14 Squids-NE            4:56.81    4:51.24        
                1:09.64   2:24.36 (1:14.72)   3:38.94 (1:14.58)   4:51.24 (1:12.30)
 48 Cecere, Amanda S          14 Magnus-NE            4:51.16    4:51.62        
                1:09.92   2:23.70 (1:13.78)   3:38.04 (1:14.34)   4:51.62 (1:13.58)
 49 Rogers, Martha H          18 Squids-NE            4:56.94    4:52.43        
                1:10.13   2:24.38 (1:14.25)   3:38.74 (1:14.36)   4:52.43 (1:13.69)
 50 Wake, Stephanie J         16 Barracudas-NE        4:57.30    4:52.45        
                1:09.70   2:24.37 (1:14.67)   3:39.35 (1:14.98)   4:52.45 (1:13.10)
 51 Johnson, Bailey M         16 Magnus-NE            4:58.73    4:52.91        
                1:08.95   2:22.93 (1:13.98)   3:38.25 (1:15.32)   4:52.91 (1:14.66)
 52 MacDonald, Erica E        16 AAC-NE               4:54.94    4:53.54        
                1:09.82   2:23.57 (1:13.75)   3:38.68 (1:15.11)   4:53.54 (1:14.86)
 53 Osborn, Anne E            18 Barracudas-NE        5:27.68Y   4:53.86        
                1:10.46   2:24.89 (1:14.43)   3:39.58 (1:14.69)   4:53.86 (1:14.28)
 54 Rosenberg, Dana           16 BGSC-NE              5:00.25    4:54.03        
                1:09.11   2:23.83 (1:14.72)   3:39.13 (1:15.30)   4:54.03 (1:14.90)
 55 Leblanc, Elena M          13 Squids-NE            5:30.33Y   4:54.64        
                1:09.11   2:24.16 (1:15.05)   3:39.99 (1:15.83)   4:54.64 (1:14.65)
 56 Looney, Jessica M         15 Barracudas-NE        4:55.89    4:54.89        
                1:10.86   2:26.46 (1:15.60)   3:42.18 (1:15.72)   4:54.89 (1:12.71)
 57 Geary, Jenny A            14 Magnus-NE            4:55.83    4:54.97        
                1:09.73   2:25.09 (1:15.36)   3:40.33 (1:15.24)   4:54.97 (1:14.64)
 58 Quirk, Molly E            19 Squids-NE            4:46.87    4:55.22        
                1:09.60   2:23.83 (1:14.23)   3:39.61 (1:15.78)   4:55.22 (1:15.61)
 59 Brodeur, Nicky M          13 North Country-NE     4:55.99    4:55.38        
                1:11.84   2:27.09 (1:15.25)   3:42.20 (1:15.11)   4:55.38 (1:13.18)
 60 Gibbons, Meaghan E        15 BGSC-NE              4:53.51    4:55.43        
                1:09.39   2:24.01 (1:14.62)   3:39.81 (1:15.80)   4:55.43 (1:15.62)
 61 Sweeney, Jessica A        13 SSA-NE               5:00.31    4:55.74        
                1:10.44   2:26.16 (1:15.72)   3:40.60 (1:14.44)   4:55.74 (1:15.14)
 62 Quinn, Alex               16 Squids-NE            5:27.69Y   4:56.19        
                1:09.13   2:24.11 (1:14.98)   3:40.68 (1:16.57)   4:56.19 (1:15.51)
 63 Gagnon, Laila C           17 Pvac-NE              4:49.48    4:56.86        
                1:09.11   2:24.54 (1:15.43)   3:40.68 (1:16.14)   4:56.86 (1:16.18)
 64 Petzold, Tiffany L        13 Magnus-NE            4:58.06    4:57.93        
                1:09.05   2:25.04 (1:15.99)   3:41.38 (1:16.34)   4:57.93 (1:16.55)
 65 Moore-Penaskovic, Caitli  13 SSA-NE               5:29.93Y   4:58.52        
                1:13.03   2:29.62 (1:16.59)   3:45.45 (1:15.83)   4:58.52 (1:13.07)
 66 Wilson, Lauren A          14 BGSC-NE              5:29.75Y   4:58.75        
                1:12.54   2:28.95 (1:16.41)   3:45.29 (1:16.34)   4:58.75 (1:13.46)
 67 Martin, Katelyn A         13 Magnus-NE            5:00.22    4:59.10        
                1:09.01   2:25.76 (1:16.75)   3:43.24 (1:17.48)   4:59.10 (1:15.86)
 68 Silva, Jen A              16 SD-NE                5:31.23Y   4:59.11        
                1:11.42   2:27.98 (1:16.56)   3:44.45 (1:16.47)   4:59.11 (1:14.66)
 69 Young, Meghan T           14 Ccsc-NE              5:27.14Y   4:59.61        
                1:10.97   2:28.01 (1:17.04)   3:45.06 (1:17.05)   4:59.61 (1:14.55)
 70 Mamourian, Molly M        14 North Country-NE     4:59.71    4:59.65        
                1:10.23   2:26.46 (1:16.23)   3:43.19 (1:16.73)   4:59.65 (1:16.46)
 71 Walterman, Elena V        13 SAC-NE               4:57.34    5:00.92        
                1:12.07   2:29.61 (1:17.54)   3:46.51 (1:16.90)   5:00.92 (1:14.41)
 72 Rosen, Elizabeth A        14 Magnus-NE            4:58.38    5:01.12        
                1:09.80   2:25.89 (1:16.09)   3:43.36 (1:17.47)   5:01.12 (1:17.76)
 73 Kunkel, Caitlin R         19 Squids-NE            5:28.00Y   5:01.98        
                1:12.14   2:28.92 (1:16.78)   3:45.58 (1:16.66)   5:01.98 (1:16.40)
 74 Huber, Caroline M         13 Squids-NE            5:29.05Y   5:02.27        
                1:12.10   2:28.56 (1:16.46)   3:46.09 (1:17.53)   5:02.27 (1:16.18)
 75 Cronin, Meredith N        15 Hay-NE               5:31.79Y   5:05.77        
                1:12.46   2:30.09 (1:17.63)   3:48.08 (1:17.99)   5:05.77 (1:17.69)
 76 Bailey, Meaghan E         12 Magnus-NE            4:46.67    5:09.23        
                1:12.30   2:31.17 (1:18.87)   3:50.10 (1:18.93)   5:09.23 (1:19.13)
 77 Healey, Jayne A           14 Squids-NE            4:56.45    5:09.59        
                1:12.91   2:31.20 (1:18.29)   3:50.54 (1:19.34)   5:09.59 (1:19.05)
 -- Geary, Caitlin M          18 Magnus-NE            4:31.33         DQ        
 -- Belli, Caroline M         13 North Shore-NE       4:43.68         DQ        
 -- Goldstein, Annie J        18 Squids-NE            4:39.98         DQ        
 -- Ernst, Sarah E            14 BGSC-NE              4:46.03         NS        
 -- Haron, Katie E            14 Squids-NE            4:34.99         NS        
 -- Peak, Candice E           14 Magnus-NE            4:44.73        SCR        
 -- Humphries, Eleanor C      20 Squids-NE            4:52.87        SCR        
 -- Michaels, Caitlin M       12 North Country-NE     4:46.79        SCR        
 -- Hopkins-Vacca, Corina F   15 Magnus-NE            5:31.14Y       SCR        
Event 22  Men 400 LC Meter Freestyle
        4:02.19  NATL
        4:05.89  USOP
        4:18.59  SECT
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Barba, Salvatore G        16 SAC-NE               4:17.09    4:14.19 SECT   
                1:02.07   2:07.36 (1:05.29)   3:11.77 (1:04.41)   4:14.19 (1:02.42)
  2 Nilsson, Eric T           16 Barracudas-NE        4:10.77    4:14.60 SECT   
                1:01.90   2:06.97 (1:05.07)   3:11.55 (1:04.58)   4:14.60 (1:03.05)
  3 Emmons, Michael           22 Ccsc-NE              4:39.44Y   4:16.45 SECT   
                1:01.93   2:06.71 (1:04.78)   3:11.99 (1:05.28)   4:16.45 (1:04.46)
  4 Pudas, Kevin J            18 Squids-NE            4:15.71    4:16.72 SECT   
                1:01.54   2:06.72 (1:05.18)   3:12.65 (1:05.93)   4:16.72 (1:04.07)
  5 Rasin, Arkaady            16 Squids-NE            4:20.46    4:19.58        
                1:02.31   2:06.27 (1:03.96)   3:12.32 (1:06.05)   4:19.58 (1:07.26)
  6 Miller, Stephen D         16 Barracudas-NE        4:25.15    4:20.49        
                1:01.38   2:08.13 (1:06.75)   3:14.02 (1:05.89)   4:20.49 (1:06.47)
  7 Eaddy, Jason H            27 Cmsc-NE              4:19.63    4:20.52        
                1:02.14   2:08.91 (1:06.77)   3:16.66 (1:07.75)   4:20.52 (1:03.86)
  8 Cronin, Casey D           20 Magnus-NE            4:16.67    4:20.59        
                1:00.22   2:05.83 (1:05.61)   3:12.11 (1:06.28)   4:20.59 (1:08.48)
  9 Cromarty, Stuart I        39 PAC-NE               4:22.45    4:20.64        
                1:01.62   2:08.03 (1:06.41)   3:14.57 (1:06.54)   4:20.64 (1:06.07)
 10 Kinnett, Charles P P      18 Magnus-NE            4:20.23    4:21.55        
                1:01.90   2:09.18 (1:07.28)   3:16.61 (1:07.43)   4:21.55 (1:04.94)
 11 Rubenstein, Billy J       17 Barracudas-NE        4:21.68    4:22.03        
                1:02.37   2:08.33 (1:05.96)   3:15.47 (1:07.14)   4:22.03 (1:06.56)
 12 Bullitt, Ben H            17 Squids-NE            4:34.18    4:22.48        
                1:03.17   2:10.17 (1:07.00)   3:17.64 (1:07.47)   4:22.48 (1:04.84)
 13 Boudreau, Andrew J        17 SSA-NE               4:34.66    4:23.82        
                1:04.10   2:11.58 (1:07.48)   3:18.98 (1:07.40)   4:23.82 (1:04.84)
 14 Sweeney, Andrew J         17 SSA-NE               4:38.83    4:25.47        
                1:01.90   2:09.50 (1:07.60)   3:18.83 (1:09.33)   4:25.47 (1:06.64)
 15 Roan, Alex G              15 Ccsc-NE              4:31.15    4:26.05        
                1:03.65   2:11.56 (1:07.91)   3:19.11 (1:07.55)   4:26.05 (1:06.94)
 16 Smith, Gordon R           17 SSA-NE               4:24.64    4:26.16        
                1:02.31   2:09.34 (1:07.03)   3:18.11 (1:08.77)   4:26.16 (1:08.05)
 17 Kelleher, Thomas J        16 Squids-NE            4:21.42    4:27.64        
                1:02.90   2:11.20 (1:08.30)   3:20.19 (1:08.99)   4:27.64 (1:07.45)
 18 Parent, Keith C           17 Pvac-NE              4:29.61    4:28.46        
                1:03.03   2:10.83 (1:07.80)   3:20.21 (1:09.38)   4:28.46 (1:08.25)
 19 Russell, David P          16 Barracudas-NE        4:28.00    4:28.59        
                1:03.15   2:11.79 (1:08.64)   3:19.95 (1:08.16)   4:28.59 (1:08.64)
 20 Mance, Christopher R      20 Squids-NE            4:32.74    4:29.57        
                1:05.14   2:13.56 (1:08.42)   3:22.17 (1:08.61)   4:29.57 (1:07.40)
 21 Christian, Marc E         17 Magnus-NE            4:25.18    4:29.63        
                1:02.06   2:11.37 (1:09.31)   3:20.65 (1:09.28)   4:29.63 (1:08.98)
 22 Thomas, Eric M            18 Squids-NE            4:20.75    4:29.88        
                1:03.31   2:12.01 (1:08.70)   3:21.46 (1:09.45)   4:29.88 (1:08.42)
 23 Reeves, Bill A            36 SSA-NE               4:33.09    4:30.25        
                1:05.26   2:14.07 (1:08.81)   3:22.80 (1:08.73)   4:30.25 (1:07.45)
 24 Porter, Brian M           19 AAC-NE               4:35.55    4:30.41        
                1:04.66   2:15.09 (1:10.43)   3:25.53 (1:10.44)   4:30.41 (1:04.88)
 25 Bailey, Thomas N          16 Squids-NE            4:57.47Y   4:30.75        
                1:03.72   2:13.02 (1:09.30)   3:22.30 (1:09.28)   4:30.75 (1:08.45)
 26 Gardner, Wesley W         18 AAC-NE               4:39.38    4:31.04        
                1:03.23   2:11.87 (1:08.64)   3:22.12 (1:10.25)   4:31.04 (1:08.92)
 27 Langelier, Michael C      15 Squids-NE            4:31.15    4:32.73        
                1:04.36   2:13.85 (1:09.49)   3:23.06 (1:09.21)   4:32.73 (1:09.67)
 28 Sullivan, Ian J           16 AAC-NE               4:41.13    4:33.28        
                1:04.44   2:13.98 (1:09.54)   3:24.62 (1:10.64)   4:33.28 (1:08.66)
 29 Wareck, Tony J            19 Magnus-NE            4:25.98    4:33.98        
                1:04.91   2:14.09 (1:09.18)   3:24.52 (1:10.43)   4:33.98 (1:09.46)
 30 Gibbons, Richard R        17 BGSC-NE              4:37.00    4:34.19        
                1:04.75   2:14.84 (1:10.09)   3:25.24 (1:10.40)   4:34.19 (1:08.95)
 31 Smith, Jacob T            17 SSA-NE               4:37.63    4:34.30        
                1:04.34   2:13.94 (1:09.60)   3:24.58 (1:10.64)   4:34.30 (1:09.72)
 32 Grant, Ray J              14 SD-NE                4:50.55    4:34.49        
                1:05.67   2:15.40 (1:09.73)   3:25.75 (1:10.35)   4:34.49 (1:08.74)
 33 Sullivan, Michael T       14 Magnus-NE            4:42.28    4:34.83        
                1:06.68   2:16.87 (1:10.19)   3:26.63 (1:09.76)   4:34.83 (1:08.20)
 34 Inglis, Donald M          15 Ccsc-NE              4:37.76    4:35.06        
                1:03.31   2:13.50 (1:10.19)   3:25.35 (1:11.85)   4:35.06 (1:09.71)
 35 Smith, Tim J              15 Magnus-NE            4:36.59    4:35.87        
                1:04.85   2:15.38 (1:10.53)   3:26.42 (1:11.04)   4:35.87 (1:09.45)
 36 Dobrolioubov, A.          14 BGSC-NE              4:37.30    4:35.95        
                1:05.08   2:15.84 (1:10.76)   3:27.05 (1:11.21)   4:35.95 (1:08.90)
 37 Mackness, Brian C         15 NWSC-NE              4:39.58    4:36.14        
                1:04.94   2:15.40 (1:10.46)   3:26.78 (1:11.38)   4:36.14 (1:09.36)
 38 Chu, Marco S              13 Barracudas-NE        4:40.18    4:36.19        
                1:04.73   2:16.07 (1:11.34)   3:26.33 (1:10.26)   4:36.19 (1:09.86)
 39 Sementelli, Joseph N      17 SAC-NE               4:36.20    4:36.61        
                1:06.02   2:16.95 (1:10.93)   3:27.80 (1:10.85)   4:36.61 (1:08.81)
 40 Biggs, PJ G               17 BGSC-NE              4:35.46    4:36.78        
                1:05.84   2:16.22 (1:10.38)   3:26.96 (1:10.74)   4:36.78 (1:09.82)
 41 Bhamla, Ayaas A           14 Barracudas-NE        4:40.31    4:37.26        
                1:06.84   2:18.13 (1:11.29)   3:29.17 (1:11.04)   4:37.26 (1:08.09)
 42 Gillie, Eddie A           14 Barracudas-NE        4:53.23    4:37.75        
                1:04.92   2:16.24 (1:11.32)   3:27.88 (1:11.64)   4:37.75 (1:09.87)
 43 Monovoukas, Michael J     13 BGSC-NE              4:45.72    4:37.87        
                1:06.90   2:19.03 (1:12.13)   3:29.44 (1:10.41)   4:37.87 (1:08.43)
 44 Koszyk, Kamil             16 Magnus-NE            4:50.33    4:38.19        
                1:06.15   2:17.96 (1:11.81)   3:28.88 (1:10.92)   4:38.19 (1:09.31)
 45 Biggs, Patrick M          14 BGSC-NE              5:13.36Y   4:38.30        
                1:04.66   2:14.93 (1:10.27)   3:26.46 (1:11.53)   4:38.30 (1:11.84)
 46 Cronholm, Andrew S        17 AAC-NE               4:51.10    4:38.95        
                1:05.50   2:17.71 (1:12.21)   3:30.81 (1:13.10)   4:38.95 (1:08.14)
 47 Speroni, Samuel J         14 Ccsc-NE              4:38.95    4:39.04        
                1:06.46   2:17.20 (1:10.74)   3:28.56 (1:11.36)   4:39.04 (1:10.48)
 48 Bonte, Benjamin J         16 Squids-NE            4:39.87    4:39.86        
                1:04.85   2:15.92 (1:11.07)   3:28.20 (1:12.28)   4:39.86 (1:11.66)
 49 Gollands, Peter G         16 PSC-NE               4:44.75    4:39.91        
                1:06.33   2:16.34 (1:10.01)   3:29.08 (1:12.74)   4:39.91 (1:10.83)
 50 Butler, Max H             15 BGSC-NE              4:44.25    4:39.96        
                1:06.62   2:17.29 (1:10.67)   3:28.51 (1:11.22)   4:39.96 (1:11.45)
 51 Vozella, AJ J             16 Waves-NE             5:18.56Y   4:40.17        
                1:06.80   2:19.39 (1:12.59)   3:32.36 (1:12.97)   4:40.17 (1:07.81)
 52 Putzeys, Philippe M       16 Barracudas-NE        4:48.46    4:40.18        
                1:08.10   2:19.45 (1:11.35)   3:29.87 (1:10.42)   4:40.18 (1:10.31)
 53 Kimball, Don J            17 Squids-NE            5:09.29Y   4:40.45        
                1:07.04   2:18.56 (1:11.52)   3:29.82 (1:11.26)   4:40.45 (1:10.63)
 54 Haydon, Josh T            15 SSA-NE               4:51.63    4:40.97        
                1:06.74   2:19.56 (1:12.82)   3:32.06 (1:12.50)   4:40.97 (1:08.91)
 55 Wensman, Sam J            13 SSA-NE               4:47.93    4:41.91        
                1:07.18   2:19.47 (1:12.29)   3:32.61 (1:13.14)   4:41.91 (1:09.30)
 56 McKenzie, Brett A         14 Barracudas-NE        4:44.78    4:42.41        
                1:07.67   2:20.00 (1:12.33)   3:31.17 (1:11.17)   4:42.41 (1:11.24)
 57 Roy, Kenny J              15 SSA-NE               4:54.21    4:42.76        
                1:07.36   2:19.93 (1:12.57)   3:32.11 (1:12.18)   4:42.76 (1:10.65)
 58 Estrada, David M          17 AAC-NE               4:43.10    4:43.27        
                1:07.63   2:20.78 (1:13.15)   3:32.20 (1:11.42)   4:43.27 (1:11.07)
 59 Maguire, Andrew J         14 Magnus-NE            4:38.81    4:43.79        
                1:05.58   2:17.41 (1:11.83)   3:31.47 (1:14.06)   4:43.79 (1:12.32)
 60 Quigley, Robbie T         14 Magnus-NE            4:52.81    4:44.44        
                1:06.03   2:18.42 (1:12.39)   3:32.00 (1:13.58)   4:44.44 (1:12.44)
 61 Brammer, Calin T          15 North Shore-NE       4:45.45    4:44.67        
                1:08.47   2:20.56 (1:12.09)   3:32.78 (1:12.22)   4:44.67 (1:11.89)
 62 McKenna, Eric B           15 Barracudas-NE        4:45.80    4:45.06        
                1:06.41   2:19.19 (1:12.78)   3:33.06 (1:13.87)   4:45.06 (1:12.00)
 63 Thompson, David           14 SAC-NE               4:50.11    4:45.79        
                1:08.01   2:22.28 (1:14.27)   3:35.00 (1:12.72)   4:45.79 (1:10.79)
 64 Madigan, Clarke D         14 BGSC-NE              4:49.11    4:46.34        
                1:06.82   2:21.62 (1:14.80)   3:37.09 (1:15.47)   4:46.34 (1:09.25)
 65 Cronin, Nathan C          18 AAC-NE               4:47.96    4:46.68        
                1:07.72   2:20.95 (1:13.23)   3:34.68 (1:13.73)   4:46.68 (1:12.00)
 66 Porter, Robbie L          14 AAC-NE               5:12.32Y   4:47.21        
                1:09.48   2:22.82 (1:13.34)   3:35.89 (1:13.07)   4:47.21 (1:11.32)
 67 Asztalos, Ivor B          16 SAC-NE               5:12.85Y   4:47.37        
                1:07.77   2:20.98 (1:13.21)   3:34.50 (1:13.52)   4:47.37 (1:12.87)
 68 Leclair, Travis D         18 Magnus-NE            4:34.93    4:47.92        
                1:03.96   2:16.09 (1:12.13)   3:31.60 (1:15.51)   4:47.92 (1:16.32)
 69 Buhler, Peter B           13 Squids-NE            5:27.28Y   4:48.19        
                1:07.90   2:21.83 (1:13.93)   3:35.79 (1:13.96)   4:48.19 (1:12.40)
 70 Leary, Justin             15 PAC-NE               4:49.82    4:48.47        
                1:05.99   2:20.03 (1:14.04)   3:35.68 (1:15.65)   4:48.47 (1:12.79)
 71 Courville, Jared W        14 SAC-NE               4:52.54    4:48.71        
                1:08.36   2:23.48 (1:15.12)   3:38.23 (1:14.75)   4:48.71 (1:10.48)
 72 Leggett, Chris D          16 Barracudas-NE        4:46.71    4:49.18        
                1:06.27   2:19.84 (1:13.57)   3:34.33 (1:14.49)   4:49.18 (1:14.85)
 73 Harhen, Steve E           18 BGSC-NE              4:50.67    4:49.23        
                1:06.28   2:19.82 (1:13.54)   3:36.09 (1:16.27)   4:49.23 (1:13.14)
 74 Thumma, Eric V            17 PSC-NE               5:06.77Y   4:49.36        
                1:07.31   2:21.99 (1:14.68)   3:36.83 (1:14.84)   4:49.36 (1:12.53)
 75 Brooks, Ryan W            13 Unattached           4:54.02    4:50.46        
                1:09.26   2:23.65 (1:14.39)   3:39.05 (1:15.40)   4:50.46 (1:11.41)
 76 Medaglio, Robert M        15 Ana-NE               5:24.49Y   4:50.48        
                1:07.80   2:22.84 (1:15.04)   3:37.83 (1:14.99)   4:50.48 (1:12.65)
 77 O'Brien, Matt C           15 North Shore-NE       4:51.43    4:50.57        
                1:06.74   2:20.63 (1:13.89)   3:36.89 (1:16.26)   4:50.57 (1:13.68)
 78 Rose, Stephen A           14 AMW-NE               5:28.79Y   4:51.24        
                1:07.30   2:22.01 (1:14.71)   3:37.59 (1:15.58)   4:51.24 (1:13.65)
 79 Ernst, Kyle R             13 SD-NE                4:49.10    4:51.83        
                1:10.57   2:25.85 (1:15.28)   3:40.19 (1:14.34)   4:51.83 (1:11.64)
 80 Parry, Michael J          13 Magnus-NE            5:27.81Y   4:52.84        
                1:09.10   2:23.37 (1:14.27)   3:38.62 (1:15.25)   4:52.84 (1:14.22)
 81 Szargowicz, Tim           14 Squids-NE            5:26.95Y   4:53.21        
                1:10.88   2:25.32 (1:14.44)   3:40.42 (1:15.10)   4:53.21 (1:12.79)
 82 Hunter, Sam J             15 PAC-NE               4:53.37    4:53.24        
                1:08.04   2:22.46 (1:14.42)   3:37.09 (1:14.63)   4:53.24 (1:16.15)
 83 Brady, Phil A             12 NWSC-NE              5:29.55Y   4:55.14        
                1:10.24   2:25.74 (1:15.50)   3:41.36 (1:15.62)   4:55.14 (1:13.78)
 84 Branagan, Richard A       18 Ccsc-NE              5:15.64Y   4:55.19        
                1:07.79   2:24.99 (1:17.20)   3:41.74 (1:16.75)   4:55.19 (1:13.45)
 85 Provost, Nicholas D       13 Vikings-NE           5:29.16Y   4:56.81        
                1:13.01   2:28.76 (1:15.75)   3:43.94 (1:15.18)   4:56.81 (1:12.87)
 86 Devlin, Kevin B           15 BGSC-NE              5:19.27Y   5:00.38        
                1:09.94   2:25.15 (1:15.21)   3:40.33 (1:15.18)   5:00.38 (1:20.05)
 87 Armstrong, David A        16 Otters-NE            5:28.01Y   5:02.46        
                1:11.42   2:28.97 (1:17.55)   3:48.07 (1:19.10)   5:02.46 (1:14.39)
 88 Gauvin, Zach Z            17 SC Aquatics-NE       5:19.36Y   5:02.71        
                1:08.59   2:25.77 (1:17.18)   3:44.66 (1:18.89)   5:02.71 (1:18.05)
 89 Schneider, Drew T         14 Rams-NE              5:28.31Y   5:03.96        
                1:12.83   2:30.17 (1:17.34)   3:49.82 (1:19.65)   5:03.96 (1:14.14)
 90 St Denis, Brian D         17 Cmc-NE               4:50.57    5:04.07        
                1:08.58   2:26.41 (1:17.83)   3:45.83 (1:19.42)   5:04.07 (1:18.24)
 91 Niles, Ashlin R           13 Sea Devils-NE        5:29.64Y   5:17.72        
                1:14.31   2:33.98 (1:19.67)   3:56.33 (1:22.35)   5:17.72 (1:21.39)
 -- Grant, Rassan I           20 Squids-NE            4:48.98Y        DQ        
 -- Bichalo, Victor V         20 Squids-NE            4:59.29Y        NS        
 -- Swanson, Conor W          12 Magnus-NE            4:48.32         NS        
 -- Glynn, Tim J              15 BAT-NE               5:20.78Y        NS        
 -- Geary, Sean W             17 Magnus-NE            4:22.77         NS        
 -- Lazar, Robert M           16 Barracudas-NE        4:45.21        SCR        
 -- Sullivan, PJ J            17 Magnus-NE            4:25.08        SCR        
 -- Bott, Christopher D       16 SAC-NE               4:24.79        SCR        
 -- Riley, Sean N             18 Squids-NE            4:10.35        SCR        
 -- Scibelli, Michael J       18 Pvac-NE              4:34.96        SCR        
 -- McNulty, Mike R           16 Strypers-NE          5:14.31Y       SCR        
 -- Sullivan, Terrance M      15 AAC-NE               4:52.71        SCR        
 -- Donohue, Kevin P          17 Squids-NE            4:54.37        SCR