New England Swimming

Annual Meeting

Wellesley Community Center

Wellesley, Massachusetts

May 3, 2003


Chairman Bruce Mohl (SSA):  began the meeting at 9:01 a.m. by welcoming the members of New England Swimming to the 2003 Annual Meeting.


Chairman Mohl feels that the meet managers meeting today will be particularly important and encourages all members of the New England Swimming community who are involved with running meets to attend this meeting.


Chairman Mohl commented that internet technology has proved to be an unbelievable tool for New England Swimming.  He feels that NES is on the forefront nationally in using this technology to our advantage and there are only a few LSC’s we can look to who are further advanced than we are.  He feels that we are going to continue to successfully integrate this technology into the daily operations of New England Swimming. 


Secretary Kathy Dacey (BGSC):  Minutes from 2002 read with one correction.  The paragraph under “Officials” should read:  He would like to see more officials at the small, local meets.  Motion to accept minutes with correction made by Ray Grant (SD), 2nd by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), motion passed.


Treasurer Fred Catalano (BGSC):  Marjorie Blackwell (BOSS) has retired and is moving to CT.  Fred Catalano (BGSC) reports that membership is down slightly; there are currently about 6,000 members of NES.  Revenues are up because dues were increased.  As of April 30, 2003 the bank accounts were:    Checking: $79,901. Money Market: $109,095.


There are no payables due as of this date.  Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), 2nd by Harriett Kinnett (MAG), motion passed.


Fred Catalano thanked Marjorie Blackwell for her years of faithful service to the New England Swimming community, and NES wishes her the best with her upcoming move to CT.


Calendar Committee Chairwoman Pam Warner (BOSS):  Pam Warner reports that for the 2002-2003 short course season almost all teams who submitted bids were granted meets without problem.  Most of these meets were fully subscribed.  She would like to see more events offered in Vermont.  The committee wants members of NES to know that changes in the calendar are listed promptly on the website, and appreciates the fact that most of the comments she has received about the bidding process were positive.  She thanked all teams who submitted bids. 


Pam Warner wants to remind members of the NES community that bids should be accurate, and should be prepared for each individual meet.  The bid should not be a copy of last year’s bid, but a newly prepared bid reflecting current dates and information.


Short course bids are due on June 16, 2003; the Calendar Committee will meet on June 19, 2003 to award the meets.


Long Course season will also offer short course meets, as there are few long course facilities.  The calendar will be up on the web shortly.  Bids for long course meets are due July 14, 2003.


Age Group Chairman Ray Grant (SD):  Ray Grant feels that the season’s meets ran well and that the standards/qualifying times were appropriate.  He reports that the Zone meets were well attended in the 13-14 and below age groups.  Changes in how New England approaches the Zone meet will be discussed at the Coach’s Meeting.


Senior Chairman Mike Spring (MAG):  Mike Spring feels that the season went well, and is looking for all New England teams to fully support the end-of-season meets.


Coach’s Representative Laura Matuzack (GMA):  Laura Matuzack reports that Junior Coach’s Representative Dan Mascola (HOCKY) is no longer coaching and the junior coach’s rep position is empty.  She is looking forward to the Coach’s Meeting later in the day.


Athlete’s Representative Joanne Gallahue (BOSS) and Caitlin Grant (SD):  Joanne Gallahue was not present and Caitlin Grant is taking the SAT Test.


Safety Chairwoman Priscilla Davis (UN-NE):  Priscilla Davis encourages every club in New England to complete the survey required by National to receive the “toolbox”, which is full of valuable information.  She discussed the required height for blocks eligible for competition.  The safety risk management book is found in the toolbox.


Officials Chairman Bill Geary (MAG):  Bill Geary is pleased with the quality and number of New England officials who are working locally and impressed with the number who see to work nationally.  He stressed that officials need to be constantly recruited to replace those who retire as their swimmers move on to college and beyond.  He is proud of the fact that NES has 25 facilitators and is looking to offer more official’s clinics in the future.  We currently have 50 referees, 50 starters and 250 stroke and turn officials.  These numbers include people who are only involved in the summer.  Bill Geary does not want to see New England meets run by non-New England referees.  Bill Geary thanked the Officials Committee for their dedicated work:  Scott Doty (PSC), Pam Warner (BOSS), Dave LeBlanc (YNS) and Joel Meltz (MAG). 


Camp Chairwoman Amy Parratto (SSA):   Upcoming camps include:

May 31, 2003 at the newly renovated Seekonk High School facility.  This is an entry level to Districts qualifying camp with a parent’s clinic and motivational and inspirational talks given.  There will be two in-the-water practices.  Coaches will be Laura Matuzack (GMA), JP Galli (PVAC), Kathy White (SAC) and Ron Zuwallach (CCSC).  Applications are available on the website and will be accepted until the camp is full.  Once it is full, the website will reflect same.


June 1, 2003 is the Level 3 camp, which is almost full.  This camp requires two Age-Group cuts and is for 10-13 year old swimmers.  It is being held at the University of New Hampshire.  It costs $15 and each swimmer is asked to provide their own lunch.  Coaches are Kevin Tyrell (YNS), Rick Battestini (NWSC) and Jenelle Bryan (MAG).  Sharon Power, from Maine, age-group coach for Olympian and NCAA Champion Ian Crocker will be the featured guest speaker.


Records Chairwoman Rosemarie Meissner (MAG):  Rosemarie Meissner asks that coaches, parents and swimmers be reminded to report to her all times which may qualify as Top 16 Nationally, Top 10 in New England, Age-Group records of any kind or type.  She is particularly looking to receive copies of out-of-district events.  She cannot go searching for out-of-district results; they must be provided to her if swimmers who participated in the event are looking for recognition in New England. 


Kindly keep Rosemarie Meissner aware of fast swims, and make certain that if it is not a New England calendar competition, arrangements are made to have the swims “observed”.  An example of a meet which requires observation would be a high school meet.


National Time Verification (NTV) Handbook is available on the website.  Please use the forms provided, and remember it is not the Records Chairwoman’s responsibility to track down times and results.  Rosemarie Meissner reminds all members of the New England Swimming community to remember that 18 year old swimmers in college have the potential to set New England records.  Coaches and swimmers should remember this as they swim throughout the season.  Meets requiring NTV’s are Senior Nationals, US Open, and World Championships. 


Technology Committee Chairpersons Harold Whitney (SSA) and Rick Osterberg (UN-NE):  (Also known as the website committee.) 


The committee has to deal with database problems, and reminds the NES community that unregistered swimmers constantly present a problem.  They ask that all swimmers comply with the US Swimming registration procedures, and that teams work harder in the fall to make certain that all of their athletes are properly registered.  Mary Riddell from the New England Swimming office is working hard to clear up the discrepancies.  There is a new on-line tool which allows clubs to check their registrations and clear up any discrepancies.  It is imperative that we update and correct these mistakes, as areas such as Top 16 records, etc., suffer when these errors remain.  They also put a burden on the Records Chairwoman, who works tirelessly on these records.  Harold Whitney thanked Mary Riddell in the NES Office, Rosemarie and Walt Meissner who work on Records and Rick Osterberg who maintains the website for their hard work and unselfish dedication to our organization.  Chairman Bruce Mohl extended his gratitude to Harold Whitney for his expertise and hard work on behalf of the New England Swimming technology committee. 


Registration Chairwoman Mary Riddell (New England Swimming Office):  Mary Riddell thanked Carlos Pierre, who has provided this annual meeting with soda and water.  She wants members of the NE Swimming community to remember that there will be a dues increase in September.  She also asks all teams to keep track of the middle initials of their swimmers and remain consistent year to year.  She has been busy making sure that the gender of all of our swimmers is marked appropriately. 


New Business:  Josh Stern (BOSS) wants to let the New England Swimming community know that there will be a US Swimming Distance Camp at Brown University May 30-June 1.  Rick Benner will be running the camp.  It is open to swimmers 13 and over, cuts are available on the web.  This is the first camp like this to be held here in New England since 1995 and he is excited that it is being held in New England.  There are a few spots remaining, but they are filling quickly.  Swimmers are coming from all over the country. 


Old Business:  None.


Elections Chairwoman Priscilla Davis (UN-NE): 

Kathy Dacey (BGSC) cast one vote for the unopposed slate of officers proposed for election. 

Treasurer:                                 Carol Healey (BOSS)

Age Group Chairman:               Ray Grant (SD)

Technical Chairman:                  Dan Warner (NSSC)

Nominating Committee:             Priscilla Davis (UN-NE)

                                                                        Reid Christen (CUDA)

                                                                        Paul Mangili (MAG)

                                                                        Mike Parratto (SSA)

                                                                        Scott Doty (PSC)

Review Board:                          Priscilla Davis (UN-NE)

                                                                        Jon Hurst (YNS)

                                                                        Ray Grant (SD)

                                                                        Rick Battestini (NWSC)

                                    Alternates:                    Harriet Kinnett (MAG)

                                                                        Jeff Johnson (PSC)


Motion to adjourn made by Ray Grant (SD) and 2nd by Priscilla Davis (UN-NE), motion passed.


Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Dacey,
